Flowers For Mom

It was a warm and breezy morning, the sun was just peeking over the horizon as Ke' awoke from his sleep in his garden. He'd found himself slumped over in some of the shrubbery after a night of organizing his garden. As he rose, he felt as if the garden needed a little more, structure. Sure it had plenty of flowers, but the flowers he had were just ones he could see outside in Regalia. He wanted to add something that would add a bit more to the picture.

Ke' grabbed his pouches and everything else to take on the day, even if it was much earlier than usual. He left out of the house on an expedition to find a flower that could stand out and give his garden some expression. He first decided to search the park. Unfortunately, he only found the flowers he already had an abundance of. Even so, he plucked a couple for the road to wish himself luck. He set out to find another hotspot that may be of interest. He came upon a small little area with a few flowers that he hadn't noticed before. Though there were still new, they just didn't have what he was looking for.

Collecting and noting down these new ones in his journal. He arose from the patch, looking around to where he should go. Strangely, he could have sworn he saw something gesturing to him and then rounding the corner. It wasn't clear, as his vision wasn't the best, but it was still worth checking out. Peeking around the corner, expecting to see a person, or prankster, or something, he was met only by empty air. He rounded the corner and investigated the area to see what he could find. Looking around, he saw something out of the corner of his eye, once more signaling him to follow.

After a couple more signals and twists and turns, Ke'wince came upon a small area with vegetation and foliage all around. It was a beautiful sight, and it near brought a tear to his eye. He explored the small area, noting down different flowers he saw, drawing them and describing them in his journal. He did this until he came upon a peculiar flower, one he had never seen before. He studied it, taking in it's beauty, and then felt something that he hasn't felt since he was with his mother. Maybe he had seen this flower before. It did seem familiar to him after all. His mind raced through memories, taking himself through flashbacks and whatnot to see if he could remember where he saw it.

After a few seconds, the memories came flooding back, and he remembered that the flower he saw was the same kind that his other grew, the same that he buried his mother next to. He teared up, careful plucking the flower and bringing it up to his head and setting it on his ear, making sure it was safe. He began to make his way home, extremely excited to add this flower to his garden. As he arrived, he secluded a spot in the center of his garden, allowing the plant to be set there. He took a breath, and looked around the garden. It felt just like home. The only thing missing, what would make him truly happy, was the family he lost long ago, all except for the one that destroyed it.

That night, as he lay to sleep, he felt as if something was watching him. Though, not in a scary, negative way. He felt as if something was watching over him, keeping him safe. It felt just like when he was lead to the flower. He slept happily for the first time in years.