From Regalia To Home




The early morning was obvious to the two as they walked through the dimly lit docks, one with a faster walk compared to the heavy sluggish walk of the other. The taller of the two mutts had been woken up early that morning in surprise with his wife rambling about how the trip would be a good idea. He loved his wife but she could be a pain in the ass when she got hooked on an idea. It didn't help that a slight flicker of paranoia came across the mutts mind as he stood near Senobia's side as they waited to board the vessel heading to Montania. As Ruban's mind began to wander he shifted his gaze to Seno's stomach, an overwhelming fear coming into his mind as he began to once again over think things as per usual. He must have been in his trance long enough for his partner to notice.

"Stop it." Her tired yet honey laced voice - in his mind at least - spoke out. This caused his gaze to snap to the tired yet amused look on his wife's face. He'd let a sour and defiant look curl onto his features as he snapped his look back to the ship with a scoff.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know, you're just being stubborn. At least I am agreeing to leave, hmn?"That would catch the mutt off guard, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to argue with her before begrudgingly accepting it. He wouldn't have been able to say anything even if he wanted to, his arm being grabbed and tugged along to board the ship. As the two got on it would be the beginning of a rather long trip, not that the two really minded in the slightest.

They had stayed in Montania for a solid month before they left to Havenreach, the most popular port in Ithania. Looking back at it, Seno knew it was going to be a humorous trip for the duo.

The sour look on Ruban's face was apparent as he listened to Senobia's amused cackles from across the table, he had been pouting for the duration of the past hour. His reason for his frustration sitting in front of him; a simple book, a child's book at that and he couldn't make use of any of the letters on the page.

"Alright- Let's. Let's...Hoo boy. Let's try this again, yeah?"The shorter of the two finally spoke up, raising a hand to brush away any possible tears that had collected within her eye during her laughing fit.

"No, I refuse. You're just going to laugh at me again."

"Ruban, shut up and just try and read the damn paper, I'll pay you in alcohol."


"Ruby, we are in the middle of a garden and no one else but me is here. Pleaaaaase--"

"Fuckin'- fine!"

Despite that little hiccup in the trip, it was rather relaxing for the two as they spent time going through local areas within Montania near the port cities. Luckily Seno and Ruban had saved up a bit of regals to go on this trip but most of it would be spent within Montania on staying in an inn due to other areas that they will be able to stay in ahead of time.




After reaching Havenreach with a rather unenthusiastic journey on a ship, mostly for Seno due to her getting rather sick on the trip over. Ruban, unfortunately, wasn't helpful during this time seeing as he was rather unsure of how to help her besides bringing her comfort which was nice. Until Seno got sick again.

However, once they reached the port town it didn't take Seno long to find her old group of friends that she had traveled within the caravan. A rather judging look was sent Ruban's way by Seno's uncle before hushed whisper between the two occurred causing Ruban to get increasingly tense. His mind going to the worst possible outcome before the elder Cielothar made his way over to Ruban, the obvious height difference between the two considering the elder was taller than both Seno and Ruban. The mutt wasn't entirely sure how he could feel so intimidated by a normally relatively peaceful race, being stared down by the elder mage as if he was going to be sent away before the silence was broken.

"Hrm...A rather huffy looking one but as long as Seno likes you I am fine with you."The Cielothar would finally state as he then leaned down, the slight gravely tone of his voice evident before he began to speak in a hushed tone.

"However...If you ever cross me I will be sure to toss you out of the moving caravan."With that quiet warning, the Cielothar would straighten back up with a friendly, almost comforting look to him as he then spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him as Seno moved back to Ruban's side to link arms with him as he began to open his mouth to snap at the elder. Seeing Seno back at his side, however, calmed him a little bit, the elder easily cutting off any words he was going to try and say.

"Just call me uncle like Senobia does, you are welcome within the caravan family any time."And with that, the elder walked away and to the edge of the port town where the caravan group had set up for the night. With an uneasy look sent between the two halflings and then a pinch causing a faint yelp to escape the mutt and then a sharp.

"What did I do?!"However, he then realized that Seno had just done that to get a rise out of him due to the soft chuckles escaping the short halfling before he was tugged along to look at the various shops in the port. As the two began to speak as they walked, a peaceful air hanging around the two before Seno had begun to get sick again considering it was the early morning still. A curse escaping the mutt before a faint huff escaping the shorter halfling causing him to rethink his huff before the two had walked off to go look at the baby supplies much against the mutt's wishes.




