Preserved Sheet Francis Liolen

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One fedora, zero regrets.
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
Québec, Québec, Canada
Roleplay Guilds
Goobers' Guild
Basic Information

Some dope Francis art by @Aspen__ aka @sparrowstew
Full Name: Francis Liolen

  • Age: 40 years (Born May 5th, 265 AC)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor; Ithanian Champagnard
  • Main Ambition: Making a name for himself and making long-lasting relationships
Basic Information (Expansion)
-Francis spends most of his time in Regalia, working as an Alma mage as well as doing other things for the Regalian government, while also acting as Head of Goobers' Guild and occasionally doing work for nobles, and enjoys meeting the various people there. Currently resides near the Regalian park, at lebedevroad8, with Peony Spruce and Eric Liolen/Touth/Kalzai.

-Francis was born in an isolated Ithanian village, but spent most of his life (around 20 years) in Farah'deen; he spent this time with a nomadic tribe, mostly learning Alma magic and also learning the Abwahid archery style on the side. He has one older brother, Charles Liolen, who left the village when Francis was still young. Other than him and his parents: Adelard Liolen and Susan Chrisner, Francis is not aware of any other family he has.

-Other than making long-lasting relationships with people and gaining popularity/status, Francis also hopes to become more self-sufficient, and to make more money.

Skill Information
  • School: Francis knows Alma magic and Ellon magic
  • Level: Francis is currently a fully capable Alma mage and a student of Ellon magic
  • Source: Francis spent 20 years learning Alma magic from a mentor in a nomadic Qadir tribe and has been learning Ellon magic out of a tome and sometimes from a mentor for 7 total years (and is continuing to learn)

Visual Information

Eye Color: Dark blue
  • Hair Color: Light brown
  • Hair Style: Long braids and thick beard (sideburns and goatee)
  • Skin Color: Light
  • Clothing: Clean white shirt and grey pants, mostly covered by a large brown cloak
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 165 lbs
  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Weapon of Choice: Qadir rivet bow or Ellon magic (Horse Ellon projection or form)
Fighting Style (Expansion)
Combat Styles

  • Francis' fighting style: Agility – Francis will use any weapon presented to him, and if none are presented he will punch his way out, but most of his fighting is done through his agility. He is well trained with most combat styles but being self-taught makes his skills not as effective against anyone with real training, so when he has no chance with head on combat, he uses maneuverability and sometimes stealth to give him an edge. More specifically, Francis is trained in the 'Abwahid' style of archery.

Weapons of choice

  • Archery: Despite sometimes being called a coward for not fighting head-on, he always prefers archery to melee fighting since it is one of the fighting styles requiring more finesse, which is his main advantage. Francis uses a Qadir rivet bow he made himself with the help of a Qadir tribe he spent multiple years living with. He is quite skilled in the Abwahid style, as he was taught by masters of it.

  • Ellon Magic: Preferring to avoid injuring people, Francis tends to use his Ellon magic to prevent or stop fights rather than use it to win them. Due to his Ellon being a rather large Shire horse, its very presence is intimidating, so Francis mostly gets it to threaten or separate people who are fighting by stepping in between them. While he would rather avoid having his Ellon fight at all, due to his lack of complete control over it, it may get violent if he is provoked enough or gets very protective of someone.

Visual Information (Expansion)
Head Description

Head: -Francis has a fairly small head, despite it being longer than most. The center of his face has quite a few freckles, especially on the bridge of his nose and on his cheeks, with some on his forehead. He usually only has a few hairs on his chin but recently has been letting them grow; leaving him with a fairly thick, unkempt beard which makes him seem older than he is.

Eyes: -His eyes are dark blue, about the color of concentrated lapis lazuli when in a dark room. His eyes are usually only a little bit open, but he has no trouble observing his surroundings.

Hair: -Francis' hair is fairly long, but is always done in the same manner, going from front to back in braids with some covering part of his face. His hair is light brown and is always straight, with no clumps or imperfections.

Face: -Francis' face has always been as clean as possible, devoid of any dirt or signs of age, with no imperfections or man-made changes, such as tattoos, although he sometimes dreamt of having one. Recently though, he has gained a few wrinkles on his forehead due to stressful events and frequent furrowing of his brow, and a fire at the Open Ocean Guild hall caused him to have moderate burns on his face, leaving visible scarring under his left eye and on his right cheek.

Body Description

Body: -At around 5'7 and 165 lbs, Francis is fairly small for his age in both height and weight. His height is equally divided between his legs and chest, but he has a rather short neck and arms. Most of his skin is unusually rigid due to the large amount of physical labor he is constantly exposed to, and his muscle mass is of good quality for the same reason. From an accident at a younger age, Francis has a slight deformation in his left knee which sometimes makes him limp, but is not very visible.

