Archived Forum Organization

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


As edgy as a feather pillow
Jul 4, 2015
Reaction score
the ScrubLord's Palace
The main point of this is that I want to know why we have a Builder Showcase section of the forum and a Builds Show-off section. It hinders who sees what and how many see it. Sorry to bother you, thanks..

@MonMarty (idk who to tag and you're usually rly helpful with this stuff)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
the purpose of the Builds show off section was originally meant for builds from the server. The builder's showcase is more for anything at all, to show others what you are capable of in any other format, not 100% medieval.
the purpose of the Builds show off section was originally meant for builds from the server. The builder's showcase is more for anything at all, to show others what you are capable of in any other format, not 100% medieval.
Yes but one could simply reduce it to one overall forum and then have other forums under that for categorizing between screen shots of stuff, or your own builds, massivecraft builds, etc.
Leaving this for @MonMarty to respond to as it relates to Forums organization.
Uh. This must have been a major oversight. I will look at it again in the morning.