They had begun to travel through the countryside of Ithania with the caravan when they had left, Ruban being easily welcomed into the caravan family. Despite the obvious hesitance coming from the taller mutt in the duo. While Ruban had been busy just staring out from the back of the caravan, a faint squeal caused him to whirl around before he had been wrapped in a hug from the shorter halfling causing him to melt slightly, metaphorically of course.

"And what do you want, hm?"He'd finally hum out, raising a hand to brush through her hair as he wrapped his free hand around the halfling's waist. By this point in time, Seno was well along in the pregnancy at this point, as Ruban would initially say she was gaining weight which had gotten him hit before when he commented on it the first time. In all honesty, he feared her wrath a second time with how unsure of her reaction was. His thoughts went out the door when he was given an almost suspiciously sweet smile from her before she spoke up.

"Baby names, caro. We need to talk about them eventually."


An unamused look sent his way made him rethink his word choice, which must have made him pale slightly which in turn caused Seno to give a slight smile towards him. She'd then reach out to gently pat him on the cheek before she turned to tug away from the embrace to go back to where she had been sitting peacefully beforehand, looking through a variety of books. As the couple sat in a peaceful silence once Ruban made his way for Senobia's side to sit with her as they quietly spoke about the trip so far a sudden stop made the two nearly topple over. The faint yelling and other voices around made them aware that they had made it to one of the many Ithanian countryside villages causing the shorter halfling to stand up, making her way to the exit of the caravan with the mutt close on her heels mainly out of worry and a tiny bit of curiosity as they both poked their head out of the back to look around.

Where the caravan had stopped was a village just outside of a rather large vineyard area, not that either of them minded the fresh and almost welcoming aroma of the surrounding landscape and forest area. Soon the duo would make their way out, Ruban getting down first before raising a hand to help Senobia down which got him an unamused look and defiant mutter of; "I'm pregnant, not crippled."However, despite her words, she still accepted the help from him as the two snickered among themselves. Once the two were on the ground a faint yell would be heard in the distance, the only warning the two had before a younger female had thrown herself at Seno, the height difference obvious between the two.

"Oh! Seno, you're here! It's been so hard without you--"The younger girl, clearly taking more of the Cielothar half of Senobia's family and the partial resemblance between the two as she held onto the halfling rambling away. Ruban had been ready to jump to Seno's rescue but instantly relaxed seeing how Seno had not been harmed, instead gave the girl a curious look before he spoke up.

"Who the fuck are you?"Ruban would ask sourly before quickly regretting his word choice as Seno sent the mutt a quiet look that just plainly said 'Shush' before she spoke up. "Ruby, this is my younger sister. She was born shortly after I left to join the caravan."The short halfling would explain as the shorter and younger girl would nod excitedly before moving towards Ruban with a rather friendly grin. She'd seem to hesitate as if wanting to do something before speaking up rapidly once again."Can I hug you? Mama told me to not touch strangers and since you're a new face I don't know if it applies to you but since you're married to Seno I don't think you're exactly a stranger but--"

"If I say I'll let you hug me will it get you to be quiet?"The mutt interjected in the young girls rambling which caused her to quickly be quiet and nod excitedly. After the quick meet and greet between the two once the young girl had gotten her hug she'd rush off, yelling something about telling her elder brothers causing Seno to pale slightly. The mutt by her side would send her a concerned look as he rose an arm to link with hers before she suddenly began to lead him away and off on a path opposite of where the young girl had ran.

"Come on...Let's have you meet my mother and father first before my elder brothers…"She'd trail off as they walked, a slight hurry in her partially waddling steps due to the slight weight she had put on in the current duration of the pregnancy. Ruban couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his wife's misfortune but said nothing as the two made their way through the town and towards a cottage home at the edge of it. It was a rather large house but it was clearly lacking some work on the outside as the two slowly stepped towards it. However, before the two could make it to the door a light sounding voice came from the garden that sat in front of the house.

