Preserved Sheet Fordo Sycansis

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The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Fordo Sycansis (Model-0-16)
  • Age: 110
  • Gender: A-Gendered (Mentally Male)
  • Race: Lesarra Altalar
  • Sexuality: Machine
  • Preferred Weapon: Machine
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 70 (+10 Hobby Points) (+10 Atalar)
  • +20 Extra Heavy Combat Skill
  • +20 Stealth Rogue Skill
  • +20 Finecraft Sciences
  • +10 Theatre Skills
  • +10 Medical Sciences
Body Shape
  • 20= 20 (Extra Heavy Combat Skill)
  • Athletic
  • Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Common (Given)
  • Modern Altalar (Mothers Language)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Tech Obedient
  • Tech Vileshot
  • Tech Arachnia
  • Tech Reacquisition
  • Tech Venting
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Dark Blue (Vampiric Form, Red)
  • Hair Color: N/A Bald
  • Hair Style: Shaved
  • Skin Color: Lesarra Pale
  • Clothing: Flowing Robes
  • Height: 6'10
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Fordos Facial Features a relatively telling design. Upon his skin are clear indentation marks that section of his entire head and face into the patterns of his skull where the bones fused together overtime. His eyes are a light blue color up until he enters into his Vampiric Form in which they are a deep Red with Black Sclera. Aside from the markings that section off his head and face he has no other blemishes or markings.
  • Fordo is 6'10 due to augmentations done upon his skeletal structure over time to extend his length, with the removal of his legs and replacement with Cratos machinery that once splits takes on the Arachnid format of 6 Legs. Similarly skinned tone and marked as his head, the indentations upon his skin and body instead here section off the larger muscular groupings, namely down the center of his chest, up from his hips, and over his back to outline the shoulder blades. Here again there are very little blemishes and the body hair seems to no longer be growing from his pores.
  • Fordo generally wears long flowey robes with a deep hood to veil the vast majority of his body, yet in terms of pants wears very thin loose fitting pants that make it easy to tear for leg separation procedures of a Cratos. Generally Red colored and most commonly seen adorned in various forms of Clockwork.
  • His voice is augmented by Clockwork mask, however in general it is fairly monotone near to machine robotic in tone. He speaks at a calculated pace with a modular inflection to his tone.
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option One: The Question List
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • He expresses happiness through a rehearsed selection of adjectives stated prior to the sentences beginning that were more or less indoctrinated into his mentality over the course of his torture and change into becoming a Cratos Vampire.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Curling up into the brightest corner he can find and shaking as he begs the Masters to let him go through the procedures again, pleading with them to know he is not a Failed Experiment when undergoing Hallucinations. In other bouts of Fear such as unknown confrontation periods, his response is immediately more or less to Gas the area and flee for researching of the enemy, attempting to flee for more personal preservation purposes than Cowardly implications though it could be implied as such.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Tech Venting is generally how he responds to Stress, seeing it as a means to expel built up pressure.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Laws are the Blueprints for a Society and Authority the electricity that forces the Machine of Civilization to work.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • All Races, even Elf are incomplete, requiring technological augmentation to be completely perfect.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Religion is moot, Spirituality is unnecessary for the Machines to work.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • A Means to an end, a Parallel to the intricate workings of Machinery and his origins as a once relatively Happy Elf, he views Magic as a part of the World he no longer wishes to exist within.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • His family is long since dead, his created family of Obedients and fellow Successful Experiments are those whom he holds in a very high regard. The Manufactured.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • That he was one of the successful experiments and given a Mission of relative freedom and unique autonomy.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The quest to create remove the world of the taint of flesh and create a manufactured equivalent of Blood so Vampires must no longer rely upon the Flesh to exist.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Having too much of his Flesh seen at any time.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • An Empty Dark world, where the only light is from a single candle spinning around him with the voices of his creators echoing around him discussing him as if he were a failed experiment. Over the years of traumatic indoctrination of a set mentality. He has learned to fear his Masters.
  • Fordo enjoys observations of schematics and blueprints of new devices and machinery brought to him and his shop.
  • He also enjoys dissection of various creatures and people to see if they are compatible with the Machinery without the necessity of becoming a Cratos.
  • He enjoys a functioning Hierarchy that allows for him to be apart of a working Machine.
  • Fordo dislikes disorganization, most of his documents and files are neatly organized, and cataloged in locations he has marked very clearly for himself and potentially others to find.
  • He also greatly dislikes sand as it gets into the machinery and makes it difficult to clean.
  • He Despises the Flesh and being touched by flesh oriented creatures, reactions from tearing himself away or Tech Venting to eliminate the closeness that flesh creatures may try to deal.

