Archived #forums

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I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Talos Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Di Orazio Family & RNS
I Think that hashtags should be added to the forums! This would be a great way to get people connected and be able to find people with similar ideas. This would be especially cool for the status updates. Since this is a popular thing right now, I am going to use the Silencio Empire as my example:

@Terrariauk asked everyone to write 'Silence Will Fall' on his thread to support his empire. this /REALLY/ Helped to spam the thread and keep sending it to the portal at first. A solution would be if he asked people to type '#TheSilenceWillFall' as their status update. Now everyone doesn't spam a thread and updates their statuses to this message. Want to know how many people support this? Search #TheSilenceWillFall or click on the hashtag, and BAM! There are the 25-ish people who made that a status all in an easy to find row.

This service can be used for both seriousness like this, or for pure satire and fun. There is my idea, please leave comments! I know that disagreeing is not flame, so don't worry unless you start raging. That's flame.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I Think that hashtags should be added to the forums! This would be a great way to get people connected and be able to find people with similar ideas. This would be especially cool for the status updates. Since this is a popular thing right now, I am going to use the Silencio Empire as my example:

@Terrariauk asked everyone to write 'Silence Will Fall' on his thread to support his empire. this /REALLY/ Helped to spam the thread and keep sending it to the portal at first. A solution would be if he asked people to type '#TheSilenceWillFall' as their status update. Now everyone doesn't spam a thread and updates their statuses to this message. Want to know how many people support this? Search #TheSilenceWillFall or click on the hashtag, and BAM! There are the 25-ish people who made that a status all in an easy to find row.

This service can be used for both seriousness like this, or for pure satire and fun. There is my idea, please leave comments! I know that disagreeing is not flame, so don't worry unless you start raging. That's flame.

Shhhhh. It kept people knowing that's that main thing.

That said I concur.

Well I could make a comment on my feelings toward hashtags... but I think that covered it nicely~
#yolo. Unless you're Glenn.

I don't know about hashtags-- I'm not a Twitter enthusiast x3 It really isn't up to me, so... I'll just scamper out of here. <3
I already looked away when I saw cleavage.


You mean pound signs?

Seriously, though... Please, no hashtags.
I Think that hashtags should be added to the forums! This would be a great way to get people connected and be able to find people with similar ideas. This would be especially cool for the status updates. Since this is a popular thing right now, I am going to use the Silencio Empire as my example:

@Terrariauk asked everyone to write 'Silence Will Fall' on his thread to support his empire. this /REALLY/ Helped to spam the thread and keep sending it to the portal at first. A solution would be if he asked people to type '#TheSilenceWillFall' as their status update. Now everyone doesn't spam a thread and updates their statuses to this message. Want to know how many people support this? Search #TheSilenceWillFall or click on the hashtag, and BAM! There are the 25-ish people who made that a status all in an easy to find row.

This service can be used for both seriousness like this, or for pure satire and fun. There is my idea, please leave comments! I know that disagreeing is not flame, so don't worry unless you start raging. That's flame.
Your poll is rather biased. #NoHashBrownsForYou
I would like it. If it gets used too much we could remove it.
I will come with some examples where it could be used.
  • You want to find thread/comments about a subject. You could easily find it, and maybe get a notification everytime #HashTagYouFollow gets used, to stay completely up to date.
  • You have to tag a group of people (faction members or a roleplay group etc) you can't remember everyone or the people in the group could change. You can use a HashTag and if they follow that HashTag they will see it. Even people that are not members of that group could follow the HashTag to stay up to date about that group.
  • It could cause some funnier status updates.
  • IF it gets abused or over used, it can get removed.

You don't know if it will be abused before it is tried. Saying no is preventing the forums of getting better because you fear it has disadvantages. If we do not try new things then we will never be better. If it is a mistake to install HashTags, MassiveCraft has made a mistake and will hopefully learn from it.
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Soo all the comments suddenly stopped when I commented. I didn't mean to kill the thread sorry
Second example: Black, Red, and Narlas

The staff created several story progression threads about this whole sha-bang and sha-noodle. Then the Blacks, Reds, and Julian Kade posting letters and updates and what not. For those of us interested but not tagged, it was hard to follow. However, if the tag #Narlas or #NarlasScandal was added, people could have just quickly found the threads pertaining to this event.
Hey @Madus, to be honest i dont use those hashtag systems, so im not really an expert in this one. Let me get this straight: I dont see disadvantages or advantages in using Hashtags in a forum. It would be (and this is my very own opinion about it) rather more a toy to play with. There are several already existing options you can use, like:

  • You want to find thread/comments about a subject. You could easily find it, and maybe get a notification everytime #HashTahYouFollow gets used, to stay completely up to date.
  • You have to tag a group of people (faction members or a roleplay group etc) you can't remember everyone or the people in the group could change. You can use a HashTAg and if they follow that HashTag they will see it. Even people that are not members of that group could follow the HashTah to stay up to date about that group.
You can use the search box in the header, so therefore hashtag is just a replacement for it if i understand correctly.