Skin: -Francis has a fairly light skin tone, only slightly darker than a typical vampiric human. He has quite a few freckles on his face, but nowhere else. He has a diagonal scar on his right shoulder due to a woodcutting accident, but it in no way impairs the use of that arm, despite him nearly losing it in the accident. Barely any hair can be seen on Francis' body, other than on his head.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothes: -Francis tends to wear rather nice clothes, since he enjoys looking well-dressed, but always covers it with his handmade signature cloak of multiple shades of brown he rarely removes, whose hood covers the top half of his face when pulled over his head, only slightly restricting his vision. He usually wears a long-sleeved white shirt with dark grey pants.

Mage Collar: -Due to him being a government-employed Alma Mage, Francis has a mage's collar, which he tends to hide, due to society's generally negative view of mages.

Pendant Ocarina: -During his time in Farah'deen, Francis carved himself a small, oval-shaped, pendant ocarina, engraved with various designs of different shades, which he wears around his neck with a thin, fine rope. He spends a lot of his free time practicing with it, and used it a lot during his time in Farah'deen to entertain, help people sleep, or to send messages from long distances.

Golden ring: -Francis' most important accessory is a gold ring with the words "Never forget" inscribed on it in elvish. Despite not being able to read elvish, Francis knows these words better than the back of his hand, since those are the words his mother told him when she gave him that ring, before he left to his home, meaning for him to never forget who he was, and to never forget his family. This ring is Francis' most valuable possession, and he hasn't taken it off since he received it, always thinking of it when he felt homesick or needed help remembering something.

Cane w/ concealed Calemberger Sword: -Due to his limp, Francis now carries around a wooden cane with iron fittings, which is engraved with various symbols depicting animals he carved while bored. The carvings are of good quality. The cane's handle is attached to the stock by a strong latch, which, when undone, allows a blade to slide out of the stock, revealing a Calemberger Sword (with the cane handle as its handle). Francis obtained this blade during his travels across Aloria and occasionally uses it to hunt. He also carries a small whittling knife with him and sometimes uses it to add more carvings to the stock of the cane, or to do various carpentry-related tasks.

Satchel: -Francis always carries a medium-sized leather satchel which hangs at his side from a strap over his shoulder. The satchel usually contains his deconstructed rivet bow (as well as a few arrows), several bottled beverages, a tome on Ellon Magic, a Muttala, and several Qatils, as well as his carving knife, which he also uses to skin animals he hunts.

Qadir rivet bow: -Francis owns a Qadir rivet bow he carved himself, engraved with various designs. He always carries all of its parts in his satchel, so that he may be ready to put it together whenever needed. Francis also carries a dozen or so arrows with him at all times, all within a small quiver inside the satchel.


-Francis has a somewhat deep and gravelly voice, which makes him sound a bit older than he really is. He also tends to stutter when meeting new people, but does not do so when in the presence of people he knows. Due to his many changes in environment, Francis speaks the common tongue with ease, Ithanian moderately well, and Faraddi and Qadiriq well, but with an accent.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

Social: Francis likes to talk to people whenever he can, enjoying any kind of communication but preferring face-to-face interaction. He is naturally charismatic and can befriend nearly anyone he comes across. Francis loves meeting new people no matter who they are and getting to know them, even if he doubts he will see them ever again. Although he realizes it tends to be a waste of time, social interaction is one of his hobbies.

-Honest: Francis never tells a lie or makes up stories, he sticks to facts and is rarely secretive, always wanting people to know they can trust him. He says what he thinks or knows, and lives with the consequences. Although that may not always be smart, he does it nevertheless. If Francis wants to be remembered for something, it's for his honesty.

-Paranoid: Some of Francis' past experiences have given him more than enough reason to be paranoid; fearing both certain people and certain things. Due to this, he always carries all his gear with him or makes sure he has a quick way out to be ready for any situation. Being outright and honest may appeal to some people, but Francis has made as many enemies as friends, leaving him with many things to fear. He may be good at persuading people, but the people he is scared of tend to be a lot more "physically inclined" than scholarly.

-Perceptive: Francis always observes his surroundings carefully to make sure he knows everything around him and always tried to make connection between both information and areas. He often does this absentmindedly, but is always curious as to what could be near him that he hasn't seen yet, enjoying the thought of having mental maps of certain areas. Francis can always tell if he's seen something before, such as architecture styles or even simple items like clothing.

Outgoing: Francis will do or say anything. He thrives to try new things and will attempt any task given to him just for the experience and will live with the consequences. Although he is good at getting out of tough situations, Francis seems to get into too many of them, always finding some way of getting into trouble. He usually sees his outgoingness as a good thing, but sometimes it is just plain foolish.

-Diplomatic: From being around so many mercantile and political situations in his life, Francis has developed his already existing skills in negotiation and bargaining, always preferring words to violence. He is naturally good at talking to people and can lead any conversation to any topic with ease. Francis also tends to be good at persuading people, finding ways of convincing them by analyzing their potential interests, be it money, food, or anything else. This tends to be useful in social interaction, but sometimes people are simply not affected by his charisma and manage to counter his words through simply being stubborn.

