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Played Character Fols Arca; or The Whale

This character is actively played.


Eternally unfit Band Kid
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
[ You don't understand- I could'a had class!
I could have been a contender.
I could have been somebody. ]

Known best as "Fols Arca" ("Falsk båge in Serdi)
Though his true name is Feuras Aisumile Vuuod Bel-Ant Solleria-Hvalba

Heritage_ Fin'ullen, Spawn of Xeradon

Age_ 23
Gender_ Male, He/him
Occult Status_ None
Occupation_ Watcher of the (???) Sea off the Coast of Hvalba

Fols Arca is an adrenaline seeking Duelist Xeradon Spawn who has immersed himself in Hvali whaling culture, being an avid enjoyer of perilous oceanic voyages, and common dock-worker drama and politics, finding it all wonderful entertainment and conviction of character. He lords domain in the waters off Hvalba, and is the cause of the urban whaling legends of breathing shipwrecks-- and the infamous White Whale that many off the coast dream and languish hunting.

Fols Arca is a full blooded Fin'ullen, if shorter in stature than most at 5'10, though notably very athletic in build. Stripes, scars, and oceanic patterns crawl across his skin in reference to oceanic camouflage, with the expected dark hair of his heritage that he generally keeps tied back. He also keeps a whale-like tail behind him, marked with nicks and old scars.

His attire is often tattered and straight from the water. In his preferred armor, he is doused in fabrics and seaweed, tied down with iron armor and white rope, though often very revealing- to some apparent lack of care on his part. He will generally prefer breathable clothing that allow him to still swim freely, if he is forced to part from his weathered armor set.

As one of the children of Xeradon, he is a fighter and leader of his Father's Armies within the Deep Will. Combat and tests of strength are often his favorite means of introduction, and with his observation of undaunted sailors and whalers-- especially the ones who seek him out and often perish to the waves, is a profound hater of cowards who try to flee from disaster and danger. He especially praises the strength of the mundane, as the wildest and most riotous Ailor sailors needed no magic to hunt their quarry.

Class - Fighter - Str Attk : Con Def

Fols Arca is a vicious and seasoned Veteran combatant, fighting with shields made of wood pulled from boats and harpoon spears meant for far larger prey. He has a pension for dramatics and loves good entertainment through combat, even if he loses.

Points - 14/14 Used
Str - 6
Weapon Throw (Free)
Pinning Throw
Diving Tackle
Building Smash
Steady Body (Fin'ullen, Free)
Con - 6
Block (Free)

Status Endure
Thick Hide

Int - 0
Oceanic (Fin'ullen, Free)

Dex - 2
Escape Artist
Fancy Footwork

Fols is a fullblooded Fin'ullen, though also a child of Xeradon. His persistent chase of physical prowess leads to plenty of exercise and athleticism, to be able to mundanely fight at a higher level.

Fullblood Heritage - Fin'ullen

> Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
> Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
> Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
> Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
> Fin'ullen, when using Persuasion Dice Rolls on Spirits, Arken, Arkenborn, gain +2 to their Persuasion Dice Roll, and the Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2.

Xeradon Godborn Mechanics
> Xeradon Godborn can Transform into Deep-Sea Terrors, nautical horrors with claws and teeth and other appendages. While size can be a factor, it should remain roughly reasonable in roleplay in Regalia, while it is fine to write backstory/lore stories with large transformations. This counts as a Monstrous Transformation and a Disguise, though they Transform back to normal if they are KO'd in Combat. (Monstrous Transformations are illegal in Regalia).
> Xeradon Godborn can always breathe underwater without any Abilities, ignoring Water Penalty, and can always see perfectly underwater. They can move with great speed and grace, and even transform only parts of their body permanently or temporarily more fish or ocean-mammal-like, for example, dolphin fins or a shark's lower body. They can also extend this Mechanic to their "favored", so long as their favored are within Emote Range of them.
> To Xeradon Godborn, water is like a permeable resource from which to make things. Even if to other water has no substance, Xeradon Godborn can change water into anything, from luxurious liquors, to fine foods, to even clothes for themselves or furniture to sit on. They can be made to look like water frozen in time with texture or color, or have entirely different material compositions, and broken down later back to water.

> Athletic Hobby

Fols speaks Altalar due to his upbringing, but learned Common and Serdi from his watches in Hvalba and constant hearings of the language by the men. As a result much of his spoken Common is crude, and crass in nature, which he prefers.

  • Story Hooks
    Fols Arca is a rough and tumble fighter who generally cares little more internal Regalian Politics, as he is here to find beasts to fight and warriors to trade blows with. He also cares little for who or what an individual is, though very much a proponent of strong will, and a hater of cowards. He also loves a good hunt.

    > Fols is a Xeradon Spawn and Deep Will worshipper, jumping at opportunities to contest with others in and out of the same Faith to test strength with them. As much as he professes combat, he rarely becomes upset at his losses, unless of course it is against a competing faction of the Deep Will itself.

    > Hvalba's "White Whale" legend is spawned of him and his activities in the seas near port harbor cities. Seasoned sailors and whalers in particular will warn of false shipwrecks that hide the pallid whale, who intends to lure inexperienced men to it's jaws, and of the dozens of harpoons lodged into it's wooden armor.

    [Characters are free to site having fought Fols Arca in his White Whale sea-terror form!]

    > Fols has a deeply personal love for crime. That is to say, he has watched and listened to the common dockworkers and their dramas, and especially of local mundane mafia crimes that are prevalent at some smaller harbours. He can be said to have some almost comedic admiration for the common Ailor man's struggles, and a lack of interest in Nobles, Knights, or State-level politics.

  • The White Whale
    The infamous "Breathing Wreck" or White Whale (Andningsvrak and Vit val, respectively, in Serdi) is Fols Arca's giant Sea-Terror form, the shape he takes when out on the open sea to combat both daring whalers and other deep sea monstrosities. The beast's form is based on the real-life sperm whale, with a pale and scarred body armored in the wooden remains of previous whaling ships. At times the whale will adopt new armoring based on location, such as when migrating, to use ship architecture more in line with the regions expectations.

    The whale is known to do periodic migrations, though not always in pattern with mundane sperm whales in the region, and very often makes a habit of vanishing entirely despite the attempts of whaling crews to chase. However during the colder seasons it is pushed to move to warmer waters, a now expected habit associated with the White Whale, with some capitalizing on the lack of its presence to do more whaling off in the sea.

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