I Think that hashtags should be added to the forums! This would be a great way to get people connected and be able to find people with similar ideas. This would be especially cool for the status updates. Since this is a popular thing right now, I am going to use the Silencio Empire as my example:
@Terrariauk asked everyone to write 'Silence Will Fall' on his thread to support his empire. this /REALLY/ Helped to spam the thread and keep sending it to the portal at first. A solution would be if he asked people to type '#TheSilenceWillFall' as their status update. Now everyone doesn't spam a thread and updates their statuses to this message. Want to know how many people support this? Search #TheSilenceWillFall or click on the hashtag, and BAM! There are the 25-ish people who made that a status all in an easy to find row.
This service can be used for both seriousness like this, or for pure satire and fun. There is my idea, please leave comments! I know that disagreeing is not flame, so don't worry unless you start raging. That's flame.
@Terrariauk asked everyone to write 'Silence Will Fall' on his thread to support his empire. this /REALLY/ Helped to spam the thread and keep sending it to the portal at first. A solution would be if he asked people to type '#TheSilenceWillFall' as their status update. Now everyone doesn't spam a thread and updates their statuses to this message. Want to know how many people support this? Search #TheSilenceWillFall or click on the hashtag, and BAM! There are the 25-ish people who made that a status all in an easy to find row.
This service can be used for both seriousness like this, or for pure satire and fun. There is my idea, please leave comments! I know that disagreeing is not flame, so don't worry unless you start raging. That's flame.