Life Story (Required)

Childhood Ages 0-12:
  • In the beginning of his Life, he was born in a relatively small village in Teled Methen, to two loving Lesarra parents he lived comfortably in this location.
  • He grew up playing amongst the other children and making friends along the way, intending to follow up along his fathers path of Painting once he got tall enough to be able to reach the Painting Podium.
  • At the age of 10 he went on a walk with a couple of the Village children who wanted to go play about in the forest. This is when the downfall of his life soon began where he, and the other children were kidnapped by a Cult of Cratos Vampires who operated within an Undercity underneath the forest there. He was in processed with the other children and forced into the Indoctrination process and experiments of the "Masters" who began running experiments and tests upon them and other children like them that this Cult acquired.
Teenage through into Adulthood 13-25:
  • At the age of 13 he and his fellow Village children were in processed into the Elven Batch of subjects, being given the designation of Model 0-16, he was forced into brutal experimentation procedures, his legs being removed and augmented and modified to various other test subjects. His body also was toyed with, being put under sedatives metal was grafted and hammered onto his bones and other bones were removed and replaced to see their practicality as replacement lives.
  • These experimentations lasted for around 8 years. Ending finally when he, amongst only a select few other Subjects were deemed as successes to the Cults Experiments when from there the Mental Augmentations began.
  • At Twenty One, Fordos Mentality was placed under extensive Mind Controlling Experiments, Torture, Mentally destroying scenes and removal of his personality through these actions. He lost his mind and soon took on a Machine like Speech Pattern. His mind completely augmented at the age of twenty five to where he was physically more machine than Elf, and mentally more robotic that "normal".
Adulthood to Now 25-110:
  • Once his Mental Modifications were complete, the "Masters" began working on his combative capabilities, turning their Machine more and more into a Weapon as time carried on. Giving him in the final twenty fifth year the Cratos Vampiric Curse. His Body taking on the Aesthetics listed above with slight modifications to his body by the Cratos Cultists here and there to further augment their Creation into a complete Success.
  • He was taught how to utilize a Viletek weapon and was systematically forced to practice his accuracy and adjust his calculations over the years. As well as how to effectively utilize his new limbs, the Spider Limbs for legs, his Grappling arm, and the effective utilization of White White Core Clockworks.
  • He was also given the reading material and machine material to learn how to create them on his own, developing his Finecraft ability over the years until he was finally ready. At the age of 100, 88 years after first being captured, he was sent on his first mission.
  • His First mission was the retrieval of a new test Subject from the Dread Empire, he was tasked with retrieving a Kathar child who was theorized with having a Magespark that could further effectively utilize machines through the manipulation of Magic. The retrieval overall went successful though he nearly killed the child after going for too long without blood.
  • The Masters conferred amongst themselves about this discovery upon the length of time in which he could exist without Blood and decided that due to the amounts of success this Model gave them, they would release him into the World to begin spreading the Cratos Bloodline.
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My Review

Skill Information
  • Body Stat: Tech Body is capped at 40 stat, please adjust this.
  • Body Stat: Stealth also does not go toward your body stat.
  • Linguistic: Middle Altalar can only be achieved through Linguistic points.
  • Will of the Arcane: While under the Cratos Bloodline, you cannot utilize these. Please remove them.
Visual Information
  • Skin: In order to be Oberron Pale you must be an Oberron, as they are green. Leserra are rather pale, alike to albino skin tones. Please adjust this.
Personality and Abilities
  • Likes / Dislikes: Please put the optional bits into spoilers.
  • Fear: Please relate or reword this to possible IC responses rather than addressing only NPC "Masters".
  • Suggestion: I suggest that you remove the instructions on the application as they clutter it.
My Review

Skill Information
  • Body Stat: Tech Body is capped at 40 stat, please adjust this.
  • Body Stat: Stealth also does not go toward your body stat.
  • Linguistic: Middle Altalar can only be achieved through Linguistic points.
  • Will of the Arcane: While under the Cratos Bloodline, you cannot utilize these. Please remove them.
Visual Information
  • Skin: In order to be Oberron Pale you must be an Oberron, as they are green. Leserra are rather pale, alike to albino skin tones. Please adjust this.
Personality and Abilities
  • Likes / Dislikes: Please put the optional bits into spoilers.
  • Fear: Please relate or reword this to possible IC responses rather than addressing only NPC "Masters".
  • Suggestion: I suggest that you remove the instructions on the application as they clutter it.

Did the Tings @Katiesc
Switched 10 Fast Blades with 10 Medical Sciences
Removed +10 Body Stat for Removal of Fast Blades.