Preserved Sheet François D'goss

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: François Francisque de Bressuiveé de la Mont Bertu d'Goss
  • Age: Forty Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor Ithanian
  • Aspect: Order of Talent
  • To further the interests of House de Gosselin and Duke Florent I long may he reign.
Skill Information
  • 40 Points [-10 From School of Villiers-Eclaire] 30 to Spend
    • +10 Longsword [+10 From School]
    • +10 Unionist Seminary [+10 From School]
    • +10 Horse Riding [+10 From School]
    • +10 Diplomacy [+10 From Following Code]
    • +5 Elven Lances [+5 From Points]
    • +15 Judicial [+15 From Points]
    • +10 Battle Command [+10 From Points]
    • +10 Military Theory [+10 From Aspect]
  • 40 Culture Points
    • +10 Literature [+10 From Points]
    • +10 Poetry [+10 From Points]
    • +5 Musical Theory [+5 From Points]
    • +5 Instrumental Music [+5 From Points]
    • +5 Bodycare [+5 From Culture]
    • +10 Stage Performance [+10 From Points]
  • Languages
    • Common [Fluent]
    • Ithanian [Native]
    • Leutz-Vixe [Learned, via squiring in former-Brixoid]
    • Proto-Regalian [Learned, from time in seminary]
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Hair Colour: Brown naturally
  • Hairstyle: [Naturally] Shaved to a buzzcut. [Visually] A number of coloured wigs, long flowing and of a variety of colours.
  • Skin Colour: Powdered pale skin
  • Height: 5'11
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Longswords on foot/lance on horseback
  • Longswords on foot/lance on horseback
Personality and Abilities
Francois is to the stranger an aloof, etiquette driven, haught man. The Ithanian gives off an air of superiority in his mannerisms, his head often held high as he walks among his peers, betters, and lessers alike. While some would view this show of pride as admirable in its confident nature, most of lower birth may find distaste in such airs of grandeur and Ithanian pomp. Francois in conversation sticks strictly to courtly etiquette. As a result, the man is polite in most of his interactions - even in moments of distaste the man chooses to present a refrained rejection of a person or their ideals. Raising one's voice would be construed as vulgar to the man, and as such he is not the type to shout in anger or rage.

The d'Goss has an internalised image of how the world should be: ruled in the best traditions of patriarchal leadership, graceful and courteous, full of honour and value for chivalric code, and pure of humanum. These vision is often what drives Francois, for he feels a great sense of disenfranchisement with the world and the Empire in its current state. While he once felt at home within the borders of Regalia, it is in the transformation of State towards more moderate agendas that he feels lost, and in an alien land from the one he once lived. Francois is driven by conservative values and thinking, akin to those held in the Calemberg Lobby of old. He holds a love for what once was, and a distaste for the new and boarish modernity.

Francois believes strongly in the idea of Espirit d'Homme and often feels a deep fraternity with those male friends and family around him. To his brothers, Francois holds a deep and unwavering loyalty, and as such treats his fellow d'Goss men with unwavering respect and admiration - often the man will turn to them in times of turmoil. Male friends of the same social status share a similar sense of respect and brotherly love, often being close advisors in Francois' inner circles. On the other hand, women are less likely to share such a treatment on behalf of Francois - the man views the female gender as weak, feeble, and in need of constant care. Not only this but, such a fragility should never be treated as equal to one's own male virtue. It is a mere coincidence of birth that Francois was not knighted under the Code d'Homme, sharing many principles and values with it.

Francois is best described as Lawful Neutral in his outlook on life. The man has a deep respect for the law, and would carry out its writings to the letter if so asked. Furthermore, Francois is deeply disturbed by the idea of false truths, and lies. The Code of Chivalry to which he follows dictates that only the truth must be spoken, and as such he holds himself to this binding honour. Francois is neutral in his approach, for he cares not for the virtue of the modern jacobin, and the racial equality that they deem to be so morally good. Francois believes solely in the dominion of Ailor over all lesser races, and is not a man to shirk this idea in conversation or action.

Life Story.

Francois d'Goss was born first son of Ser Phillippe d'Goss and his consort bride Jeanne-Alice d'Goss neé de Lemeé. Raised within the Basta Province of Saint Lumiere, Francois d'Goss lived a regimented and strict existence of etiquette, faith, and devotion to his liege de Gosselin. So much so was the fiery devotion to the Duke, that all of Phillippe's sons swore an oath of loyal devotion to House de Gosselin and the mandate the Eonais Treaty layed forward.

Francois was tutored in a number of things during his early education as an older child. Languages were a key courtly necessity and Leutz was seen as the closest, least barbaric, and most pragmatic choice, alongside the Common Tongue. In addition, as the lad grew closer to adulthood the basis of Imperial Law was tutored to the young ser on request of his father (Whose own father had served as a Justicar in years prior). Though hardly picked up by a boy younger than fourteen, the sentiment struck a chord with Francois, and as such it would be a topic adopted later in life.

Upon reaching the age of fourteen, young Francois was sent to the Carainthais Monastery to begin his squiring in the Order of Villiers-Eclaire. Within this time he grew a stronger admiration towards the de Gosselin Elders of the Order, wishing to model himself upon the older men in their chivalric virtues and faith to Unionism. A sense of loathing for matriarchal rule was in turn cemented within young Francois, and a love for the homeland of Ithania.

Francois squired for Ser Guy Gregoire l'Haut, a towering Knight of the Order so named for his height and stature. The pair often trained with vigour within the Monastery, ensuring that Francois was proficient in his swordsmanship, riding, and spiritual knowledge. In addition, Ser Guy taught the young squire how to use a lance: one of his favoured past times being the joust, and all its thrills.

Francois was knighted at age twenty-four and soon found fit for service to his faith. Given the crusading nature of the Order of Villiers-Eclaire the men were sent to war during the Elven Crisis a decade later. In 302AC., Francois tasted the first breath of warfare he'd encounter, amid the jungles of Daen. This is not a period the man will be likely to forget: not only did he take great admiration in the Battle Command and use of Military Theory that his peers strove to better, but such warfare caused a great surge of xenophobia in his mind, and dissolution with the shady dealings of Kade Chancellors.

Having witnessed comrades die at the hands of brutish Orcs - having come to disheartened acceptance with working alongside Avanthar, Francois was disgusted when the roles of these two lesser beings were reversed. Not only was such a change in circumstances dishonourable to the Ithanian, but to work alongside the green-skinned monsters who had tore Regalian Soldiers asunder was unforgivable. Francois accounted this betrayal to the 'Pragmatic, yet unpatriotic anti-unionist' nature of Kades. In his mind, the Chancellors had always served pragmatism above such atypically Ailor notions of honour, chivalry, and faith. It was a great disservice to the men who had died upon Orcish tusks, to simply fight alongside the beasts. This moment would be a vital one in his mindset, though never spoken openly.

Upon the end of the war Francois endured numerous other events. The Songaskian Occupation, the Anahera Protectorate, The Lo Crisis. All in which the Knight would follow the orders of his Elders. Francois had studied Military Theory and Battle Command after the devastation of the Elven Crisis, and in his current state, he awaits the moment to use these new found skills with pride and exaltation.

Having always been a man of fervent faith, Francois took upon the Order of Talent amid the Unionist Reformation. Seeing the worship of Ailor skill as a noble pursuit, he paired the Order alongside his Knighthood as a match made in the Everwatch.
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always one step ahead of me brother but perhaps sometimes i may be one step ahead of you.
Weapon of Choice and Main Ambition are no longer included in the template. Please remove those. @AntonVoron