Footsteps In The Snow


The snow laid heavy across the dark city of Regalia. The shining city it had been to many had been burned out the day Freya Lo claimed the Holy City for herself. A figure, an ailor woman, made her way through the twisting maze of Regalia's breaking city, her feet finding there way from memory as she was deep in thought.

The man she worked under, and looked up to, was a guard for that wretched queen.

Her brother was barely walking again after his leg had been snapped, even before he couldn't walk without a cane he had been making those plans for a rebellion that, as her close friend had said, everyone and their mother was planning one of those.

She had run away from a fort that had provided her with temporary protection from the living, breathing dead inside their beloved city. The woman paused, running a hand through her black hair, nearly as dark as the never ending shadows that filled the alley she had been passing through.

But..the man who, she assumed, loved her had said for himself..people listen to her..she could really start something if she tried..

But what would her friends say? The one she looked up to, what would he say about her planning something that could have her and many people slaughtered and executed. But the woman just smiled for she only had a few people, in her once shining city, that she truely cared for..and she would do any damn thing to protect them.

Noelle turned and walked off in the direction of the sewer's entrance, her feet pressed footsteps into the fresh snow as she went off.

She would do anything to protect her friends, or she would die trying.
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