Freema's Skin Shop


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Hello there and welcome to my skin shop!

I enjoy making skins and as of late felt like throwing it out there that I'm willing to complete some commissions!

There are a few rules that I should establish before getting into the thick of it,

Open <> Closed
Reopening May 10th, 2018

Da Rules
  • I will never ask for payment before working. Normally, what I do before making a skin is get your request than start the base layer. From there I'll show you a none shaded version once or twice making up the basic construction of it. If you approve of it I'll simply continue working until its shaded, show that and make sure you approve. Then finally comes time of payment before I send you the png.
  • I have a right to deny a request without reason. Sometimes I might not have the time, or need to focus on something else such as my work. Please just have some patience, normally if I begin your skin I will likely have it complete within the day or two. Possibly within hours as well.
  • Please do not be afraid to state you don't like something I've made for you. I want you to enjoy what you're receiving and you will not be hurting my feelings if it isn't quite what you had wished for.
  • I'm versatile to creating anything, I may not get it the first time but that's the joy of practice. If you don't see something I've ever made in the gallery - don't be afraid to request it. I like to try skinning new things and I do not mind updating/recolouring skins.
Here is a gallery of skins I've made in the past for example:


Full Skin - 500 Regals <> Recolour - 200 Regals

Please follow this format when posting your request and I shall try to get to you with a response soon,

Request Format

Your MCName: (Freema)
Job(s): (Full Skin, Recolour)
Image Reference(s): (Link to what I'd like to see my character wearing, or what I want created from. Or maybe I like this helmet from one image, but the armor of the other.)
Character Description: (Skin colour, eye colour, hair style, additional features horns, claws, third nipple, etc.)
My Skin(s): (Any previous skins for face/skin colour base. If you already have a skin of a character but want to update their clothing, etc. Makes it easier than recreating an entire base. Leave N/A if you don't have one.)
Additional Note(s): (Questions about the skin, specific details you want me to focus on. General ideas and whatnot. Include things like, "I want 3x1 eyes" or "Can you give me a hood up/hood down version?" etc. The clearer you are the better, but too much detail in what you want will constrain artistic creativity.)
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Your MCName: Empaul
Job(s): Full Skin
Image Reference(s):
Character Description: Basically the art but without the hat. I would like him to be smooth and hairless on the top of his head, so bald.
My Skin(s): N/A
Additional Note(s): I would like 3x1 eyes with the face paint as good looking as you can get it. The designs on the arms don't have to be the same as the picture, either. Anything that looks good, really. Clothing and jewelry I would like to keep as similar as possible.
Your MCName: GobCorn.

Job(s): Full Skinno.

Image Reference(s):

Character Description:
Outfit for Ozzidyl - [ Zu-Allar ]

My Skin(s): Ozzidyl's skin - [ You made it ]

Additional Note(s):
• Hood up/Hood down version ~
• With mask/Without mask version ~
• Allowing creative freedom ~
@GobCorn I shall begin your skin shortly towards the end of the day, Empaul's request is near completion. Double bonus Witcher-related commission.
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MC Name: lil_numidium.
Job: Full skin.
But without that odd hat thing. I would appreciate it if you could make the top look a tad more like a gambeson, rather than nightwear, too if possible. Cheers!
Character description: The skin should be of a Daendroque Ailor/Shendar mutt, meaning a tanned white skin tone with a subtle grey hue, with short brown hair - likely unkempt.
Edit: Should probably mention they're male. Oops.
My skins: N/A.
Additional notes: Some light wear and tear on the clothing wouldn't hurt.
Willing to pay ~700r.
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Haha, @Lil_Numidium I shall try my best. I'll be able to get back to you with a base layer version either tonight or tomorrow.
Any commissions in standing request or for the future are postponed till Sunday the 8th! Busy week ahead of college work.
  • Your MC Name:
    • Carmu.
  • Job(s):
    • Full Skin, please!
  • Image Reference(s):
    • Ciri from Witcher 3 is a good example of the sort of clothing style I had in mind! Not to say exact, but that sort of utility look.
  • Character Description:
    • A female altalar with fairly fair to pale skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. Importantly, no pointed ears (surgically corrected to rounded ears).
    • Sideswept bangs for the fringe of the hair if possible - think that generic hairstyle a lot of skins seem to have. In terms of length, whatever looks best to you between collar length and mid-back length.
    • Old/worn utilitarian clothing; think stuff like buckles and shoulder pads. Probably showing no skin on the torso or legs, maybe apart from the collar and neck. Long sleeves with gloves. I'd like a fairly ratty, impoverished look to it. Maybe almost rogue-like? Feel free to go wild.
  • My Skin(s):
    • N/A.
  • Additional Note(s):
    • I'm a fan of 2x2 eyes on female skins!
    • Not too fussed on anything in particular, as long as the ears aren't pointy.
Thank you very much in advance!
Your MCName: Aespair
Job(s): Full skin
Image Reference(s):
Character Description: Full armor skin. No plate. Chainmail arms, red/white surcoat with a stallion sigil (symmetrical with white on the left and red on the right, the sigil being black. Shape of the surcoat is in the reference picture), black gloves, steel helmet as seen in the reference, steel boots as seen in the reference.
My Skin(s): N/A
Additional Note(s): The chainmail should be clearly seen as chainmail and not plate as a result of House Guard laws. That is also why I don't want plate anywhere else on the skin.
@Aespair and @Carmu working on your commissions now, closing the shop until they're complete. Will reopen the shop after May 10th!
Your MCName: Daraven
Job(s): Full Skin
Image Reference(s):
Character Description: (Skin colour Elven Lite skin, eye Blue/Teal, Hair Style mid length top with well kept beard, additional features Slightly longer ears not full elf but in that style)
My Skin(s): N/A
Additional Note(s): Im looking for a skin that will really fit well into the rp scene. I want somthing that looks layered and full the picture i attached is a rough idea of the armor i would like something lite but durable with that as far as the detail i want ti to look softer in places more realistic less blocky. im looking for layered fetatures on both the head and the body. Could i see one version with this style hair layout but Brown hair I hope i kinda gave you a vision of what im thinking its hard to pin downone thing! hope to hear back from you im very excited to have a personal skin!

Your MCName: Daraven
Job(s): Full Skin
Image Reference(s):
Character Description: (Skin colour Elven Lite skin, eye Blue/Teal, Hair Style mid length top with well kept beard, additional features Slightly longer ears not full elf but in that style)
My Skin(s): N/A
Additional Note(s): Im looking for a skin that will really fit well into the rp scene. I want somthing that looks layered and full the picture i attached is a rough idea of the armor i would like something lite but durable with that as far as the detail i want ti to look softer in places more realistic less blocky. im looking for layered fetatures on both the head and the body. Could i see one version with this style hair layout but Brown hair I hope i kinda gave you a vision of what im thinking its hard to pin downone thing! hope to hear back from you im very excited to have a personal skin!

This is closed btw.

This is closed btw.[/QUOTE]
my bad she said she opend on the tenth its the 20th i must have miss read