Archived Friend Channel

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professional at living
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I was thinking about having a friend channel, for friends, and such. Let's say, in staid of having to go to direct and message your friends, just use the friend channel. Just an idea. Maybe the color yellow.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this is a good idea. Gives some depth to the plugin, which I think would be nice.
I love the idea! But if you're talking about getting rid of the Direct chat then I'm against it, I'm afraid. x
Yea, I think this is a good idea, All the people on your friend list is in this or you can just have a chat where you invite people to it!
Yeah, I would definitely NOT delete direct if it was my decision.
I like this. If it's not very private and could be shared to multiple people, then this would be a good channel.
Could you give me some more examples as to how it would be useful? I don't think adding it because you think it would be cool is enough reason to have this approved.
Could you give me some more examples as to how it would be useful? I don't think adding it because you think it would be cool is enough reason to have this approved.

Usually I friend a lot of my business partners, so doing so would allow me to report my current stock to many people at once, it would also help to prevent people from what I like to call chat juggling or trying to keep conversations in multiple chats at once, which I usually only encounter when I'm talking to people I've befriended.
Anyway, that's just my two cents. Take it for what it is.
I kinda agree. There should be a "Chat channel" feature. Basically you type /chat create and you basically own your own little chat channel. The channel closes when the owner of it goes offline, afk, or disbands. It'd be almost like a faction, except that you would be in your for realzies faction at the same time. Ish.
Only problem is that it would work worse than ally chat.. Everyone has different friends. And I don't want to see the chat channel spammed with someone from my friends list, talking to someone else considering the fact I don't want to /c leave this channel or /c ignore someone who's on my friend list. A better solution would be what Shayin suggested. The chat channel thing would work like Massive teamspeak's temporary channels.
I like the idea, but surely if i have person A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L in my friend chat, but person B has X,Y,Z,A,P,Q,R,S,T then it wont really work?
Only problem is that it would work worse than ally chat.. Everyone has different friends. And I don't want to see the chat channel spammed with someone from my friends list, talking to someone else considering the fact I don't want to /c leave this channel or /c ignore someone who's on my friend list. A better solution would be what Shayin suggested. The chat channel thing would work like Massive teamspeak's temporary channels.

sorry didnt see this post ^^^
I'd say maybe a "Party" channel might work better.
Like, you could invite multiple people to it, instead of someone having a conversation with someone who's not on your friend list.
A party channel would be good. It wouldnt be called "Party" Now, because P: Is now premium chat, it cant be group, as G: is general. F: for friends wouldnt work, (Faction chat is F: )So it would have to be a letter completely irrelevant to the name of the chat.
I suppot this <3
It could be C. C could be for Chat or Clan or something.
Maybe you could catergorize friends into groups like... RP posse, or faction. Then, the groups could have all members friended, and dif. group channels.
Yes we can use this to replace our prem channel :D
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