Preserved Sheet Florinda Cuevas Kraus

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Oct 26, 2013
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Florinda Cuevas Kraus

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Florinda Cuevas Kraus (Formerly known as Fleur d'Eloria)
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor (Daendroque)
  • Ambition: Florinda strives to find the key to escaping vulnerability. Every action she makes ties back to this fear. In terms of her individualistic freedom, if one were to threaten it, she would take all steps possible to protect it as the loss of her liberty would result in herself feeling vulnerable. If others were to bastardize her clothing choices and unmannered traditions, she would hold her head high and fire back with a snarky retort. If she was threatened by poverty and economical pressures, she would seek out the best deal possible, whether it involves corruption or fairness, to secure wealth and financial stability. Overall, she strives for ultimate security from vulnerability and complete individualistic freedom. The extremes of both cannot exist together, and thus, she struggles to find a balance between the two.
Currently, she is threatened financially with high taxes and a low income despite juggling her job as a maid and her business, a family restaurant, called "El Toro." Thus, she wants to secure more wealth in order to support her first born child as she fears that the family would return to poverty. For her family's sake, and her own selfish interests, she has resorted to blackmail and crime, going out of her way to sabotage other businesses.
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Amber
  • Hair Color: Purple auburn
  • Hair Style: Long wavy hair, loosely tied from behind with a dragonflower secured around her ear
  • Skin Color: Light tan
  • Clothing: Florinda wears simple Daendroque-style clothing of which is almost gypsy-like in appearance, preferring comfort and practicality over extravagance. It is not uncommon to find her wearing a long skirt and a loose blouse. Although some bastardize her for her less conservative fashion choices, she could care less.
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: Considering that she is not permitted to own a weapon, she would likely default to using her fists and feet or an object she would find in her surroundings. However, if she were given the option to choose, she would select a short sword, preferring to be in control of her weapon with easy maneuverability for a more offensive fighting style.
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits
  • As perceived by others, Florinda is an opinionated, judgmental, cut-throat, short-tempered, and hot-headed woman with a fiery attitude. Extroverted and domineering, she subconsciously strives to be the one with authority in any situation and, thus, tends to speak in a dictatorial manner. She defies her superiors, responding with passive aggression unless it suits her self-interests to hold back her retorts. With little to no regard for formalities and mannerisms, she asserts herself and demands to be treated as an equal. This means she would rather be addressed by her first name than "Miss" or "Lady" and she would address others the same way in return.
  • Internally to self, Florinda fears vulnerability and everything associated with it. All her actions are geared towards escaping this very emotion. She is afraid of failure, insecurity, shame and showing weakness. This can even be extended to loss: the loss of financial stability, the loss of a loved one, the loss of self-identity, and the loss of her individualistic freedom. This fear sprouted at a young age from her family's traditions and cut-throat nature. It is due to this fear that she takes her personality to the extreme in terms of its assertiveness. If she can convince others that she is a strong, confident, independent woman, then there is no reason she can't convince herself of the same. In other words, she believes that she can run from her fear by never associating with it in the first place.
  • Towards friends and family, Florinda holds respect for anyone that can tolerate her. Within her side of the family, she tends to despise most members but will respect those who respect her. However, having respect for her family does not equate to treating them well. It simply means she feels neutral towards them. Amongst her friends, she is more patient and more likely to hold back her snarky remarks. She even has a sense of humour when sharing a drink or two. When it comes to caring for her friends, she often goes by the principle of "tough-love," unsure of how to express her concerns for them. This can lead to tension, resulting in either the severing of their friendship, or the growth of it. Her spouse is perhaps the only person she is completely open, trusting, and affectionate with. He is her emotional outlet and who she looks to for support. Her loyalty towards others is purely based on how much she respects them and how they have treated her in the past.
  • Regarding morality, Florinda has a chaotic neutral alignment. She doesn't favour good or evil, but will identify the two separate parties based on her current situation in life. Unpredictable in her actions, she will work with either side as long as it helps in the pursuit of her goals and protect her freedom. This can involve corrupt deeds, breaking the law, or helping others, but it is almost always for her self-interests. She recognizes her selfish ideals, but is not morally conflicted because she believes that everyone is self-absorbed despite what they say or do. Although their actions may benefit others, their core reason is always for their own self-interests.
