Forum Rp Or No?


Lilith Heava
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
Should I be rping in he forums as well as ther server when it's not official business? Like in conversations? I have seen people do it in replies in threads and a conversation, but idk if I should continue to do it or not because the forums are a little less fun without rping but at the same time it doesn't feel completely right... Idk I'm confusing my self.
You can RP on the forums, and should RP in the RP section of the forums. However, it generally is not good to reply in RP to non-RP parts of the forums unless you answer both in RP and out. For example, if someone was asking for help in a war you could have your character's response and what you will actually do IG as far as helping fight or donating resources. Put it in such a way that your non-RP answer can be read and give all necessary info without your RP answer having to be read.

Also this probably belongs in the help sub forum.
It depends what RP you want to get yourself involved with on the forums.

I prefer either but more of the server than the forums as it is a little less fun.