There are all manner of strange beasts roaming Aloria, most of which have never been properly documented by mortals. Now, FongCo© would like that to change! We're calling on all would-be naturalists to go out and document the fantastic beasts that share our world with us.
To participate, simply go out into the wilds, and look for some of these unique monsters (or 'Massive Mobs' we've heard them called). Study them, and share your findings in a short report below! Try to answer the following: What is this creature called? What are it's apparent strengths and weaknesses, and why might they be what they are? What natural or arcane mechanisms make them tick?
Be creative! Make your report in the form of a field journal, a scholarly paper, or the ravings of a madman. Feel free to include screenshots, drawings, or even audio recordings. If you're feeling particularly scholarly, write up your findings and theories in a book and share it with the Fongs in-game. Good luck, happy hunting, and remember...
The truth is out there.
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