Preserved Sheet Frejnir Of Norrlan

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Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score


Fate whispers to the Warrior,
"You cannot withstand the storm"
And the Warrior whispers back,
"I am the storm".

{Theme | The Impossible Dream}


Full Name | Frejnir Ardigesonn Viduggla av Norrlan
» Known Aliases | Freddie, Frej, Karl​
Age | Twenty-Three years of age
» Date of Birth | January 9, 284 A.C.​
Sex | Male
Race | Velheim Ailor
Prefered Weapon | Steel Longsword
Eye Color | Pale Blue
» Voice Claim | Tom Hardy
» Face Claim | Taron Egerton



Religion | A Velheimer, Frejnir is a worshipper of the Old Gods through and through, even though forcefully converted to Unionism.

General Concept | Frejnir is, in essence, a stereotypical school jock; Egotistical, arrogant, always seeking attention, he strives to impress no matter who his company is, and will go great lengths to earn respect from others. His knightly status and newly awarded title of 'Count' has only boosted his ego. He simply believes he is the 'best' at everything.



◈ Core Points | 50 Points, 10 Hobbies
» +15 Sword Combat (+15 Points)
» +8 Light Bow Combat (+8 Points)
» +5 Fist Combat (+5 Points)​

» +5 Perception Training (+5 Points)​

» +10 Cooking Art (+10 Hobby)
» +5 Hunting Art (+5 Points)​

Body Shape
» Body Stat | 26
» Body Build | Muscular
» Body Fat | Low Body Fat​

Languages - 6 Points
» Skodje | Mother Tongue
» Leutz-Vixe | Learned in Regalia
» d'Ithanie | Learned through First Wife
» Common | Learned in Norrlan​

» Vampirism [ACTIVE] - Dorkarth
Base Kit



Abnormalities | As a veteran soldier and hunter, Frejnir has a number of scars, including the more noticeable three running along his face, given to him by a bear.

General Appearance | Frejnir is a tall, muscular man, with his face a mix between a boyish and chiseled appearance. The Velheimer's attire varies, but he most notably wears capes with almost every outfit he owns, even in his armor despite its tactical disadvantages.



» Frejnir was born to Ardige Viduggla and his wife, Karin, in the province of Norrlan, and the youngest of four children. He was a rambunctious and curious child who always poked his nose where it didn't belong. Always within the shadow of his brothers, he strived to prove himself to his father, doing whatever it took to gain his attention.​

» Aiming to take this a step further, Frejnir opted to join the Bloodcast Order in hopes of becoming one of the most famous and renowned knights in Aloria, hoping it would take him a step further in placing himself in his father's spotlight. In the latter years of his training, Frejnir was sent to Drixagh to help his people fend off against the Regalian invaders, but to no avail, the Viduggla was forced to retreat.​

Adulthood & Regalia
» Finally graduating from the Bloodcast Order, Frejnir– despite the bad blood between him and the Regalians, decided to sail off to the Crown Isle to reconnect with the family he had there, where he would marry and divorce twice, form and break friendships, and swing from multiple guard organizations. After house Rodsvar dissolved, Frejnir opted to remove himself from the noble scene entirely to focus on his knightly duties.​
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Peer Review!​
  • Overall, this app is incredible. Love the detail, love the aesthetic, etc etc.
  • Only one real gripe, and that's the weakness "Short Tempered".
  • This doesn't fit with Skagger at all, as Skagger Warriors are trained to keep their rage intact, before even starting to berserk.
  • "To reduce the number of wandering warriors who are a feather's drop away from a violent rage, all members of the Skagger Order are taught extensively to follow the rules of their organization at the threat of persecution and banishment in legal courts. Save for disgraced deviants, the Skagger Order typically instills new members with significant emotional control to prevent them from flying into an unnecessary use of their powerful fury."
  • Considering how, Frejnir isn't disgraced, I'd suggest removing this weakness.
Great sheet so far. I'll dive into the review now:

Due to the Velheim's lack of social skills, he is sometimes afraid to initiate conversation on his own. This is mainly due to his condition with his family and friends, losing his confidence to socialize as he is afraid he will either embarrass himself or gain an enemy instead. More than anything, The Viduggla's biggest fears are losing his reputation and his loved ones.
I'm not sold on this. Judging by the rest of the app, it seems Frejnir is hardly affected by an inability to socialize, and I just am of the opinion it doesn't fit within his character as you've played him off. I'd recommend removing this and replacing it. Perhaps in his low self-esteem and such, he feels the need to impress? Maybe it causes him to act out? Etc.

