Archived Forum Conversation Administration.

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hey folks i'm bringing up a new idea for Forum Conversation Administration as the title says above. The people of our empire (The Grim Cult) have found it necessary to be people to kick members of a forum conversation out. We've basically been using a conversation as our news feed but we've this problem that we don't know who we can trust. Since people invited to the conversation are the only ones who can choose wether to leave a conversation or not we'd like to make the leaders of all conversations in the future able to remove participants from their conversations. This way people who for example would betray the leader of a conversation wouldn't be able to view the content except if invited again.

-Da Fred
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey folks i'm bringing up a new idea for Forum Conversation Administration as the title says above. The people of our empire (The Grim Cult) have found it necessary to be people to kick members of a forum conversation out. We've basically been using a conversation as our news feed but we've this problem that we don't know who we can trust. Since people invited to the conversation are the only ones who can choose wether to leave a conversation or not we'd like to make the leaders of all conversations in the future able to remove participants from their conversations. This way people who for example would betray the leader of a conversation wouldn't be able to view the content except if invited again.

-Da Fred
The maker of the conversation can kick a person.​
I suggest downloading and using skype for such conversations. It is free, simple to manage and use, and a great way to keep in touch with large groups of people. I do not know how easy it would be to implement such features on the froums, I am sure @yendor46 can answer that. Although forum conversations are a great way to keep in touch with small groups of people or plan events in, skype is really the better option when it comes to managing and hosting large group conversations.
I suggest downloading and using skype for such conversations. It is free, simple to manage and use, and a great way to keep in touch with large groups of people. I do not know how easy it would be to implement such features on the froums, I am sure @yendor46 can answer that. Although forum conversations are a great way to keep in touch with small groups of people or plan events in, skype is really the better option when it comes to managing and hosting large group conversations.

The problem with skype is just that it gets extremely spammy....
That's why i'd prefer using the forums.
And is it really that hard to give the conversation leaders access to this? I don't personally see a big problem with it ._.
The problem with skype is just that it gets extremely spammy....
That's why i'd prefer using the forums.
And is it really that hard to give the conversation leaders access to this? I don't personally see a big problem with it ._.
To my knowledge the staff don't code the forums, but use a service that provides one. Please correct my if I am mistaken.
What you are suggesting is not possible in xenforo. I may have to look around online for a plugin, but I don't think there is a boot feature.
I looked for an add-on to do this, and there is not one available. The closest will allow people in a certain group to kick people from a conversation, but this would allow anyone in the conversation to kick anyone else who wasn't an Admin or Moderator.
I looked for an add-on to do this, and there is not one available. The closest will allow people in a certain group to kick people from a conversation, but this would allow anyone in the conversation to kick anyone else who wasn't an Admin or Moderator.
Who would be able to code an add-on like this? I'd really appreciate if it could be added to our forums. I'd even be willing to help if there's anything i can do (sadly i don't really know much about coding...)
Who would be able to code an add-on like this? I'd really appreciate if it could be added to our forums. I'd even be willing to help if there's anything i can do (sadly i don't really know much about coding...)
The directions for manually deleting someone from a conversation require direct interaction with the database. This is not my area of expertise in programming.
This turned out to require some programming.
What language are XenFore addons written in?
If anyone consider doing this, that would be nice to know.
That being said, i guess most programmers on MassiveCraft knows most about Java, since minecraft, forge and bukkit uses Java.