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Played Character Frida | Peacebringer

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score


Character Information
Name: Frida
Race: Ailor (Velheimer)
Age: 35
Gender: She/Her
Occult: Nidr Mage (Void Occult)
Eye color: Crimson
Height: 5'10​
Core Concept
Frida's name means 'Peace', an optimistic notion from her parents, who wished the modern era would bring an end to generations of combat, violence, and bloodshed. Perhaps then Frida does not live up to her name - for she is far removed from any notion of peace. Frida revels in bloodlust, not unlike a vampire, though instead fueled by a dark curse she is fueled by her absolute and undying devotion to Blodruna. The only one true love of her life has been the crimson goddess, whom she tries to please with every fiber of her being - and in the process, spread carnage and destruction to any corner of Aloria she can. She sees great beauty in carnage, and is an eager artist who wishes to paint a crimson portrait of the Blade-Queen. Perhaps then one may argue that Frida does live to the standards of her optimistic name: for she believes there is nothing more peaceful, nor anything more beautiful, than the aftermath of a battlefield.​
Frida is a gangly, thin woman - the features of her face are well defined by the bones beneath papery skin, her eyes sit in nearly hollowed out pits, it's not hard to see the tendons in her forearm move when she flexes her fingers and surely one could count every rib she owns, if she let them. She has tattooed her face and body with ritualistic runes, prayers and poems to Blodruna, and other paraphernalia or symbolism to her favored goddess. She quite enjoys makeup, too, and will often deliberately darken the skin around her eyes with charcoal, or wear war paint for prayer after battle - often made out of blood she'd spilled. Despite her ghastly appearance, though, she's typically very affable, at least as affable as a vampire can be, particularly to those of the Fornoss faith, and especially towards others who praise Blodruna just as she does. Frida greatly enjoys colorful garb, though never wears red. She tends to enjoy clothing that is loose-fitting and flows, droops, or drapes: it's this kind of clothing that soaks up blood the best, she finds.​
A sketch of Frida, courtesy of @_Beidak_ on twitter
Proficiencies | Magic Archer
STR | 0
CON | 0
Familiar disrupt (Free:Ailor)​
DEX | 6
Soft Landing
Sharp Reflexes
Escape Artist
Fleet Footed
Ranger Tag
Ranger Wallop​
WIS | 0
INT | 0
FTH | 2
Sacred Bleed
Sacred Burn​
MAG | 6
Magic Cleanse
Magic Curse
Magic Snare
Mindcontrol pack (Magical)
Shapeshift Pack (Magical) (Free:Ailor)
Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
Oceanic Pack (Magical)​
Frida is able to speak and understand every language due to her vampiric lineage. Her native language is skodje.​

Life Story
Frida was once a devout of the Eilia pantheon. She grew up in a small mountain-forest village in Norrland. Her life was that of a peasant, her family were generationally warriors but had fallen on hard times decades before Frida was born. She was born into a family that mined the mountainside and forged weapons - a practice she would never learn, but always admired. When she was old enough, she would hunt in the forests - she had a good eye and sharp senses, and brought her kills back to feed her family. In nature, and in crafts, she saw art, she saw beauty, and she was most fond of Njal, but also favored Leif and Dauw.

Frida, in her early twenties, has two life-changing events happen to her: she (indirectly) encountered a vampire while on a hunt - seen, and admired, from afar - and she was introduced to Blodruna - not unknown, but not talked about in depth. Her introduction was through art, and she was so moved by the piece, a painting, she'd witnessed that it prompted her to seek out more art of the goddess - story, song, poem or painting, it did not matter - and in her musings during a hunt, she stumbles upon a vampire feeding on an elk. She did not confront the vampire, instead, she watched it from afar, initially frightened, but eventually awestruck by the creature's grace and beauty. These two moments defined the start of Frida's conversion away from Eilia Pantheon and towards the Voli Pantheon - Blodruna, particularly.

Frida, after fully converting and devoting herself to Blodruna amd the Vola, decided to leave home in search of the ultimate item of Blodruna's affections: Vampirism. Her conversion was not one popular with her family, and she was essentially cut off - and in her grief, she felt, Blodruna was always there with her. She was infatuated with the goddess at this point, if not a touch delusioned and stricken with grief, and that infatuation drove her onwards. It wasn't difficult to, eventually, come across the Vaardavaktere coven - and once she secured an invite to one of their gatherings in Drixagh, she eagerly attended and accepted vampirism.​
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