  • Toughness - Learning to be independent during her youth, she is both mentally and physically resilient. When confronted with hard work or physical pain, she would act diligently without complaint. In the case of emotional harm, she keeps her vision set on the prize, refusing to let anyone hinder the pursuit of her goals.
  • Assertive - With strong opinions, Florinda speaks up for herself as well as for others when she believes it necessary. Voicing her thoughts has never been an issue, though it often lacks a filter. Thus, she seldom regrets her actions, speaking with confidence and with little regard for others' opinions.
  • Observant - Acquiring this skill from working in her family's business, she was always well aware of her customers' moods, their attitudes, and her general surroundings. In the long run, this developed into stronger observation skills. She is prone to picking up another's emotional state and their authenticity, piecing together what they say and, ultimately, coming to a conclusion about who they are as a person. What she chooses to do with this though is seldom for altruistic intentions.
  • Adroit - Having worked in the fast-paced environment of a restaurant, she became skillful and clever in utilizing her hands and mind. Her cleverness is best shown through her quick problem-solving abilities, resourcefulness and multi-tasking abilities. With strong improvisation skills, she is able to maintain a calm composure in stressful situations, granted that she isn't annoyed first.
  • Irritability - Having dealt with plenty of customers, she has become more irritable over time, sometimes snapping at others if one were to catch her in a bad mood. Often acting out of impulse, it is her short-temper that tends to hinder potential friendships and aggravate already heated situations. Not only is she easily annoyed, she has very little patience for others, especially when it involves trivial things that she otherwise could care less about.
  • Insensitive - Although she might perceive subtle changes in her environment or changes in another's emotional state, she speaks with brutal honesty and without a filter. Furthermore, she has trouble expressing her own feelings, refusing to acknowledge them with the exception of her small circle of close friends. The only way she gets around this is by channeling her emotions through physical force or saying so in a humorous way.
  • Unmannered - Her Daendroque roots trace so far back that changing her mannerisms is near impossible. Although she has tried before, she knows that this is something she simply cannot change, not that she really wants to. Many times, this has resulted in heated interactions when conversing with those who believe such formalities to be of importance, more often than not, putting her in a bad light.
  • Overestimates competency - With unwavering confidence, Florinda will not back away from a challenge, strongly believing that she can tackle any task. More often than not, she pushes herself past her limits, resulting in tiredness and an irritable attitude. As she develops her fighting abilities, she would have more of an offensive combat-style, making her more susceptible to getting hit.
Life Story
Childhood (0-12)
  • Born as the eldest child in Kilarallis, Daendroc.
  • Spent countless hours working in the family business, acquiring several skills (culinary and observational skills) and picking up both Daendroque and Common.
  • Never learned to be literate during her youth as it was deemed unnecessary in her family
  • Family worshiped the Old Gods, frequently making sacrifices with what little they had.
Teenage Years (13-18)
  • It was a family tradition that the eldest child would inherit the restaurant, but with the family's sexist views, ultimately, a woman was never to own the family business.
  • Worked tirelessly in the family business to prove her self-worth and combat the threat of poverty.
  • Affection was seldom expressed within the family, resulting in both her independence and insensitivity. She would grow to be independent, secluding herself from both her siblings and her cousins and viewing them as competitors. Most of all, she felt spite towards the second eldest, Hernando, her brother.
  • Commonly got in fights with her family, especially those of her own generation, fostering the fear of vulnerability.
Early Adulthood (19-24)
  • Was manipulated, deceived, and betrayed by her family as it was declared her brother, Hernando would own the family business. She would challenge her brother to a fight, ultimately, losing after getting knocked unconscious.
  • Shaken by the loss of her dignity, she would leave in haste after awakening, boarding a small boat. The Ithanian sailor called her by the name of "Fleur," which she would take to be her new name in Regalia, changing her surname as well to "d'Eloria."
Adulthood (25-30)
  • Hired as an Obscure Oyster bartender.
  • Eloped to Niko Heinrich.
  • Lover was kidnapped for several days.
  • Took lessons from multiple mentors on combative skills.
  • Opened Obscure Oyster Franchise, Donut Empire.
  • Distant uncle passed away, resulting in acquirement of baronial status. She fought and won a fight with her brother, Hernando, over the barony during her six months visit back home.
  • Loss of baronial status due to incompetence and destruction of the family restaurant during the dark queen's reign.
  • Reverted to her old name in lieu of her brother's death to the undead creatures and the moving of her family to Regalia.
  • Lost Obscure Oyster business due to her absence.
  • Hired as a nanny with the Gewitters.
  • Held a private wedding ceremony, marrying Niko Kraus.
  • Quit her job as a nanny for the Gewitters.
  • Worked as a model under the direction of Rebecca Celyreos.
  • Hired as a maid for the Bigges.
  • Opened El Toro, a Daendroquin tavern.