-Cocky: Francis tends to think too much of himself, thinking of a minor victory as a total success, and always finding excuses for a loss. When he is even the slightest bit better than someone else at something, he wants everyone to know, and whenever he is warned of something, his first instinct is to ignore the warning, wanting to show that he isn't scared of anything, even if he is. Seeing as he got all the attention he wanted as a child, this does not originate from craving the attention he lacked earlier on in life, but simply from common arrogance; believing he is better than others for whatever reason he can think of. However, this cockiness often comes off as more careless/ballsy and smug than arrogant or narcissistic, as if he simply enjoys acting cocky because it annoys others and shows defiance.

Autonomous: Having been a hard worker all his life, often working alone, and also thanks to his Abwahid training, Francis is naturally quite self-sufficient. While he may enjoy being with groups of people, he would still rather do things himself as the rest of the group watched. Francis partially does this out of fear of being seen as useless; afraid everyone else will contribute and he will not have a chance to help (which would contradict his cocky nature). This has lead Francis to develop his survival skills and to spend a lot of time meditating and/or studying Ellon magic, but sometimes offends people who think he does this out of not wanting to work with them, and tends to make him look stubborn and/or arrogant.

Cheerful: Having been through many bad experiences during his lifetime, Francis has learned to just "live with" things, and look on the bright side, even if there isn't one. This partially stemmed from the jovial nature of his hometown and the very tight-knit Qadir community he lived in, which was always very friendly and almost had a "party-like" feel to it. Due to this, Francis spends most of his time smirking (sometimes with cockiness, and sometimes with joy), and tends to act friendly towards everyone he meets; complementing his social nature.

Protective: Due to a combination of Francis' love of people, his abandonment issues, and his general dislike of violence, he tends to be very protective of people he knows, and even people he doesn't know if they seem nice enough. While Francis will still do his best to avoid resorting to violence to defend people, no matter what kind of trouble they are having, his will defend them in any other way he can (and will sometimes resort to using magic). Even if Francis doesn't have the best relationship with someone, he will still defend them if he fears they are being treated unfairly. This protective attitude often comes off as surprisingly 'affectionate', and Francis has a particular soft spot for women, not quite due to attraction, but mostly due to his Ithanian culture, where women are treated better than in most other cultures.

-Secretive: While Francis is quite a social person and enjoys getting to know people closely, he prefers to keep his private life to himself; not even sharing with his closest friends and acquaintances, except a very rare few. Under his cloak is a Francis that enjoys youthful luxurious lifestyles, elegance, and gentlemanly behavior, but when in public, Francis acts like a foolhardy, ecstatic, strange old man. Of course, he wears his cloak to hide most of his face and his fancy clothes, as well as his mage's collar, in a conscious effort to trick people into thinking he really is just a stupid old man, in hopes that they think of him as that and don't bother to look further into things, or sometimes in hopes of intimidating people with the element of mystery. Of course, when conducting more serious business or when in the presence of people he respects, he takes off his cloak, reverting to his "true", more formal personality.


-Quick thinker: Francis can think quickly in any situation, be it to make a quick response in a conversation or to try and get out of a tight spot, he can always rely on his instincts. Early on in life, he was careless and rarely thought before acting, be over time, as he matured, he started thinking not only more logically, but also somewhat faster. Francis sometimes even tests his instincts by putting himself in tight spots on purpose, sometimes succeeding in improving them, and sometimes ending up with a few scars and many regrets.

Mental Fortitude: Other than his rather specific dislikes, nothing really "gets to" Francis. Due to his rigorous training in various different skills, he has become rather self-disciplined, and is thus generally more calm and understanding in regards to what really should bother him. Also, his various travels have led him to be very cultured and have a broad worldview, which causes him to take things less seriously and consider things from more than one perspective. This generally makes it much harder to provoke him, and makes it easier for him to keep his cool in tough situations.

-Trustworthy/Reliable: Francis can be trusted with anything; he will never betray anyone and will put all his effort into any task he is confided with. When he is told a secret, he will need to be pushed within an inch of his life to even consider revealing it to someone to whom it shouldn't be revealed. If someone truly respects Francis, he will respect them back, and will do anything to help them.

-Knowledgeable: Due to his curiosity, Francis tends to know a lot of somewhat useless information about many things, ranging from races to architecture to art; he often seems to know more than he should. The fact that he is also fairly perceptive makes him often seem to know a suspicious amount of information about insignificant subjects, such as having a detailed memory of a location with no real importance. When someone asks a question he knows the answer to, there is no stopping Francis in answering; he loves sharing his knowledge, sometimes for the attention, and sometimes just for the satisfaction of helping someone.


