Frosted Kiss



Murmurs echoed between the stone walls of the church hall as guests were getting seated, curiously peering around. To anyone not invited, it would appear as if any other regular day in the church. 'No flower arrangements', one lady remarked to her accompanying friend, 'And no music' was the response. The only 'decoration' seemed to be the setting sun that shone through the stained glass, projecting beautiful images upon the hall. Some of the guests were wearing weary frowns, others smile, and some were smirking as if they were thinking of an inside joke that no one else was invited to enjoy. From the first row, Larasviel Silevon peered back at the people behind her, squinting slightly as she tapped her fingertips to the back of the bench.

"It'd be disappointing if the bride was late." she huffed, peering to the fading sunlight. The young blonde man beside her peered over to her, scoffing.

"Tsk, don't worry, this is one thing ma wouldn't be late to," he mumbled.

"Tell that to the groom, he seems rather obsessed with that pocket watch."




It was hardly much of an overstatement from the nelfin, as the groom checked his watch yet again, nervously awaiting the brides' arrival, his eyes following the ticking hand. After dropping the clock back into his pocket, his gaze fell beyond to the distant church doors as his own hands shakily fidgeted with the bowtie upon his neck. The bloodcasts' anxious mood engulfing the room, the participants growing gradually infected with it while the wait continued.

The suspense was not present for long enough for the bride's mother to spout another sarcastic remark, however, as the church doors opened not a second later than promised, effectively washing away the murmurs in an instant. A small 'Itoldyouso' was hissed on the first row as Aubrey strode in tightly hooked to Daniel Silevon's arm. Like the church, she wasn't overly dolled up but nevertheless dressed in white. The elf was for once not peering around the room to take in her surroundings, rather she kept her gaze attached to her groom, a rather wide smile stuck to her lips.

The collective sea of gazes followed the bride for what felt like a frozen moment until father and daughter finally arrived before the fidgety man; his demeanor finally settling somewhat as he took in the detail of his bride-to-be's face, the grin that she donned brushing onto him the instant her father left her in front of him.

"Didn't think I'd miss it, did you?" she asked, the grin still very much present on her lips as she studied him intently.

"Miss it? -- Of course not, there's a good meal afterward!" , shaking his head gently with a grin still on his face.

Their near childish grins remained during the ceremony, through the preaching, blessings and even vows, nearly seeming as if they couldn't keep from laughing half of the time, much to the confusion of many of those in attendance to the often poised event. Aubrey barely let the priest finishing his last sentence before launching towards her now husband, kissing him in a less than modest fashion. There were some amused chuckles and scoffs as he in return picked her up in a tight embrace, spinning her around.


By the time the mandatory parts of the ceremony had been completed and the two were legally bound, the group had moved the celebration over to the humbly sized Azure Premise for the after-party, the usually quiet bar now bustling with life, friends, family, and regular customers alike filling the place to the brim like no other night before it; Many quickly at a loss for their sobriety due to the complimentary assortment of beverages at their disposal for the evening.

With the festivities dragging on, however, Lazarus would head on over to his wife with a familiar warm grin drawn upon his features, muttering something into her ear for a brief moment before taking her hand to slip away from the life of the party, unbeknownst to the drunken participants of the event.

The two would venture hand in hand on through the snow brought with the change of seasons, warm breath smoking as they passed through the otherwise freezing park, it's usually vibrant shades of green now coated in a magical blanket of snow.
After an off turn into a secluded part of the park, Lazarus would halt, causing his bride to do the same, curiously turning around to look at him.

"Something the matter?" She asked softly as she moved a bit closer to him, studying his features.

"I was wonderin' if a man'd be able t'have the first dance?"

"Despite the lack of music?" She answered with a small smirk, moving closer to him "Of course you may. Can't say no to my husband, can I?" she added as he pulled her in close and swirled her around. And for a moment they stayed there, slowly dancing for no one else's entertainment than their own, with the only music to speak of being their own steps in the snow and the sound of water from the stream.




- Lazarus Lupenzi and Aubrey Gweir are now married.
- Aubrey will hence be taking the Lupenzi name.
- Anyone in close relation to either may have been invited to the wedding!
- It is now public knowledge to whoever it would concern.
-They were wed by Manfried II (@GoldWolfGaming )​
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