"Oh- Oh! Seno, dear is that you?"Was all that was said before the short women, who was shockingly shorter than Seno had wrapped her arms around the two in a sudden embrace. Well, as best she could with her short stature before she stepped back, giving the two a look over before nodding in approval towards Ruban. The older Cielothar letting a grin curl upon her lips before she reached out to pat Ruban on the shoulder, the slight unsure look apparent on the mutts face."You picked out a nice looking young man, Seno. Come come- Inside your father is waiting and he got wine and drinks for the occasion but of course you should probably have something else that is healthier for you." The women began to fret over the two as she ushered them on inside, Seno seemingly beginning to relax being around her parents. Once inside it was obviously well kept on the inside with flowers decorating most of the place, a younger man sat near the fireplace more focused on repairing some item that was hidden from view but still gave a rather warm welcome to the two halflings as they passed by. The young man having similar halfling features, the only purebred two within the house seeming to be the young looking cielothar and the rugged looking dressolini man who looked rather odd in the bright kitchen compared to his dark clothes.the rugged looking man would have paused in the middle of what he was doing to spread his arms in a rather welcoming gesture.

"Ah! Welcome welcome you two, Seno, my dearest flower come and sit. And you must be Ruban, welcome to our family home."The man would speak with a light dresso accent as he moved around, trying to usher Seno into a seat which she had accepted before moving to give a hearty pat to Rubans shoulder in a rather mirthful way. He'd then motion for Ruban to sit as well as the others had begun to move to sit down for it seemed to be around lunchtime in the family house. However, the rather warm and peaceful atmosphere seemed to get tense as the door opened rather suddenly with a loud pair of voices accompanying it.

"Seno, you little shit where are ya—"The voices would move around the corner as their mother sent them an unamused look, getting ready to reach out for the wooden spoon that was on the counter, the duo who had entered quickly quieted down seeing the little cielothars movements. With the two they clearly seemed to take more on the ailor side of the halflings family, both holding resemblance to the rugged male who was quite obviously Seno's father. The two would give Ruban a look, hard to really tell what type of look it was but it was sure unsettling to the mutt. This was going to be a long trip.




The trip towards Arvost, found itself being the most draining for the two, long storms occurring leading for Senobia to be sick much longer than desired and Ruban's mind corrupted by anxieties of what was to come as they drew closer to land. The duo made way over the ports jetties, only taking a few steps upon true land before an Ailor-Nelfin halfling leaped out from the shifting crowd, throwing a slug for Ruban's cheek, sending him flat on his rear. Senobia, in a panic quickly threw her hands in the air and with a single word uttered under her breath, a beautiful shield of pure light formed around herself and the fallen Mutt. The Magic was met by gawking by the crowd, including the ginger who had been sent stumbling back by the shield, but Ruban simply started to laugh hysterically.
"Ay, Ay! Dove, Ya don' need'a worry 'bout 'im, I should'a seen teh fucker comin'!"

A frown crept over Senobia's lips, completely unsure on what to make of the situation alas, she'd eventually bring her arms down, clearing the duo of the magical barrier.

"Cinta!" The ginger called for Ruban, simply translating the Mutt's name in his natural daendroc tongue. The rest of the crowd proceeded to shuffle from the scene, allowing the trio to their business.

"Yeah, fuck you, Sam." Senobia quickly rushing to the Mutt's aid, aiming to help him to his feet as the ginger continued to speak.

"Ya ma told me you was showin'... So I thought I'd be the first tah say Hola! Followed with an Adiós, cause ye pa's gonna kill ya!" The Ginger simply turned to bolt off down the street with that, a grumble escaping Ruban as he stood.
"Are you okay?" Sincerity smothering Senobia's words, like sweets to the Mutt's ears.
"'M fine…. Le's go meet me family… I guess."
The duo moved on to trail after the Ginger's dust, the Mutt remembering his hometown better than the palm of his hand, navigating the streets with ease only for the two to be met with a worn, wooden building seeming two stories high. Ruban took a moment to gawk at his childhood home, arm raising to link with the halflings, out of desired comfort rather then affection.

"Oh boy.." The Mutt sighed as he started to move forward. Senobia's lips remained curled in a rather small grin, resting her head upon her shoulder until they reached the door, Ruban offering a rhythmic knock, one you'd think you'd hear at some sort of secret gang hideout or illegal operation. The door was swung open, a woman thin woman no bigger than Senobia would tear open the door, a sudden squeal escaping the young looking woman as she threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around the duo's shoulders, only to tug them both in for a sudden and tight embrace.

