Free Practice Art!


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia
That's right,
Free Art!

This is because I've just bought a drawing tablet and I want to get better at art, and I can think of no better way than to get practice in by providing some art here and there?

Some things to keep in mind:

- I'm very new to art, so humanoids only please (no animal related peeps)!
- I'm only drawing heads like the one below.
- There is no time limit on the art, once you post and I accept it, I'm under no pressure to do it but I will do it soon!
- It probably won't be great but I'll do muh best!
- I reserve the right to say no to requests, obviously (of which I doubt there will be many >.>)
- It'll be a bit crap, but it'll be yours!

If you want me to draw your character, just post the info belooow:

Username: (Your Minecraft one)
Character Name: (Name of the character)
Character References: (art references to help me outtt, skins can be used too)
Expression: What kind of face do you want them to have? Below, he looks a bit angry so I wanna make it clear you can choose and I can try B)
Tag: @Anseran

Example Art: (Intended to be my character but also not, the style will vary as I learn more by taking on more requests!)

Username: BeetrootSalad
Character Name: Erwin Braunschweiger
Character References:
Expression: Up for artistic creativity, but generally cheerful.
Tag: @Anseran

I absolutely adore your art! Keep at it, I'd love to see more. Which software do you use?
Username: Bearacuda



This is not a joke and is a genuine request, I'd like to try and challenge you a bit and just want to see Kojima drawn
Tag: @Anseran