Archived Flywater In Regalia (+pets!)

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Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Hello all!

I'm not sure if this has been requested before, but would it be possible to enable flywater only in Regalia? To my knowledge it was only removed because of the PVP benefits, and there is no PVP to be had in Regalia.

Since its removal I've noticed a huge decrease in Maiar players due to the inability to swim freely and have roleplay from the water. I think if it could be re-enabled or added as a Regalia-only trait, that would open up a lot more roleplay opportunities and bring back drive for Maiar players.

While I'm here I'd also like to ask: will the pets plugin ever be making a comeback?
I loved that plugin, and I know many others did too. It adds a lot of immersion when people walk up to you to stroke your pets. Who doesn't love a puppy?

- Eccetra
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
ik the Echopet plugin's developer quit, but I think there is an updated version for 1.10.2.

not 100% though

I agree though but don't know how doable it is to make a trait strictly per world.

@ulumulu1510 tagging Ulu for some insight.
Code wise that is surely possible to code, yet such a feature (turning traits on/off in certain worlds) is not currently in the code base and would need to be added. Not too much of a hassle I assume, 5-15 hours of coding/testing/polish.

ik the Echopet plugin's developer quit, but I think there is an updated version for 1.10.2.

not 100% though
And there we have the next problem, Minecraft has already a new version 1.11. Thus, we will prepare for transition eventually and this plugin will become outdated again.

If third party developers are either not making well maintainable plugins (direct version dependency for example), or are activly porting their plugins within 2-3 weeks, then we can't possibly support to have such a plugin on our server.
Code wise that is surely possible to code, yet such a feature (turning traits on/off in certain worlds) is not currently in the code base and would need to be added. Not too much of a hassle I assume, 5-15 hours of coding/testing/polish.

And there we have the next problem, Minecraft has already a new version 1.11. Thus, we will prepare for transition eventually and this plugin will become outdated again.

If third party developers are either not making well maintainable plugins (direct version dependency for example), or are activly porting their plugins within 2-3 weeks, then we can't possibly support to have such a plugin on our server.
But that being said, can't you get permission from Echopet's developer to recode it yourself for your server? I'm sure he'd be fine with that, he's a rather nice guy.
But that being said, can't you get permission from Echopet's developer to recode it yourself for your server? I'm sure he'd be fine with that, he's a rather nice guy
To code that plugin is a tremendous amount of work. Yes, i am sure would be able to do that, but at what cost? Hundreds of hours of development would be needed to get this running I assume. Even if it were to be the most rudimentary implementation, it would still take very long time to code.

We do have the tendency to code everything ourself just because of that reason: maintainability. But we must focus on the most important plugins.

I am hopeful that our Tech-Aspirant will be a great help in maintaining existing plugins, but they are far away from developing their own plugin. This leaves Cayorion and me, both not full time working, to code new plugins. As you can see, development resources are limited.
To code that plugin is a tremendous amount of work. Yes, i am sure would be able to do that, but at what cost? Hundreds of hours of development would be needed to get this running I assume. Even if it were to be the most rudimentary implementation, it would still take very long time to code.

We do have the tendency to code everything ourself just because of that reason: maintainability. But we must focus on the most important plugins.

I am hopeful that our Tech-Aspirant will be a great help in maintaining existing plugins, but they are far away from developing their own plugin. This leaves Cayorion and me, both not full time working, to code new plugins. As you can see, development resources are limited.
Would it be possible to do what you did for Kit PvP(Steal Strike) to Survival with Fly Water?
Code wise that is surely possible to code, yet such a feature (turning traits on/off in certain worlds) is not currently in the code base and would need to be added. Not too much of a hassle I assume, 5-15 hours of coding/testing/polish.
Couldn't it just be similar to how you couldn't go to kit pvp without it removing the stealstrike trait, yet add this to every world except regalia for flywater?
Couldn't it just be similar to how you couldn't go to kit pvp without it removing the stealstrike trait, yet add this to every world except regalia for flywater?
No because it wont work. im in regalia. i can /tp home /f home /tp lobby /tp factions and so on to get out of regalia. in kitpvp you only have one way to enter so it works. you cant put those regions everywhere can you?