Archived Forum Issue: Can't See The Forum When Logged Out

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Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
I'm usually logged into my forum account, but occasionally when there are changed to my computer, I have to log back in.

The problem with this is that the forum isn't available to anyone not logged in, so I have to go to google, search "Massivecraft login" and log in that way.

If the forum could be opened up to people who are not logged in, or have the main page redirect to the log in page, it would be much easier to use/log in.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just logged out then to try it. I don't get this problem. When I went to the main page of the forum it asked me to log in.
Agreed. I am not getting this issue either.
I can't seem to get the main forum page when I log out. *shrugs*
As do I, pretty annoying. I even get it on my phone :/.
So apparently this is about you not having access to the forums when you are not logged in. If so, then these are the reasons I believe this system was put in place:
  1. The forums, from what I've heard, are somewhat buggy at this state. Not sure if this is intentional or if this is, like many other glitches, a simple bug.
  2. Forum users who have been banned could still read the forums when they were logged off - I do not believe the forum software has the ability to monitor the IPs of guest users. If the guy, on this system, tried to make a new account, the staff could easily cross-check it and IP ban that user.
  3. Finally, guests were able to make anonymous posts before-hand, however, with this new system it prevents that kind of spam from happening. Also, in addition to this, there could be personal or private information(or simply stuff that shouldn't be open to unregistered viewers) that could be open to the entire world. It'd be better to disallow some of this behavior, especially as our community expands to include more users, some of which are younger and might feel uncomfortable with their information being disclosed in such a way.
This issue should now be resolved.
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