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Played Character 'Francis Byrne'

This character is actively played.
'flower MAN!'

\\General Information//
- Full Name: Francis Byrne
- Heritage / Culture: Cearden Ailor
- Age: 23 (March 7th)
- Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him
- Religion: Unionist
- Occult: Family-Cursed Howl Marken (wolfbane warded)
- Occupation: Amateur Biologist/Botanist

\\Appearance Information//

- Eye Color: pinkish gray
- Skin Color: pale
- Hair: Brown,
- Height: 5'9
- Body Type: Average build, more bulky than slim

\\Skill Information//

- Hobbies: Studying plants, Writing, Art (poorly), baking
- Mechanics:

-Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
-Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions,
-Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
-Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
- Languages: common, anglian (very basic)


Unwaveringly Polite-
Francis' upbringing has caused him to become incredibly polite, with a sweet tone as his default. He will never be outright rude to someone, unless pushed to the brink. He will not ask about anything that is obviously rude to ask, although he often does have slip-ups. His upbringing was not good to teach him social skills.

Never Go Back- Francis is /very/ uptight about the topic of his family, especially his father. If asked, he will give a vague response unless pressed further, or if the situation calls for it. There will not, however, be a time where he outright refuses to speak of it.

Leave A Mark- Francis has a /need/ to leave a mark on the world; to be someone. Be it due to his.. interesting upbringing, or out of pure spite, he /will/ leave a mark. Good or bad.

Born to a renowned Historian, Cornelis Byrne, and an Anglian woman named Charlotte Byrne in Juiste, Anglia, in the year 296 in a small, unnamed village, Francis would quickly be moved to a religious compound, where his Father, Cornelis, would claim to be a saint of the Unionist church, using his money gained through his work as a Historian, he would build the mentioned compound, creating a community of dedicated followers who believed his claim of being a Unionist Saint. During this time, Charlotte Byrne, Francis' mother, would be found out to be a Marken. What she did to become one is unknown, even to Francis, as his mother would soon be ordered to be executed by Cornelis' order.

Due to Francis' Mother's affliction, many of Cornelis' followers saw it fit for Francis to /also/ be killed, as the child of a Marken will also be a Marken, however, as Cornelis did not have any other children, he only responded 'no.' Francis would be raised to continue his legacy. The 'Byrne Dynasty,' as Cornelis put it, as he would be 'starting his own dynasty' of respected Historians. However, Cornelis still had to keep up his image as a Saint. The compound's main goal from then on would be to attempt to contact a godly presence to cure Francis of his Markenism.

So, as Francis grew, he was tutored. Day and night, he would be forced to read from age-old texts, to live up to the Byrne family's expectations; to create the 'perfect' heir. He would often be beaten, scalded, and verbally abused by these tutors, many of which were Cornelis' long-time followers, and therefore knew /what/ he was. This, as many know, did not help with his studies. Francis, in fact, is /horrible/ at history. Be it from the abuse suffered or simply from a natural dislike of it, Francis has never become more than acquainted with Historical events.

Instead, Francis has a passion for nature, for plants, the way that they grow, their interesting effects on the body, how they can heal or hurt someone. He would often spend his free time in the undeveloped parts of the compound, trying to look for any plant he could find, testing their effects, often on himself. This would land him incredibly sick multiple times, of course, but he saw it as necessary. His tutors, Father, and other members of the compound, on the other hand, found it disgraceful. How could he disrespect Cornelis Byrne, the Unionist Saint, the patriarch of the family like this? First a monster, now a disgraceful son. In response, Francis developed a defense. Pulling from the history books that he read, instead of historical knowledge, he pulled a manner of speak. Politeness seemed to defuse any disgust against him. He knew that it was what kept him safe, respected, and liked.

Shortly after Francis turned eighteen, he transformed into his Marken form for the first time. This caused the death of 12 members of the compound. Francis was disgusted with himself, his affliction. He hated the loss of control it caused him to have, to lose his bodily autonomy at the sight of too much blood, for the full moon to send him into an animalistic frenzy. However, he knew that this was simply something he had to deal with. The next two years of his life would be spent finding solutions for his problem, the only real solution being a cage; an emergency place for Francis to go. By the end of those two years, over 30 people had died at his clawed hand; his fang. He vowed to never have this happen again. He is /not/ evil, and his efforts will show that, yes?

Near his twenty-first birthday, Cornelis Byrne decided that it was time for Francis to leave; to study at the academy in Regalia, to find a wife, and to come back to the compound to continue the 'Byrne Dynasty.' Francis obeyed, traveling to Regalia, where over his early time in the capitol, he left the academy, disowned his father, denounced his full faith in the Unionist church, and vowed to prove to himself, to the compound, and to his father, that he is capable, he is not evil, and he /will/ succeed.

Amira Iaantris (8/10)- The Aelrrigan woman is very kind. We are roommates! Silence magic makes life easier, for one such as I.

Mari Karlin (6/10)- Assumed I wanted to eat her when I revealed my affliction, her and Therese's relationship is a blight on my single existence. Kind and fun to be around otherwise.

Therese (7/10)- Kind young woman, knows my affliction and is not afraid of me.

Leandre Delmotte (9/10)- my employer. I /must/ impress him.

Bram Severijn (8/10)- my boss. He's a kind man, a bit frail, for my liking.

Althea (9/10)- I do not know much about her, but she has always been kind to me, ever since I came to this city. I respect her greatly.

Vivienne Woodward (5/10)- abandoned me in the vampire district, attacked me with a sword. Otherwise a /fine/ person to be around.

Ana Cervantez (4/10)- for a while, I believed that her antics were all for fun, but recently her behavior has taken a /mean/ turn. She needs to get her attitude in check.

Erwin Braunschweiger (2/10)- Lothar. Offered to escort me to my home, though. Every dark cloud has a silver lining, yes?

Maryna Yovenko (?/10)- I have nothing to say about her.

Pazel Martiro (7/10)- Delivers my letters, free of charge! such a kind young man!

Levi (6/10)- He seems to be nice, but his behavior is.. erratic. I must be careful around him, even if he's a friend.

Subekti (?/10)- A man that Levi mentioned. I must find him and warn him of Levi's scheming. I cannot have that on my conscience.

Erich (6/10)- He's.. an interesting man, to say the least. I cannot seem to find him anywhere. I hope he's okay..

\\Combat Proficiencies and Abilities//

(fr she helped me with this based off of basically nothing, I'm super thankful for her making a build for me)
Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Wisdom
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

weapon throw (free)
technique parry
concussive blow
shattering strike
wounded ego
heavy throw
iron will
shield rumble
chem hyperfocus
chem purge
chem berserk
chem blight
chem supplier
sharp reflexes
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