-Combat: Sure Francis can pack a punch and is very agile, but his dislike of violence makes combat one of his less dependable skills. He can take down many of the world's monsters with ease, but when it comes to fighting the more common races of Aloria, he tends to not do as well. Francis is quite proud of his skill in archery, but very rarely does he use it in combat against another humanoid, fearing he will injure them too severely. He often tries to use his Ellon magic to prevent or stop violence, but tends to refrain from using it offensively.

-Problems with the law: Francis gets in trouble with authority nearly everywhere he goes. He simply has no respect for 99% of authority figures in the world, not disliking them personally, but resenting the whole concept of someone having power over someone else. Although he knows authority is a key concept in keeping society in order, he simply decides to live as if it does not apply to him. Due to his natural greed, however, Francis does show respect for the authority his employers have over him, as long as the income is decent and the employers are too.

-Frail: Despite being strong, Francis is not very resilient. A single hard punch to the stomach could knock him flat on the ground, and one to the head could cause him heavy trauma or even kill him. His skin and muscles may be comparable to those of an orc in mass, but his bones are very fragile. Most natural injuries, such as a fall from an average height, would not affect him more than anyone else, but any good amount of blunt force would be amplified on him.

-Crippled(partially): Due to a combination of several different injuries during his life and a particular incident in Regalia with someone who didn't take to kindly to him (fairly recently), Francis now limps nearly all the time. He is bothered by this disability, which often makes him slower than others, but still manages to live with it, knowing it does not make a very noticeable difference in most important things he does. The main reason he despises limping is because it makes him appear weak, which he quite blatantly is; allowing people to know his primary weakness just from seeing him walk.

-Greed: Although Francis is an honest and reliable person, his mind can be swayed by a few regals. Francis does make an honest living working for the government as an Alma mage and often doing other lucrative work, but he can never have enough money, and is always seeking for ways to make more. Although sometimes he is ashamed of being so dependent on money, he can always relieve himself by looking at how much of it he has, which tends to be a fairly good amount.

Curious: Whenever Francis sees or hears of something that interests him, he seeks to know more. When he gets into something, he gathers all the information he can about it just to quench his curiosity. This naturally makes him knowledgeable, and despite rarely finding useful information while trying to quench his curiosity, it does occasionally happen for his life to be made easier through a random fact he learned for no specific reason. After so much useless information, Francis tends to forget where he learned most of it, sometimes losing credibility as he seems to pull facts out of thin air. Sometimes Francis' curiosity gets the best of him and he ends up knowing things he shouldn't, and although that is sometimes a good thing, it tends to get him in a lot of trouble.

-Abandonment Issues: Due to a combination of certain events that happened in his life and his generally social nature, Francis does not like it when people leave him. Although he is fine with being alone, as he often was at a young age and was later trained to do (in his Abwahid training), knowing that people are leaving him, and the thought that they may not return, really "gets to" Francis. Having already left so much of his old life behind, and regretting a lot of it dearly, Francis does not wish to sever any ties he has, since he believes that a lot of good can come out of just about any relationship, and doesn't want to miss out on any of it. This is especially triggered when Francis meets (or even just sees) someone who reminds him of a former acquaintance, such as his former neighbors in the village where he was raised. When this happens, Francis will act overly-friendly towards people, even if he doesn't know them, and will get very nervous when them leaving is brought up.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • During his isolation period, Francis mostly survived on milk, and has thus started the habit of carrying lots of it around with him, and drinking it constantly. He also tends to sit in odd ways/places, to due to his leg injury, and sometimes ignores people when they talk to him, not realizing he is being addressed.


  • Francis has basic skills in many crafts due to his being raised in an isolated village where he had to do various tasks. He has some skill in things such as tailoring, woodcutting, gathering, alchemy, and general agriculture. While he simply has a basic understanding of those, he is particularly skilled in hunting, working with pelts/furs, and carpentry.


  • Francis is particularly talented in carpentry in general. He was taught the basics by some of his neighbors in his home village, but quickly surpassed them, finding he was a natural. Since he discovered this talent, he has created many things for himself and others, such as his cane, his rivet bow, and his canoe-like raft, as well as certain pieces of furniture and doors in his many previous homes.


-Difficult tasks: Francis thrives on the excitement and feeling of importance in doing large tasks most people would struggle with or not even attempt at all due to either stress or difficulty.

-Social interaction: Francis is one of the friendliest people you could meet, he would speak to anyone at any time about anything, and it would please him. Friendly talks, small talk, and negotiations are all the same to him.

-Stressful situations: Being stressed makes most people nervous and paranoid, but Francis enjoys stress, he feels it builds character and makes future stress a lot less significant, which it does.

