Preserved Sheet Frida Haagenvig

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Jun 16, 2016
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Frida Kaur Haagenvig


'Advancement only comes with habitually doing more than you are asked.'


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Frida Kaur Haagenvig nee Urglif, or Aunt Frida to her family members and close friends.
  • Age: 50, August 1st 255 AC.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor of Kalmarra-Balltarc Northerne culture.
  • Main Ambition: Frida wishes to become an expert within the discipline of medicine. She also wishes to one day uphold a high position within a clinic.

Skill Information

Intellect -
  • School: School of Biology, Discipline of Medicine.
  • Level: Scholar
  • Source: Attended school in Drixagh, as well as practiced along side other clinic workers.
Language -
  • Northerne [10]
  • Common [10]


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sky blue.
  • Hair Color: Platinum blonde, but is now grey due to old age.
  • Hair Style: Long and wavy, but usually pinned up in a bun.
  • Skin Color: Northerne pale
  • Clothing: Simple solid color gowns, with her house colors.
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Body Build: Curvaceous yet frail.
  • Weapon of Choice: A simple longsword or dagger.


Personality and Abilities

  • When first approaching Frida one might think she's harsh or to judgmental, which she is. But, others may let her looks fool them. Upon seeing or hearing about Frida, one might think she's a horrid person or that she has no personality, which is mostly wrong. She can be quite likeable whenever she feels like being kind to others. Despite her old age, Frida is very active and involved with some organizations which might improve how others think of her from time to time.
  • On the inside Frida feels like she doesn't have time for irrelevant people who just want to make small talk, unless that's the only thing she could be doing at the moment. She also feels very confident in herself and her choices. She isn't really doubting herself unless she's dealing with a situation that she hasn't dealt with before. One of her main anxieties is when she is performing a surgery on a patient that has a high rate of failures. Most times, she'll actually decline the patient's request due to her fear of the surgery failing.
  • When around family, friends, her husband, and her children she is really relaxed and more happier than she usually is in public. She also has a lighter, motherly tone to those who she deems close to her. Usually, She can be quite judgmental of her family members if they make a bad decisions. But she will still love them unconditionally.
  • Frida's morality is on the neutral side. Although she cares for her public image, there will be times when she will help someone in need, and at other times she won't. Often times, when she sees someone suffering she'll think that they did something to deserve whatever they're suffering with. For instance, if she sees a homeless person she might help them or she might ignore them, thinking that they put themselves there and they can get themselves out of it.
  • Medical knowledge - Since being taught the Discipline of Medicine since she was a child, Frida has a vast knowledge of anything Medical. From cures to surgical practices, Frida knows or has performed that practice/ surgery before. Usually, if she's around other students of the same discipline, she'll usually discuss practices with them. If that's not available, she'll more than likely read up on practices to expand her knowledge and improve her technique.
  • Fiddling with her pendant - Whenever Frida is bored, you will usually spot her playing with the pendant on her neck that she's had since her childhood.
  • Biting her bottom lip - If you spot Frida biting her bottom lip, that either means something or someone is bothering her. If you see this, you might want to stay away from her, because this is another sign that she is on the verge of verbally assaulting someone.
  • Horseback riding [7] - During her time in Kopvagr, she found that Horseback riding was an easy way to get around the village.

  • Cooking [10] - Since she had a fairly big family of her own, she took up cooking as a skill to feed her husband and her five children. Since she's fifty, she's had plenty of time to perfect her skill in cooking.

Family -

  • Torkild Haagenvig - Husband
  • Bjorgulf Haagenvig - Son - @RedneckScot
  • Karsten Haagenvig - Son
  • Merete Haagenvig - Daughter
  • Ulla Haagenvig - Daughter - Deceased
  • Kjelder Grey - Bastard son - @Varisus