"He's here! She's here! There's both here! Oh my god, my Ruby, my dearest baby! Oh, you looks so handsome and--" Suddenly the woman's hand would raise as she retracted from the embrace, only to lay a slap upon Ruban's cheek.

"How dare you get married without having your family there!" The woman's tone swiftly shifting as she scolded the Mutt, but the tense moment lasted no more than that as Ruban simply recovered from his slap. Senobia having shifted her gaze to Ruban, a soft gasp escaping her lips at the sudden attack rose a hand as if to try to assist Ruban but suddenly had her cheeks caught between the woman's palms.

"Oh my, you're gorgeous, Ruby she's Beautiful! Oh, are you sure you didn't just pick her up and just ask to pretend she married you? Whatever he's paying I bet I can pay double." Senobia opened her mouth to speak as he features grew sour but Ruban swiftly rose a hand to conceal her lips.

"We'd like to come inside now, Ma." Funnily enough, the woman Ruban was calling Ma looked younger than him! "Oh, of course!" The woman turned off into the house, where Rubans many siblings and family members awaited to interrogate the duo.

The house interior was much like the exterior, damaged and worn, much like everything else within the house including the creaky stairs. As the duo moved through the candlelit house, they'd pass by three kids playing together with blocks of wood and two teenagers wrestling on the carpet floor. Not a single pure breed was in the house, every single member of the family having the trademark pointed ears and Ailor fused with Nelfin features. As the trio reached the smoke-filled dining room, they'd be met with another three seated figures. A male being much like Ruban in appearance just a little on the rougher side and older. A lanky elderly woman and a rather chubby elderly man.

"Ruby, sweetie, come give your Grandmama a big kiss, yes?" The elderly woman's hands raising beckoning for the man to draw close, moving towards the woman to do as asked, planting two kisses upon her cheeks and being returned the same. A whistle escaped the elderly man as he eyed Senobia from head to toe, pipe laying between his lips as he happily puffed his lungs away.

"Quiiiite the catch ye got here, Rub-dung." The man hummed, brows raising as he gave the woman a second look down. "What's ye name, darling?"

Senobia's lips curling struggled but succeeded to fight the frown that was clawing for her features, linking her fingers behind her back. "Senobia." The woman spoke with a slight hint of hesitance.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful bird, I'm proud of you, Rub-Rub!" The man called, relaxing in his chair only to release a soft cackle at his own comments.

"Yes, I know she's beautiful and I know how tah pick 'em, ol' man." The Mutt snorted, lumbering back to his wife to link arms with the woman, raising a hand to her upper her arm, almost as if to subtly reassure her.

"Ma, Pa, Grandpapa and Grandmama, meet Senobia Lefevre." He'd hum, holding himself tall for the moment, all in the room clapping… All but one. The stern-faced man in the back that resemble Ruban failed to join the group, rather he'd simply roll his eyes, rising to his feet only to leave the room. As the man rose, the room went silent and as he left it, the Mutt's mighty stance fell to a slump.

"Don' mind him 'es just a grumpy prick." The Elderly man said with a snort after a long pause.

"Oh my, you're almost ready to pop, aren't ya, Senobia?!" The Elderly woman chimed after. "Quickly get them a room and get her comfy, Lou." The Elderly woman speaking towards Rubans mother. "Splendid plan!" She'd agree, shuffling off to guide the duo to Rubans old room, completely bare bar the desk, small bed, and window.

"Welcome home hun, dinners at the usual time and be a good boy." The woman proceeded to give the Mutt a pinch on the cheek before popping back into the other room, a certain gloom lingering over the Mutt's features, his mood ruined and whatever pride he felt before had been taken from him. "It ain' much, but we'll figure something out." He'd sigh, moving deeper into the room. "We will." The woman chirped, doing her best to keep calm and try and cheer him up.

It had been only a week the two were there before Senobia had ended up having the baby late in the night. It was something that Ruban had not been prepared for no matter how much he thought about it before, being ushered out of the room despite the defiant words that left his mouth. He would have been left to just pace back and forth in front of the room, wincing every time a pained sob or yell had escaped his wife. The pressure beginning to eat away at him as he got the terrifying thought of if Seno passed away during the experience causing him to collapse against the wall. A few of his family members had been lingering around, sticking near Ruban but left him be for the duration of the time.

