Preserved Sheet Francart The Red, Headsman.

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Jul 18, 2022
Reaction score
Full Name: Francart, the Red.

Race: Ailor human.

Age: undetermined

Gender: Male

Eye Color: undetermined.

Core Concept:
Francart the Red, the bloody shroud; headsman. Francart is a pious hand of death that is responsible for the last rites of the damned and condemned, with a cold but very human spirit. Francart knows all lives come to an end, and takes on the duty of ensuring that end comes, in as dignified a way as possible.

Strength: 3

Ranged Dodge

Axe Pack

Chuck and Run​

Constitution: 2
Resilience Pack

Brute Force Pack​

Wisdom: 2
Common Alchemy

Healing Alchemy​

Dexterity: 3
Forgery Pack

Disguise Pack

Sleight of Hand Pack​

Magic: 0

Charisma: 4

State Diplomat Pack

State Saboteur Pack

Mount Husbandry Pack

Empire Linguistics Pack


Common (Free)

Imperial Linguists Pack

Appearance Information

Not much is known of the man under the red shroud. Few have chanced upon the man when he commits to his duties, and even fewer have seen him amongst the common folk, never removing his deep red vestments. These robes are of a grim sight for most eyes, standing taller than most men that accompany him, with sanguine hues that turn as dark as midnight, sanguine as the blood shed by his axe.

Some would swear a face of beauty, of young fair skin and a dreadful tiredness in the eyes. More stories abound tell of a monster under the hood, of a face twisted in pleasure for slaying of kinsmen. It is grim work to be a headsman, especially dangerous for one of the bloody trade, so Francart's identity has become best kept secret. The world will only know of his sanguine red robes and the title he carries; the Red Headsman.

Life Story

1 bullet point for childhood. Where was your Character born? To whom?

· Despite appearances not giving way for it to be seen, Francart is an Anglian migrant by birth, raised and mentored under Wirtem customs by a now-estranged benefactor that sponsored him when his father had passed by grim circumstance. His father wore the red robes and carried the same axe that Francart inherited; a former headsman passing on a bloodied legacy to his only heir, and with it the title of "The Red".

1 bullet point for adolescence. What did they spend their early-mid teenage years doing?

· Francart's new master was the same as his Father, an employer from within the church that would train and educate him in the ways of the law, the courts, and ultimately- the sentencing.

1 bullet point for early adulthood. What path did they embark on?

· The path of The Red was set in stone for Francart. Designed by his father, his forefathers, and his mentors all the same, the life of a headsman and its burdens were meant for him to take on. And he does so willingly, out of whatever reason he's found to come to terms with it.

1 bullet point to explain why they came to Regalia.

· Headsmen like Francart are trained to supply a number of other roles beyond sentencing, and through the church and his history he is able to act as a medical practitioner, spiritual advisor, jailor, and archiver. When the need for the Red comes around for Regalia, he will be ready and available; axe in hand. Until then, he isa healer and student amongst common men.

Life Story

The mantle of the Red Headsman is one that is passed from Father to Son within Francart's family, owing its titular namesake to the blood shed upon the robes of any that swing axe blade upon kinsmen. It is also the only mantle that one of the family can receive, as the surname had to be removed from town census and history for fear of retributive acts. One of the many costs in being born of the 'Red'.

In his youth, Francart was raised by the church more than his father, as the reputation of the Red shrouds had made it dangerous for the older headsman to be seen near any youth, lest they be subjected to harm's way. Those deep red robes had become a very big red target over the generations they were worn, and too many men had been sentenced that had amassed sympathetic peoples.

One his father's face was known, around the time of marriage to Francart's Mother, pursuit had followed from the shadows and protection was sought from the church that employed the headsman, though some sacrifices were made along the way. Francart's Mother had passed during childbirth to her son, and the child was raised in secret under the wing of the church, only ever encountering his father behind closed doors, and never alone. These encounters never left father or son feeling satisfied.

What little Francart saw of his father, he didn't see as a man that stood proud and tall of his duty, despite all he had sacrificed for it. He looked upon his father as a man trapped within an obligation he did not ask for. A cursed inheritance from their forefathers, from the first of the Reds that were chosen – chosen- to take up the axe.

He could barely recall the face under the shrouds now, but remembered the look of death within his father's eyes, gnawing at every waking moment. His father had experienced far too much of it, and was ever tired of bloodying his hands for duty to church and law, but carried on with his ways as if to prevent another unfortunate soul from being in his place. Especially his only son, who would surely be doomed to carry on with this bloody charade of a legacy.

Francart was thankful for the day his father was discovered dead, having passed away peacefully in his sleep.

But now it is his turn to take the mantle.