  • It could cause some funnier status updates.
What exactly do you mean? Do you have by any chance some examples? (Im a total newbie when it gets to hashtags)

You don't know if it will be abused before it is tried. Saying no is preventing the forums of getting better because you fear it has disadvantages. If we do not try new things then we will never be better. If it is a mistake to install HashTags, MassiveCraft has made a mistake and will hopefully learn from it.

I guess, ppl do have a point if they dislike the subject "Adding Hashtags" probably because of previous events that happened with hashtags or they dislike it because of the mainstream reputation? Im quite not sure about it what exactly the problem is. Hashtag isnt a "new" thing, thats what i know at least for sure, and its pretty well known, also what disadvantages and advantages it has.

But you should know, i dont disagree with you or agree with this thread. I'm quite interested in this in which direction this thread develops. I do agree with your point "If we do not try new things... never be better" but this is an aspect which should be treated with extreme caution not only here on MassiveCraft but in RL as well. I dont want to see that the mistakes of our past repeats in the future.
Actually, I'm in full support of hash tags. A site I used to go on implemented hash tags, and at first I was very hesitant, but it had a lot of uses. Granted, this forum was a lot bigger than ours, so they had a higher need, but I still found it very useful.
  • Big forum events: If you're hosting an event on the forums that has multiple parts or multiple activities, it might be helpful for users to find your announcements when things get cluttered. An example is this. Look to the top under Post Reply, "Topic Trends."
  • Markets: Having tags such as #VotingItems, #GodArmor, #Tulips, #CommonHouse can help people more easily find what they're looking for.
  • Compliant vs Incompliant, IC vs OOC, RP vs PVP: #IC, #OOC, #LoreCompliant, #NotCompliant are great ways to see what's being written where, IC and OOC, or what events are happening when, and whether or not they're gonna be compliant. #RP or #PVP events can be marked quickly and easily.
  • Contests and Games: #tag-youre-it, while spammy, was something that people I found enjoyed on those other forums. People usually self-monitored that sort of thing, and I know most of our community holds each other accountable for things.
  • Groups: Want to draw a group's attention to a certain topic? Want to find everything a certain group of people have been up to? Or do you want to see a series of events without all the OOC clutter when you search? Hashtags will help with that.
While the search feature can do anything a #hashtag can do, hashtags allow people quicker, easier ways to find more specific answers. It allows more clever ways of using posts and maintaining interaction. Furthermore, hashtags mitigate clutter. You could search "Raptum" and get two different war declarations, an IC announcement on a thread, some people discussing Raptum and how it's changed since it began, people requesting to join Raptum, etc. But if you wanted to just follow Raptum and their official posts, or keep up on their progression without all the idle side-talk, #raptum will get that for you.

I think that's the greatest appeal: Speed and creativity. Speed allows you to further fine-tune searches to get exactly what you need, and creativity allows you to use hash tags in a plethora of different ways. I've seen hash tags used to tally the number of items people bought from an official shop. I've seen them used to adopt newbies who were interested in getting immersed with the community more quickly. I've seen artists use it to keep an up to date list of all their pieces, so they don't clutter up their first post. People use it to write down and find wish lists, either to accept donations, or to donate to.

tl;dr: Hashtags are AWESOME.
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I have officially given up all hope in humanity...

Edit: I gave up hope long ago, I'm just makng it official now...
Loewe, first of all great response, i like your constructive feedback. Ryceria said like exactly what i meant, look at that post to find some good reasons to have HashTag.
It would be (and this is my very own opinion about it) rather more a toy to play with. There are several already existing options you can use, like:
In my opinion it is not a toy (which i will explain further down this post).
But toys are fun, and aren't we here for fun (and other things ofc)

You can use the search box in the header, so therefore hashtag is just a replacement for it if i understand correctly.
You understood currectly. Byt that is clutted and difficult to use. People might also say something a little different Example "Bank of Cissa" "The Bank of Cissa" "Madus's bank"
Hashtags would be easier.

What exactly do you mean? Do you have by any chance some examples? (Im a total newbie when it gets to hashtags)

People would tend to focus more on the same things. Because they knew others could easily find things about this subject. Like the Mag-Silencio war or a roleplay event.

So again thank you for the constrcutive feedback, and giving me the opputunity to answer things people might be wondering.
Another question. Is there the chance that this idea can crash and burn, spiraling downwards to the point where it is over used and abused? [I like the idea, I'm just worried]
Of course there is. That chance exists with a lot of features. But if it does, staff can crack down even harder.
I am sorry if this seems over defensive about my idea....
But I yet to see one person disagree with a legitimate reason on how this hurts the forums. Most people disagreeing are just saying that they find a general dislike in hashtags
I am sorry if this seems over defensive about my idea....
But I yet to see one person disagree with a legitimate reason on how this hurts the forums. Most people disagreeing are just saying that they find a general dislike in hashtags
I like the idea, I volunteer to be the Hashtag Police!