-Adventure: The excitement that made him leave his home in Ithania is the one he loves the most: the thrill of adventure. Francis needs adventure to live, not literally of course, but without it Francis would be somewhat depressed; he could never be asked to work in an office or other enclosed area despite not being claustrophobic, since seeing new things and being outdoors is what makes his life worth living.

-Magic: Francis has always been fascinated by magic and has always wanted to learn it, finding unexplainable powers to be beyond mesmerizing.

-Denying authority: Francis can never be told not to do something; he thinks authority is an abstract idea and does not respect it whatsoever. He will only do things if he wants to or if he feels it would be justified for him to do it (or if the pay is big enough).

-Nature: Francis, having been raised in a small isolated village and having spent most of his life hunting, gathering, and doing other various forms of manual outside labor, has always appreciated both flora and fauna. He loves to simply observe nature and has always loved animals- part of his motivation for learning Ellon magic. Despite this, Francis still hunts, but he does make sure the animals do not suffer, and hunts out of necessity rather than sport.


-Magic haters: Francis is nearly addicted to magic and is proud of his magic abilities, and is thus deeply perturbed when he is near anything that is anti-magic (except the spell school of course).

-Downers: Despite not being very optimistic, Francis is far from pessimistic and is generally quite 'happy-go-lucky', and therefore dislikes people who look on the bad side of everything. There is always a reason to be happy, and even if someone can't find one, they could at least be decent enough not to act like it in public.

-Limitations: Francis' excitement for adventure makes him hate limitations, whenever he is told to not go somewhere or not do something, his first instinct is to do the opposite. No one can tell Francis what to do, unless he deeply respects them or his life is at risk.

-Power abusers: Of course no one likes a tyrant, but Francis specifically despises them. He has his fair share of power, but he never forces it onto others or shows it off, believing all people are equal and finding abuse of power and slavery completely immoral and plainly wrong.

-Senseless violence: When it comes to violence, Francis will never be the start; he will defend himself as well as he can, especially against monsters, but starting a fight without very good reason would be against his values and morals.

-Peony Spruce - Lover - (@BlockyThePixel )
Francis and Peony met one day when Francis was playing music in the Regalian park, simply relaxing. Peony walked up to him, complimenting his music and staying for a while to listen. Later, they met up a few times and got along quite well, with Peony eventually confessing feelings for him, and Francis reciprocating those feelings; albeit with slight hesitation. The two are now engaged, but do not yet have plans for marriage.

-Eric Touth - Adopted son - (@Ghirko )
Francis and Eric met through Freya Heinrich, whom they have both worked for. Although it took a while for them to meet even while being under the same employer, they enjoyed each others' company and soon formed a close bond, finding they could trust each other. When Eric ended up being disowned, Francis and Peony, who were now in a relationship and living together, took him in and now take care of him as their son.

Life story
  • For a while, Francis had no desires in life, and simply went along with whatever happened around him, not caring about even the most significant of events going on in the world, simply doing many different kinds of labor to help out the small village he lived in. At age 12, Francis got lost in the woods near his home village and wandered, lost and lonely, until he came across an elderly Qadir man in an isolated hut, far from the village, who claimed to do magic; at this very moment, his world changed. He had heard of some magic, but simply regarded it is a myth or superstition, and now meeting someone who actually did it made him see the world differently. The man offered to make a demonstration of Ellon magic before taking the boy home, and after seeing it, Francis knew he had to know everything there was to know about it. At that very point, he realized how many interesting things there were in the world, having never left his home town, and knew he was destined for a life elsewhere.

  • From that point on, he trained himself with the help of many of his fellow villagers in various skills for whatever problems he could imagine facing in the world outside the town he had come to know so well, as well as learning student level Ellon magic from the old man. When he was 15, he found his opportunity. Since Francis was the most able-bodied person in the village (the others mostly being middle-aged or children), he had always been in charge of travelling to other villages for various reasons, and had thus acquired certain knowledge and skills in trading and social interaction. While talking with a local of a nearby village, Francis learned of a trading company that was going on an expedition all over Aloria and needed someone who spoke both d'Ithanie and the common tongue to translate for them. Having been raised speaking both languages, Francis immediately signed up for the expedition, and was accepted into the company; immediately returning home to inform his family.

  • Having been given a week before the company's departure, Francis continued to try to learn various different crafts with the help of his fellow villagers, and made sure everyone would be fine without him. By the time the week was up, Francis knew how to use most kinds of weapons to a basic degree, especially bows due to his frequent hunting, and had become very agile with the help of local villagers and his mother who had made his training quite fruitful. His father on the other hand, taught him to be perceptive and to observe his surroundings, since neither of them knew what could be out there. Although his parents were not truly fond of having their son leave home at such a young age (in their eyes), they accepted that they had to let him do what he wanted to, and what he wanted was adventure.