After a long couple of hours, in the faint time of night, the baby had been born and all was silent within the room beside the baby crying which was eventually hushed by the mother after she had been settled in the bed. The silence was deafening to Ruban when the pained sobbing had stopped however the door opened before he could barge in. A large grin on the other women's face, ushering the mutt in as he quickly made his way to Seno's side where she laid back in the bed, the tired halfling busy cooing away at the bundle in her arms. The male would pause near the bed before moving to settle himself next to Seno when she had noticed him and motioned him closer.

"Look at him Ruby, he's so cute."She'd tiredly mutter out to him as he let the worried look fall away to a more softer and unsure look before he reached out to brush his fingers over the top of the baby's head. He would be caught off guard as Seno reaches out to grasp his arm to try and carefully place the baby into Rubans grasp as he began to mutter out worried thoughts before going silent as he stared down at the babe in his arms, once Seno had placed the baby in his arms and was sure he held the baby securely enough. whilst he'd never admitted it the Mutt's eyes grew wet, cherishing his first touch with his son. "Ruban...Just shut up and hold your son."The exhaustion in her voice obvious as she relaxed back, her eyes beginning to weigh down before shooting back open as she moved to lean against Rubans side. A tired and almost sleepily slurred mutter was all he heard before his wife had fallen into much-needed rest that caused him to chuckle.

"So help me if you say that you want to name him Ruban jr. we are naming him Rubino." Was all that she had muttered before falling asleep, leaving Ruban to hold the baby in his arms. He'd cautiously eye the child, unsure before relaxing as he took in the features of the babe. The baby had similar features of both parents, the only thing that stood out to him was the eyes of the child. Anxiety swiftly shrouded the Mutts thoughts. His heart found its self-pressed against his the corner of his eyes fell dark. Alas, the mutt maintained a visage of cheerfulness, clutching the babe to his chest. Though who would have known that a pair of glowing, gold eyes could chill the man to the bone? He wouldn't complain, doing his best shake away any doubts or thoughts as he simply relaxed next to his sleeping wife for the next few hours.

OOC Note:
  • To put it simply Seno and Ruban left for a year long trip and Senobia had a baby and I decided to make a story on it.




The trip towards Arvost, found itself being the most draining for the two, long storms occurring leading for Senobia to be sick much longer than desired and Ruban's mind corrupted by anxieties of what was to come as they drew closer to land. The duo made way over the ports jetties, only taking a few steps upon true land before an Ailor-Nelfin halfling leaped out from the shifting crowd, throwing a slug for Ruban's cheek, sending him flat on his rear. Senobia, in a panic quickly threw her hands in the air and with a single word uttered under her breath, a beautiful shield of pure light formed around herself and the fallen Mutt. The Magic was met by gawking by the crowd, including the ginger who had been sent stumbling back by the shield, but Ruban simply started to laugh hysterically.
"Ay, Ay! Dove, Ya don' need'a worry 'bout 'im, I should'a seen teh danceer comin'!"

A frown crept over Senobia's lips, completely unsure on what to make of the situation alas, she'd eventually bring her arms down, clearing the duo of the magical barrier.

"Cinta!" The ginger called for Ruban, simply translating the Mutt's name in his natural daendroc tongue. The rest of the crowd proceeded to shuffle from the scene, allowing the trio to their business.

"Yeah, dance you, Sam." Senobia quickly rushing to the Mutt's aid, aiming to help him to his feet as the ginger continued to speak.

"Ya ma told me you was showin'... So I thought I'd be the first tah say Hola! Followed with an Adiós, cause ye pa's gonna kill ya!" The Ginger simply turned to bolt off down the street with that, a grumble escaping Ruban as he stood.
"Are you okay?" Sincerity smothering Senobia's words, like sweets to the Mutt's ears.
"'M fine…. Le's go meet me family… I guess."
The duo moved on to trail after the Ginger's dust, the Mutt remembering his hometown better than the palm of his hand, navigating the streets with ease only for the two to be met with a worn, wooden building seeming two stories high. Ruban took a moment to gawk at his childhood home, arm raising to link with the halflings, out of desired comfort rather then affection.