Life Story

  • Birth - 15
    • Frida Kaur Haagenvig nee Urglif was born to Anika and Hurgon Urglif in a tribe in Drixagh under the name of Dynfreida.
    • At age 14 she started attending the near biology school in Drixagh, as well as studying and practicing in her home tribe.
    • At 15 she performed her first assisted surgery, which was on a man who was injured in an axe fight. This is when she knew for sure she wanted to pursue the medical career, because of the adrenaline rush that it gave her. She felt like she could do so much more by saving others lives instead of going into a military school like most of her relatives.
  • 16 - 20
    • This period of her life was the most eventful. Age 16, she started spending more time on her studies and working more in local clinics within her tribe.
    • 17 was when her tribe started to notice her talent. That's when they allowed her to establish her own clinic, that became more popular than the one she used to work in, resulting in it shutting down.
    • During her time in running a clinic, she noticed that she wasn't going to have unlimited supplies. That's when she started making connections to nearby tribes, mainly one, Kopvagr, at age 18. Whilst making connections and trading with the tribe she met Torkild. Their friendship through trade connections soon became a blossoming love and that was when they started courting.
    • At age 19, Frida and Torkild married, which caused her to leave Dynfreida and migrate to Kopvagr. One year after marriage, they had their first son and child, Bjorgulf Haagenvig.
  • 21 - 30
    • After her first son's birth, she found out that Torkild had a bastard son from a past relationship. She was hurt and disappointed in Torkild, so she tried to help Torkild raise him, but he didn't accept Frida, thus making Frida despise him.
    • Age 22 was when she shut her clinic down to further her studies and focus on her family.
    • Soon, at age 24, she had her second son and child, Karsten Haagenvig. This age was also the age when she met the rest of the Haagenvig family, and started to support Torkild in helping with the family business.
    • Age 29, she had her first daughter and third child, Merete Haagenvig.
    • Age 30 is when she discovered her love and requirement for cooking and providing for her family.
  • 31 - 40
    • Age 31, she had her second and final child, Ulla Haagenvig, who later died during the raid enacted on the tribe by Skaloekr, an an enemy tribe.
    • Nothing else happened during this period of her life except for her developing the skill of horseback riding.
  • 41 - present
    • Age 49 is when she started thinking about making the decision of moving to Regalia with the rest of her family.
    • Now in Regalia with her nephews and son, she remains happy. But, with the news about the Drixagh massacres, Frida has become concerned and worried about the rest of her family within her homelands.
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Claimed for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within twenty-four hours.
Skill Information
Regarding the School of Biology, private tutors lack the resources that a full Academy would have available as well as not having the full knowledge compared to dedicated instructors in academic institutions. There will be one or two medical academies in major cities in Drixagh that Frida could have schooled in, I will suggest changing your character's backstory to encompass for a proper schooling.

Personality and Abilities
Expand on how her activities for her age would improve others opinions of her. On top of that, the first sentence and third sentence contradicts; ' When first approaching Frida one might think she's harsh or to judgmental' and 'one might think she's just a nice stereotypical old lady.'
For morality, it does seem to me that the character cares about their own public image. Even so, her morality for being neutrality seems too arbitrary, hopefully, my suggestion can be a sort of conduit of a rationale for her morality.


As she has only one listed talent, expand on it with one or two more sentences detailing how she delves into the art. For example, if she's more of a bookworm in reading on new practices or more of a socialite and engaging with other medical peers.

Well done with the life story and the aesthetics of the application!
Tag me when you've made these edits in red!

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Skill Information
Regarding the School of Biology, private tutors lack the resources that a full Academy would have available as well as not having the full knowledge compared to dedicated instructors in academic institutions. There will be one or two medical academies in major cities in Drxiagh that Frida could have schooled in, I will suggest changing your character's backstory to encompass for a proper schooling.

Personality and Abilities
Expand on how her activities for her age would improve others opinions of her. On top of that, the first sentence and third sentence contradicts; ' When first approaching Frida one might think she's harsh or to judgmental' and 'one might think she's just a nice stereotypical old lady.'
For morality, it does seem to me that the character cares about their own public image. Even so, her morality for being neutrality seems too arbitrary, hopefully, my suggestion can be a sort of conduit of a rationale for her morality.


As she has only one listed talent, expand on it with one or two more sentences detailing how she delves into the art. For example, if she's more of a bookworm in reading on new practices or more of a socialite and engaging with other medical peers.

Well done with the life story and the aesthetics of the application!
Tag me when you've made these edits in red!

I'll get these edits done asap.
Skill Information
Regarding the School of Biology, private tutors lack the resources that a full Academy would have available as well as not having the full knowledge compared to dedicated instructors in academic institutions. There will be one or two medical academies in major cities in Drixagh that Frida could have schooled in, I will suggest changing your character's backstory to encompass for a proper schooling.

Personality and Abilities
Expand on how her activities for her age would improve others opinions of her. On top of that, the first sentence and third sentence contradicts; ' When first approaching Frida one might think she's harsh or to judgmental' and 'one might think she's just a nice stereotypical old lady.'
For morality, it does seem to me that the character cares about their own public image. Even so, her morality for being neutrality seems too arbitrary, hopefully, my suggestion can be a sort of conduit of a rationale for her morality.


As she has only one listed talent, expand on it with one or two more sentences detailing how she delves into the art. For example, if she's more of a bookworm in reading on new practices or more of a socialite and engaging with other medical peers.

Well done with the life story and the aesthetics of the application!
Tag me when you've made these edits in red!

Changes have been made!