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Full Name | Jaya Madhi Yadhavar

Heritage | Kattumakkal Suvial

Age | 22

 Date of Birth | June 29th, 292 A.C.

Gender | Female

 Pronouns | She/They

Religion | Estelley

Occult| Eidolon Mage

 Magic Schools | Elemental, Gravity, Light

Occupation| Mercenary, Thief

 Affiliations | Thieves' Society

Eye Color | Dark brown.

Skin Color | Tan.

Hair | Dark auburn.

Height | 5'9 or 175 cm.

Body Type | Slim and toned.

Oddities | A Bidriqtech prosthetic in the place of her right arm.

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[TAB=Core Concept]

Core Concept
Jaya is a thief with a knack for mercenary work. She uses her skills for lockpicking, subterfuge and even assassination if her company expects that of her. From the Kattumakkal isles, she is determined to fight back against the Kathar scourge in Regalia.

| Chaotic Neutral
Personality Type | ISTJ-A | The Logician

Jaya is a follower of the dead Estelley goddess Avinla. Her devotion to her goddess is shown through unyielding violence upon any Dread Kathar she comes across.

[/TAB][TAB=Plot Hooks]

Blade for Hire| Assassin
Jaya is trained in combat using hidden blades such as daggers as her weapon of choice. She can be hired for her services, and she can rarely be found entirely unarmed, with an arsenal of hidden weaponry at her disposal.

Sticky Fingers| Thief
Jaya uses her skill in infiltration for less than legal pursuits as well. She is a skilled thief known to pick almost anyone's lock for enough coin. This might have brought her enemies through the years.

Karamatology| Demon Binder
Jaya is trained in Karamatology like a majority of the Suvial in Regalia. While it's not her bread and butter, others may turn to her with demon related issues with little fear.


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[TAB=Point Allocation]

Point Allocation
Attack Stat | Dexterity (1d17)
Defense Stat | Wisdom (1d15)

 7 Dexterity
Deadeye | Deadeye Stance (Free)
Deadeye | Deadeye Pinshot
Deadeye | Deadeye Quickshot
Deadeye | Deadeye Luckshot
Deadeye | Deadeye Barrage
Deadeye | Deadeye Execute
Deadeye | Deadeye Doubletap
Roguery | Fate's Wheel

5 Wisdom

Bardic | Bardic Harmony (Free)
Bardic | Aria of Harming
Bardic | Elegy of Tailwind
Bardic | Sonata of Purity
Bardic | Sonata of Justice
Bardic | Sonata of Sanctuary
3 Magic

Adapt | Magic Wardrobe
Arcane | Arcane Cleanse
Arcane | Arcane Revive
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Jaya is a soldier trained in using her mobility to her advantage with light, easy-to-conceal weapons like daggers. She can always be assumed to have more weapons than what one sees on them at any time.

 She has recently sustained a grave injury that lost her an arm, however she's turned the Bidriqtech prosthetic that is now in its place a weapon to even scorch her enemies from a distance.

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Heritage Traits
Mechanic I | [TBA]
Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.
Mechanic II | [TBA]
Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.
Mechanic III | [TBA]
Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for using Dimension Alignment out of their norm (Exist), even as God Mages.
Mechanic IV | [TBA]
Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.
Mechanic V | [TBA]
Suvial are exceptionally proficient at controlling Spirits, allowing them a range of mechanical functions to do with Spirits (see Karamatology below).

Society Mechanics
Mechanic | Thieves' Cant
You can leave messages written on signs (1 Minecraft Sign only, must be actually written) that only other Thieves' Society members can understand. This is to use on public Noticeboards to issue warnings, not for active communication. This may come up in Events.

Hobbies and Talents
Athletic Hobby
Jaya is a soldier who trains her body daily to perform her job to her best ability.
Magic Talent
Jaya is a novice mage, adept in specifically fire and light related magic.

Native Languages
Common | 10/10
Agasi| 10/10

Studied Languages

Altalar| 10/10
Sign Language | 8/10


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Thank you [USER=12733]@Saaber[/USER] and [USER=17205]@Rowet[/USER] for help and inspiration with the aesthetics!