  • Before leaving, however, Francis paid a visit to the old man who had shown him Ellon magic three years earlier. Still there, as if nothing had changed since their last meeting, the old man greeted Francis, who told him of his upcoming adventure and thanked the man for changing his world view. In response, the old man gave Francis a tome about Ellon magic, and made Francis promise to study it thoroughly, which he did; every single day from that moment onwards.

  • Being raised as an honest and charismatic young man, Francis remained that way all his life, which helped him on his way to Regalia, the first stop on the expedition, and the finest city in all of Aloria. Once there, at the first sight of the astounding architecture, Francis knew he had to see more. The ground-breaking difference between his home town, mostly made up of small wooden homes and a few industrial buildings, and Regalia's many tall towers and elegant structures, made him completely giddy with seeing new things, forgetting about his home village and working extra hard to keep his place within the company, earning some money while also enjoying the travels. For a year, all he did was travel, eventually seeing all continents known at the time (rather briefly), occasionally writing letters to tell his parents of his adventures and begging them to come see the world with him, but they refused, being content with their humble lives and not sharing their son's interest in seeing new things. After a concerning amount of time passed without answers to his letters, the expedition ended, and the company offered to keep Francis as an employee to work for the company full-time. Politely refusing, Francis was given a free ride back to Ithania, where he anxiously returned to his home village to check in on his parents and ask the old man some questions about the tome has was given.

  • Francis soon arrived at his place of birth, only to find that the once small village had been transformed into a small city, with the people he used to know nowhere to be found. When asking for them, he was simply laughed at and told they had been kicked out for not being able to pay the taxes imposed by the new lord who had taken over the village. In a fit of rage from both the mistreatment of his parents and friends and the severe lack of respect in response to his gentle question, Francis attacked the guards, managing to get a few good hits in before they had time to react, and then running like hell.

  • He then escaped before the law enforcers had time to grab him, running into the forests which he knew better than anyone due to his many visits to his mentor, but he had time to hear what they shouted as he ran in the opposite direction; if he were to ever return to the city, he would be imprisoned and promptly hanged. After that point, he vowed never to use violence when it could be avoided, but instead to use diplomacy and intelligence, knowing the result is nearly always better. Despite this, he completely lost his faith in authority and no longer respects it in any way, always seeking ways to show people no one had power over him as long as there were people like the ones who had kicked his parents out of their own home in the world. Since then, he has not seen his parents and assumes they have continued their mundane life in another village or have perished, but cannot know for sure. He just hopes they are okay and thinks of them whenever he needs confidence, motivating him to do things in their honor, since it was taken from them so unrightfully.

  • After this ordeal, Francis sought out the old man who had given him so much, and was lucky enough to find him still living in the same place he always had, far enough from the town to be left untouched by the new rulers. After Francis told him about what had happened, the old man offered to help him, asking him to stay with him. Having nowhere else to go, Francis accepted, spending the next three years living with the old man, doing various services for him (such as hunting for food and using his carpentry skills to craft things for him) in exchange for further lessons in Ellon magic. In their free time, the old man also taught Francis the basics of Qadiriq and Faraddi, and told him of his former nomadic tribe in Farah'deen. When Francis was finally able to cast Ellon projection, form, and binding with relative ease, he saw no use in continuing his training, and asked his mentor if there was anything more challenging for him to learn. Due to the amount of time they had spent together, the old man knew Francis was a very dedicated individual, and would be happy living the nomadic lifestyle of his old tribe, as well as learning Alma magic from them. They thus focused on having Francis learn Qadiriq and Faraddi until a ship came along that would be travelling to Farah'deen. When it finally came, after extensive thanks, goodbyes, and well-wishes, the old man wrote a note for Francis to give to the tribe, which would assure his acceptance, and then off Francis went.

  • Upon being dropped off near the area where the old man's tribe would be at that time of year, in Farah'deen, Francis was full of hopes and excitement, despite being lost and alone. Fortunately, he soon found the tribe, thanks to the help of locals; and after showing them the letter from the old man, they accepted him into their tribe, albeit reluctantly. After demonstrating his Ellon magic to the tribe's elders, he just barely managed to convince them to teach him Alma magic, which a few of them had learned in nearby Hadrityas. Over 20 years, Francis lived with the tribe and helped them develop the various skills he had learned in his home village as they taught him more Qadiriq and Faraddi, eventually earning their trust and respect, and mastering both languages, as well as slightly advancing his Ellon magic. Knowing he was a hunter, some of the tribesmen, masters of the Abwahid style, taught him their ways (Abwahid style, that is) in their free time; also teaching him how to make his own Qadir rivet bow, which he did with ease thanks to his talent in carpentry.