"Oh boy.." The Mutt sighed as he started to move forward. Senobia's lips remained curled in a rather small grin, resting her head upon her shoulder until they reached the door, Ruban offering a rhythmic knock, one you'd think you'd hear at some sort of secret gang hideout or illegal operation. The door was swung open, a woman thin woman no bigger than Senobia would tear open the door, a sudden squeal escaping the young looking woman as she threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around the duo's shoulders, only to tug them both in for a sudden and tight embrace.

"He's here! She's here! There's both here! Oh my god, my Ruby, my dearest baby! Oh, you looks so handsome and--" Suddenly the woman's hand would raise as she retracted from the embrace, only to lay a slap upon Ruban's cheek.

"How dare you get married without having your family there!" The woman's tone swiftly shifting as she scolded the Mutt, but the tense moment lasted no more than that as Ruban simply recovered from his slap. Senobia having shifted her gaze to Ruban, a soft gasp escaping her lips at the sudden attack rose a hand as if to try to assist Ruban but suddenly had her cheeks caught between the woman's palms.

"Oh my, you're gorgeous, Ruby she's Beautiful! Oh, are you sure you didn't just pick her up and just ask to pretend she married you? Whatever he's paying I bet I can pay double." Senobia opened her mouth to speak as he features grew sour but Ruban swiftly rose a hand to conceal her lips.

"We'd like to come inside now, Ma." Funnily enough, the woman Ruban was calling Ma looked younger than him! "Oh, of course!" The woman turned off into the house, where Rubans many siblings and family members awaited to interrogate the duo.

The house interior was much like the exterior, damaged and worn, much like everything else within the house including the creaky stairs. As the duo moved through the candlelit house, they'd pass by three kids playing together with blocks of wood and two teenagers wrestling on the carpet floor. Not a single pure breed was in the house, every single member of the family having the trademark pointed ears and Ailor fused with Nelfin features. As the trio reached the smoke-filled dining room, they'd be met with another three seated figures. A male being much like Ruban in appearance just a little on the rougher side and older. A lanky elderly woman and a rather chubby elderly man.

"Ruby, sweetie, come give your Grandmama a big kiss, yes?" The elderly woman's hands raising beckoning for the man to draw close, moving towards the woman to do as asked, planting two kisses upon her cheeks and being returned the same. A whistle escaped the elderly man as he eyed Senobia from head to toe, pipe laying between his lips as he happily puffed his lungs away.

"Quiiiite the catch ye got here, Rub-dung." The man hummed, brows raising as he gave the woman a second look down. "What's ye name, darling?"

Senobia's lips curling struggled but succeeded to fight the frown that was clawing for her features, linking her fingers behind her back. "Senobia." The woman spoke with a slight hint of hesitance.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful bird, I'm proud of you, Rub-Rub!" The man called, relaxing in his chair only to release a soft cackle at his own comments.

"Yes, I know she's beautiful and I know how tah pick 'em, ol' man." The Mutt snorted, lumbering back to his wife to link arms with the woman, raising a hand to her upper her arm, almost as if to subtly reassure her.

"Ma, Pa, Grandpapa and Grandmama, meet Senobia Lefevre." He'd hum, holding himself tall for the moment, all in the room clapping… All but one. The stern-faced man in the back that resemble Ruban failed to join the group, rather he'd simply roll his eyes, rising to his feet only to leave the room. As the man rose, the room went silent and as he left it, the Mutt's mighty stance fell to a slump.

"Don' mind him 'es just a grumpy prick." The Elderly man said with a snort after a long pause.

"Oh my, you're almost ready to pop, aren't ya, Senobia?!" The Elderly woman chimed after. "Quickly get them a room and get her comfy, Lou." The Elderly woman speaking towards Rubans mother. "Splendid plan!" She'd agree, shuffling off to guide the duo to Rubans old room, completely bare bar the desk, small bed, and window.

"Welcome home hun, dinners at the usual time and be a good boy." The woman proceeded to give the Mutt a pinch on the cheek before popping back into the other room, a certain gloom lingering over the Mutt's features, his mood ruined and whatever pride he felt before had been taken from him. "It ain' much, but we'll figure something out." He'd sigh, moving deeper into the room. "We will." The woman chirped, doing her best to keep calm and try and cheer him up.
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"I hope Seno's baby is nicer than Seno."