Morality: Frejnir lays more so in the line of chaotic neutral. The Northerner can be rebellious, but also caring towards others in need, regardless of race. Frejnir avoids authority when possible for him to do so, as well as restrictions on his own liberty and will challenge old traditions. The Viduggla is quite just, although he will occasionally shy away from it, being manipulative and lying at times to get his way. However, Frejnir is disgusted by the corrupt, but chooses to take no action in standing against them unless called upon to do so.
I would have to disagree with the alignment choice here. Being just and such doesn't entirely fit. He should be an individualist, work for his own whims and wishes, and Chaotic Neutrals even actively avoid the law and justice, in favour of a liberty mindset. I think you should either:
  • Revisit what being Chaotic Neutral means, and rewrite this somewhat.
  • Or perhaps explore a different alignment if you feel he really needs to be just and have these moral ideologies.
  • Hunting - Growing up with a family that holds hunting more dear to them than anything, Frejnir was taught how to be a sneaky and an efficient hunter. Being a decent shot with a bow, the Velheimer can take out his prey with ease. He utilizes any part of his surroundings to sneak his way up to his prey, so that he can take them out without being detected.

  • Survival Skills - Out in the dangerous and unrelenting wilderness, Frejnir truely shows his mettle with his ability to survive on his own. The Viduggla is already an experienced hunter, and able to get food on his own to survive. He can also complete basic tasks, such as starting fires, making shelter, etc. Whenever in a dire situation, the Northerner will do anything in his power to get out of it, whatever the cost may be.
Hunting and Survival skills sort of follow the same trend, and can be combined into one talent. You should also specify his skills at hunting animals do not give him an extra combat skill with a bow, on top of being a Skagger, because shooting an animal and a person are two different actions. Not pointing out that you did this, but rather I feel you should specify it for the sake of not having that bump in the road ever occur.

Alcoholism - Not one to open up to others on his inner anxieties, Frejnir turns to someone he doesn't have to listen to- Alcohol. Regalia is full of it, and it only draws Frejnir closer to the demon. Whenever he has spare coin in the pocket, and within distance of a purchase of alcohol, one will find Frejnir with said drink in hand. His decisions result in making rather rash decisions while doing so, as well as acting up and out of place- Which puts a negative on his appearance at times.
Alcoholism is a cop out weakness, and I'd advise removing it altogether. If you want to replace it, you're welcome to, but you're not required to as you already have two functional weaknesses to counteract three talents, if you choose to add on a third.

Make all changes in purple and tag me when you're done!

  • Added more to life story
  • Changed hair color to Chocolate Brown
  • Changed Short Temper to Easily Agitated
  • Added more relationships
  • +28 Skagger Axe (+10 from Velheim culture, +10 from School of Skagger, +8 from Proficiency points )
  • +15 Tracking (+10 from School of Skagger, +5 from Proficiency points)
  • +10 Battle Command (+10 from School of Skagger)
  • +3 Horse Riding (+3 from Proficiency Points)
  • +3 Unarmed Combat (+3 from Proficiency Points)

So, the problem here is that for any school, the minimum age of starting a person's training is 10 years old. Frejnir is only 19, and that would mean he still has 1 year left before he gets his +10 in all three Skagger Proficiencies. So unless he is aged up to at least 20 years old, his spread should be as follows if you keep the other points where they are:

  • +18 Skagger Axe (+10 from Velheim Culture, +8 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Tracking (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +3 Horse Riding (+3 from Proficiency Points)
  • +3 Unarmed Combat (+3 from Proficiency Points)
Let me know if you decide to age him up a year to allow for the 10 points investment to be complete, or if you simply take out the +10 in all three skills. @Owiver_
Proficiency Points - 19
  • +28 Skagger Axe (+10 from Velheim culture, +10 from School of Skagger, +8 from Proficiency points )
  • +15 Tracking (+10 from School of Skagger, +5 from Proficiency points)
  • +10 Battle Command (+10 from School of Skagger)
  • +3 Horse Riding (+3 from Proficiency Points)
  • +3 Unarmed Combat (+3 from Proficiency Points)
Culture Points - 19
  • +10 Cuisine Cooking (+10 from Proficiency Points)
  • +4 Tailoring (+4 from Proficiency Points)
  • +3 Ship Sailing (+3 from Proficiency Points)
  • +2 Husbandry (+2 from Proficiency Points)

Since he's now 20, these should be adjusted to 20 points.

Because he spent the 10 years at the Skagger school, you need to take off 10 points to use, that means he has 10 left to spend. You've spent 19 in the Proficiency section, which is 9 more than you have left. Please adjust this.

Culture points are fine, but you have 1 point left you can spend there.
  • Edited proficiencies:
    • +13 Tracking (+10 from School of Skagger, +3 from Proficiency points)
    • +7 Unarmed Combat (+7 from Proficiency Points)
  • Added more to life story
  • Removed Easily Agitated from Weaknesses
  • Removed Weapon of Choice and Main Ambition
  • Added Sexuality
  • Minor wording edits
  • Changed Tracking from 13 to 10 points
  • Changed Unarmed fighting from 7 to 10 points
  • Changed height from 6'1" to 6'3"
Such a minor thing doesn't need a re-review. Approved still.
@Mooffins Another update
  • Aged him up to 21
  • Completely re-did the second personality paragraph
  • Changed Unarmed Combat from +10 to +5
  • Added Anglian Longbow +6 to Proficiencies
  • Added another paragraph to life story
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