  • After twenty years, Francis had become proficient in both Alma magic and the Abwahid style (and had touched up his Ellon magic), and could no longer supress his urge to explore the world. With the well-wishes of his tribe, he left Farah'deen, immediately boarding a ship to Regalia, where he hoped to use his skills to find an occupation and make some kind of difference in the world. After extensive job-searching, Francis decided to contact his brother, Charles, who was now a semi-successful politician in Regalia. After a heartwarming reunion and a few drinks, Francis told his brother of his newfound skills and his trouble finding a job, and, being a government worker himself, Charles told Francis to contact the Regalian government, knowing they always needed more Alma mages. After demonstrating his skills through extensive testing, Francis found himself with a contract from the Regalian government, requiring him to receive brief re-education and a mage's collar, but being promised decent compensation for performing exorcisms (and turning in the filled Muttalas), collecting soul essence, and even accompanying military operations, both to fight as a soldier and to collect soul essence. Despite not usually respecting authority, Francis takes his job working for the Regalian government quite seriously, and strives to make sure laws are followed, despite not being an official law enforcer. When not busy with his governmental occupations, Francis is often indulged in other lucrative activities, working with various companies and wealthy families in hopes of making some extra profit as well as 'connections'.

  • After several years of hard work and many bad experiences in Regalia, Francis took some "time off", returning to see the old Qadir man in Ithania and spending several months with him, honing his various skills and slightly furthering his Ellon magic. Recently, Francis has returned to Regalia to continue his work as an Alma mage for the government, but is having a bit of a hard time readjusting to life in Regalia, which has been just as cruel to him as always.
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Sorry if some of the formatting is off, I had some difficulties with the bullet points
I am reviewing this character!

  • You need 8 personality traits, not 6. And make them all 4-5 sentences in length! Really get into what Francis is at his very core.
  • Too many strengths, not enough weaknesses! Shorten your strengths to 4, and weaknesses to 5, and make them all 3 sentences at least. I suggest removing Horder and Escaping. Add one more weakness to Francis, to show me you can balance him well. If you write "is bad at bows" I may just kill you (H)
Progress: Pending!
I am reviewing this character!

  • You need 8 personality traits, not 6. And make them all 4-5 sentences in length! Really get into what Francis is at his very core.
  • Too many strengths, not enough weaknesses! Shorten your strengths to 4, and weaknesses to 5, and make them all 3 sentences at least. I suggest removing Horder and Escaping. Add one more weakness to Francis, to show me you can balance him well. If you write "is bad at bows" I may just kill you (H)
Progress: Pending!
I'll get right on it, thanks!
I am reviewing this character!

  • You need 8 personality traits, not 6. And make them all 4-5 sentences in length! Really get into what Francis is at his very core.
  • Too many strengths, not enough weaknesses! Shorten your strengths to 4, and weaknesses to 5, and make them all 3 sentences at least. I suggest removing Horder and Escaping. Add one more weakness to Francis, to show me you can balance him well. If you write "is bad at bows" I may just kill you (H)
Progress: Pending!
Finished editing, please check it over :D @Jared4242
-Removed screenshot since it is now irrelevant
-Changed housing information due to recent events
-Added to final paragraph of life story to update with current events
-Temporarily reworked end and housing sections
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Made many changes (highlighted) to this previously approved application, I tried to make it match the new format but some stuff might still be off. Anyways, need reviewer <3
His skin and muscles may be comparable to those of an orc in mass
I don't think he could even pretend to be on par with a Dakkar's strength at 165, making him miles below orcish strength. He would need an additional 100lb to make it comparable to your avrage, run of the mill Orc.
You forgot the apothecary that Francis stalks >->
I don't think he could even pretend to be on par with a Dakkar's strength at 165, making him miles below orcish strength. He would need an additional 100lb to make it comparable to your avrage, run of the mill Orc.

Good point, I'll change it to something that makes more sense when I get the time. Thanks for the comment <3
@KiddingAround A run of the mill Orc does not need to be 265 pounds. An average "run of the mill" Orc is not a roid raging strongman. The guy is barely over 5 and a half feet tall, even with increased slightly increased muscle mass, this doesn't call for a huge jump in weight. There is no indication that the character is particularly physically strong especially in that this description is within a trait describing frail. The muscles on this character are more of an apparent appearance alteration. Not all muscle mass is created equally, if the muscle mass is not incredibly strong and therefore not dense it won't create the extreme weights you are always suggesting to people.
@KiddingAround A run of the mill Orc does not need to be 265 pounds. An average "run of the mill" Orc is not a roid raging strongman. The guy is barely over 5 and a half feet tall, even with increased slightly increased muscle mass, this doesn't call for a huge jump in weight. There is no indication that the character is particularly physically strong especially in that this description is within a trait describing frail. The muscles on this character are more of an apparent appearance alteration. Not all muscle mass is created equally, if the muscle mass is not incredibly strong and therefore not dense it won't create the extreme weights you are always suggesting to people.
I apologize, I don't really mean to be a nuisance.
The content itself is fine, but the format is pretty far off. As long as it is open for review, might as well get it matched to this template:

Especially the basic info not being concisely formatted and the personality being under abilities threw me a bit.

