Archived Forum Rewards

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High Jarl of NorthWatch
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
In a recent poll here on the forums (yes I'm going to say forum a lot) the questions and available responses made it clear PR was considering expanding to popular social media interaction with Massivecraft's players.

While this is undoubtedly a good idea, I imagine most of these posts to be clones of themselves with a link back to articles and threads on the Massivecraft Forums anyway.

While this would certainly increase visibility of forum content, could we not also motivate players to visit the forums much the same way we encourage them to visit the voting sites?

Perhaps by posting a comment or creating a thread or rating a comment, it could activate one more in-game voting reward for the day?

I'd love to see more player content and discussion here. Especially since I stalk the forums early every morning at work and there's so few new posts every day.

I think that offering forum rewards, along with increased visibility through social media, would really breathe a ton of new life into this forum.

Discuss here on the forum.

Also, forum.

(Yes, Jimmy, it's like a bribe. Silence!)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Flipside of that is that it might encourage spamming posts and ratings for the sake of rewards.

I've constantly thought about the fact that the forums isn't as active and energetic as it once was, and I can think of a lot of reasons for that. For one, things have become more streamlined, there are more stricter rules on the forum than there was before regarding what to post and where to post it. IMO it made things cleaner, but at the cost of... vitality. I have conflicting thoughts on that.

Plus, the lore and wiki is more-or-less complete now, so there's less flurry of activity from players wanting to add or discuss their own ideas. And factions/survival doesn't have as much attention anymore either so there's less news from there.

If you want more activity on the forums, you have to think of something for people to do here. I've tried to spur some activity by being more impulsive and posting random (but still tasteful) crap.
Part of the issue is exposure. Majority of players, me included, did not even know we have a forums until a much later date upon joining.

This made clear on a poll done a few months ago where about 60% responded as I say above.
Part of the issue is exposure. Majority of players, me included, did not even know we have a forums until a much later date upon joining.

This made clear on a poll done a few months ago where about 60% responded as I say above.

Wow das pretty bad I had no idea...

Lol the server can make jokes like "Did someone say server restart?" can it also tell people to visit forums?
Wow das pretty bad I had no idea...

Lol the server can make jokes like "Did someone say server restart?" can it also tell people to visit forums?
I believe there is a forum message mixed in there. Cant recall.
It's irrelevant that most of the players don't know about the forums, because it's not like the server announcements don't constantly tell you about them and it's not like the players aren't constantly talking about the forums. If you've been playing for more than a month and you don't know about the forums I think it's on you for missing out.

We were talking about an idea once and we said that most of the people replying to the thread are in favor, but we were shut down because staff said most of the people on the server aren't on the forums... which to the point like I said above is kind of their fault.

My point is, nothing will really change if we keep enabling those who don't use the forums as if they arent missing out.
It's irrelevant that most of the players don't know about the forums, because it's not like the server announcements don't constantly tell you about them
Not true. Forum announcements have only kicked in because I have now actively went out of my way to link threads as opposed to straight to the polls. Even some more mundane posts such as the dungeon event posts. Only announcements being made now that the dungeon done are at the beginning of the month. Considering how many people ask "what is the poll" or "where do I go" every time I announce the new poll 2 times a day for 5 days straight, I doubt the 60% has changed much at all.
It's irrelevant that most of the players don't know about the forums, because it's not like the server announcements don't constantly tell you about them and it's not like the players aren't constantly talking about the forums. If you've been playing for more than a month and you don't know about the forums I think it's on you for missing out.

We were talking about an idea once and we said that most of the people replying to the thread are in favor, but we were shut down because staff said most of the people on the server aren't on the forums... which to the point like I said above is kind of their fault.

My point is, nothing will really change if we keep enabling those who don't use the forums as if they arent missing out.

I completely agree with your closing statement and will come back to that in a second.

But players being unaware of forums seems like it may just be lack of exposure. Which the social media aspect will address.

If, once aware of forums, players simply have no interest in visiting, it's on them.

Which was kinda the point behind the rewards idea.

Like you said in your closing statement, if they're not made to feel like they actually are missing out on SOMETHING they will continue to not use forums.

Roleplayers seem to be making excellent use of the forum with things like RSVP required server roleplay events and hosting a variety of different roleplay threads daily.

Again, and sadly becoming a common question on Massive, is what is there to motivate the rest of us?
Again, and sadly becoming a common question on Massive, is what is there to motivate the rest of us?
Bring more attention to the survival/faction worlds. Host more events there. Show off your builds or your farms or your stats. Blog about your adventures. Do anything to create more awareness and presence for the non-roleplay worlds.
Bring more attention to the survival/faction worlds. Host more events there. Show off your builds or your farms or your stats. Blog about your adventures. Do anything to create more awareness and presence for the non-roleplay worlds.

Just about time for some NorthWatch hosted stuff again. Been a year since the last bloodbath dance party.

Will do.