Archived Forum Calendar?

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
So I misclicked and just noticed there's a Calendar at the top of the forums. How long has that been there?
Anyway it'd be neat if various events could be put on it, including the Harvest Festival events or any other roleplay/PvP events.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
That HAS to be new... I am always on here and i've NEVER seen that before... but i agree this needs to be utilized

Although im still under the impression that it is new... so it probably hasnt been fully configured yet.

(Also staff approved, player run events should be on there too)
So I misclicked and just noticed there's a Calendar at the top of the forums. How long has that been there?
Anyway it'd be neat if various events could be put on it, including the Harvest Festival events or any other roleplay/PvP events.
I had Cayorion purchase the plugin specifically for event tracking. We are losing oversight of all events and it's becoming chaotic because they are so many nowadays.
Also, will we be able to get alerts for events we RSVP?