I made a bunch of changes to the format; it should fit the new template now. Please take a look @TheOverseer__
I realize I re-made this application recently, but I was quite unsatisfied with the results, which resulted in uninteresting roleplay. I changed and added a bunch of stuff (highlighted) which I think will improve this character as a whole, without changing anything that would affect previous roleplay as this character (would make things void). Anyways, need reviewer! Thanks <3
There are a few issues with the life story.
  • There is no way that you would learn the the basics of two languages in just a few weeks. That would be like taking 3 weeks of Spanish I in high school and then taking a trip to Spain right after, it would be as if you didn't know the language at all.
  • The Qadir would never allow you into the Hadritya, ever.
  • What sub forms of Ellon magic do you know? What is your spirit animal?
  • If he had made the authorities mad by attacking several people and then he goes directly to a known confidant for several weeks, don't you think at some point they'd have looked there fore him? If his is so frail and non-combat ready and this is before he knows Ellon magic, how does he even get away with this?
If you want somebody to follow all of this Qadir culture, why morph an existing Ailor character into a Qadir, why not just make a new character who is a Qadir so it is a little less of a snow flake?

You could get this approved by possibly filling in all of the logical inconsistencies, but I would almost just recommend making a Qadir character? Let me know what you think. Either make some edits to the life story to make things a bit more feasible or if you just want to make a Qadir, let me now. I can even revert this to a previous version for you before the introduction of all the Qadir lore.
There are a few issues with the life story.
  • There is no way that you would learn the the basics of two languages in just a few weeks. That would be like taking 3 weeks of Spanish I in high school and then taking a trip to Spain right after, it would be as if you didn't know the language at all.
  • The Qadir would never allow you into the Hadritya, ever.
  • What sub forms of Ellon magic do you know? What is your spirit animal?
  • If he had made the authorities mad by attacking several people and then he goes directly to a known confidant for several weeks, don't you think at some point they'd have looked there fore him? If his is so frail and non-combat ready and this is before he knows Ellon magic, how does he even get away with this?
If you want somebody to follow all of this Qadir culture, why morph an existing Ailor character into a Qadir, why not just make a new character who is a Qadir so it is a little less of a snow flake?

You could get this approved by possibly filling in all of the logical inconsistencies, but I would almost just recommend making a Qadir character? Let me know what you think. Either make some edits to the life story to make things a bit more feasible or if you just want to make a Qadir, let me now. I can even revert this to a previous version for you before the introduction of all the Qadir lore.

Huh. All very good points, I'm surprised I never thought of any of those xD . I liked the idea of an Ailor somewhat converting to Qadiric culture, but I was mostly very into the idea of having a government employed Alma mage. I'll definitely take your word for it if you say an Ailor wouldn't be allowed into a Hadritya, so I'll have to rethink a lot of this character and I probably will end up making a separate character. I have backups of the previous versions of this though, so I can revert it myself when/if I need to.

Thanks for reviewing this once again, I'll take all these points into consideration and rewrite this gradually throughout the week.

One last thing though, is there any way at all that a non-Qadir could learn Alma magic and be employed by the government? I've invested a lot into this character and I'd prefer to focus on him rather than another, but I'm quite simply in love with the idea of Alma magic. <3

Edit: Also, if you have any insight on how profitable it is to work as an Alma mage for the Regalian government (like, compensation for poltergeists exorcised and value of Soul essence), that would also be appreciated.

Another edit: I looked into it a bit more and it seems like I misunderstood part of the alma magic wiki page a bit; I realized that while most alma mages are trained in Hadrityas, not all of them are. So I'll work this and some other stuff I found out into my changes.
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I made a bunch of changes, and I'm pretty sure I covered everything you mentioned and more. After looking it over a few times everything seems to make sense, and I'm sure I'd be more than satisfied with this character (third time's a charm amirite :D). All the most recent changes are highlighted in blue, and I un-highlighted the previous changes that didn't appear to be any kind of issue. Anyways, please take a look when you've got the time, thanks. @TheOverseer__
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Oh hey sorry, this got lost in a sea of notifications and I just found it again. I still have this claimed for review and I will look it over again today.
I've looked over the blue sections and see the expansion of time a few years as plenty of time for him to learn enough about the language to be functional, I also see the logical inconsistencies with the guard in that town were reconciled, and having a Qadir mentor could feasible alter his cultural identity of this character. You've also kept him out of the Qadir Hadrityas which solves the culture issues there.

Good job, definitely addressed it all.

I've looked over the blue sections and see the expansion of time a few years as plenty of time for him to learn enough about the language to be functional, I also see the logical inconsistencies with the guard in that town were reconciled, and having a Qadir mentor could feasible alter his cultural identity of this character. You've also kept him out of the Qadir Hadrityas which solves the culture issues there.

Good job, definitely addressed it all.


Thank you very much!