Preserved Sheet Freyja

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Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Freyja
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor
Skill Information

Total Points: 22

  • Racial Bonuses:
    • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • Combat points:
    • +10 Fast blade skill
  • Knowledge points:
    • +6 Underworld Knowledge
  • Body points:
    • +6 Rogue Training
Body Shape
  • Total Combat Points + (Total Athletic Points x 2) = Physical Stat
    • 10 + (0 x 2) = 10
  • Body Shape
    • Slim
  • Body fat
    • Low Body Fat
  • Common
  • Ithanian (Taught by the orphanage)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color:
    • Brown
  • Hair Color:
    • White
  • Hair Style:
    • Long
  • Skin Color:
    • Pale
  • Clothing:
    • Easy to move in clothing
  • Height:
    • 5'1"
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph | "That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighbourhood."
    • To most those around her, they find her to be quite rude and loud-mouthed because she is. She has no respect for societal conventions and throws up the middle finger at any authority that dare challenge her.
  • Second Paragraph | "Lets cause a little trouble.".
    • She literally does everything out of spite, if you tell her not to do something she'll do it while screaming that you aren't her boss. She developed a bad attitude to protect herself from getting hurt and it has become her, she believes herself to be the best at what she does which is being a klepto master thief.

  • Third Paragraph | "Friends and family only get you hurt."
    • Freyja is heavily guarded even to those she would be close to, in her mind at any time the people she loves the most or trusts the most could turn on her and stab her in the back. She rarely gets close to anyone.
  • Fourth Paragraph | "Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs darling."
    • Freyja is the definition of chaotic neutral emphasis on the chaotic side. She's in it for herself and only herself, she resents authority and restrictions. She usually goes with the option that better works in her favour than anyone else.
  • Kleptomania
    • Freyja has horrible impulse control and compulsively steals things, even things she would normally have no use for just for the thrill of it. She can't help to get her hands on everything she gets her eyes on, slipping her hand in nobles back pocket to get a pretty quill or something just as useless.
Life Story
  • Much of Freyja's backstory is essentially unknown even to herself the most she remembers is what follows.
  • A rocking ship, black skies and lightning over a roaring ocean and blaring storm and waking up on the sand of a beach at around the age of seven-or-eight in tattered rags and with no memory of who she is, or where she is.
  • She wonders for awhile essentially in a daze until she reaches civilization finding herself in Pays-Sud, Alberta.
  • She is sent to an orphanage after being checked up on and finding nothing much wrong besides the fact she can't remember who she is, where she is, or even how old she is. She is given the name Freyja so they don't have to call her, "Little Ailor girl."
  • By the age of Nine, she was finally able to read, write, and speak Common and Ithanian to enhance her chances of being adopted and to talk to those around her.
  • Sadly she was never adopted and became resentful of the world around her, she had suffered so much yet in her eyes nobody seemed to care, had anyone ever loved her in the first place? She couldn't remember. She started stealing things, small at first just for attention, for some recognition but she loved it, loved it a bit too much. It made her feel happy and filled the hole in her heart.
  • Fast forward to age eight-teen she is kicked out of the orphanage as she is too old to be taken care of anymore, she snatched some money before she left.
  • Now at Twenty-Two, she has been in Regalia for quite a few years just being a nuisence to literally everyone.
  • Please specify what sort of Ailor culture Freyja is from and apply the applicable cultural boosts.
  • Her hair being naturally white will likely not be possible, given Ailor do not have white within their natural hair colour unless they are elderly.
  • You have used too many proficiency points. At 22, she will only have access to 22 points. You have used 32. Please either age her up or adjust her points.
  • Please expand on all of her personality paragraphs. Make each paragraph at least three to four substantial sentences long.
  • Expand on her life story. Memorable experiences, instances that showcase her personality, etc.
Make these edits in blue and tag me when you're done.
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