Family Thread:

Born in Kilarallis, Daendroc, Florinda spent most of her life in the family restaurant alongside her younger siblings, cousins and anyone else whose surname happened to be Cuevas. Contained within the walls of the restaurant for most hours of the day, she learned to speak both Daendroque and Common, practicing the languages interchangeably as she conversed with the customers. From the moment she could follow instructions, she was put to work, doing so without complaint or resentment towards her parents. Culinary skills were the only valuable asset in a restaurant. It was deemed useless to be literate.

Hands flying, knives chopping, and voices grumbling, the little girl wore muted colours, dull greys except for the bright orange dragonflower nestled in her hair. Her lips were pursed, her brows furrowed, and her mind, intently set on the task at hand. The restaurant had its usual boisterous quality, strangers coming in and out, mugs and ales raising to celebrate the day, and the smell of grilled fish, toasted over glowing charcoal and adorned with crimson berries. To her though, the only thing that seemed to encapsulate her mind was the hope of her mother's approval, and, perhaps, if she were lucky, a small endearing smile.

In ways, the threat of poverty and losing the family business was something she understood and worked diligently to prevent. Although it was a tradition that the eldest child in each generation would inherit and manage the family business, never before had the eldest been a woman. This caused discontent between her parents, aunts, and uncles as they argued over the situation. Perhaps what angered Florinda the most was the fact that they had little faith in her abilities. Thus, she set out to prove herself, with a refusal to let such sexist views crush her ambitions. To inherit what she felt was rightfully hers, she knew she had to live a life of independence. Even though she cared for her relatives, she kept herself secluded from them, viewing her cousins and siblings as competitors, especially the males.

It was uncommon for affection to be expressed openly within the family. Being tough was how she was conditioned to be. Between her brothers, sisters, and cousins, she would bicker, trying to gain dominance. Physical fights were never violent enough to cause severe injury, but what shook Florinda the most was the fragile state she was left in after losing. The feelings of shame and embarrassment were emotions she had no control over, eventually forming her greatest fear: vulnerability.

When it came time for her aunts, uncles, and parents to pass down the family business for the next generation to manage, they had already agreed to let Hernando, the next eldest child and Florinda's cousin, inherit the family business. Florinda was outraged when they refused to consider her an option as they claimed the inheritor had to be the "strongest" in the family. Deceived, manipulated and betrayed, she was furious. No matter how tirelessly she worked at the restaurant with unwavering loyalty, she was still deemed an unworthy successor. Although they never told her directly, she knew that it was because she was born a woman.

For days, she remained in an irritable and resentful state in the restaurant, continuing her work as usual but with an antagonistic attitude. Her cousins and siblings pestered her, though she refused to listen to their claims. Eventually, after attempting to bottle her temper, she challenged her cousin, Hernando, to a fist fight, acting out of blind rage. Her family snickered at her stupidity, knowing she would lose without a doubt. The deal, however, was struck; the first to cry out in pain, whether it be a whimper or a slight gasp, lost and the winner would inherit the family business.

On that very evening after closing time, the family pushed the tables aside and set up a ring of chairs, eager to watch. Neither were to deal any lethal wounds, but what was considered lethal seemed different to each. Florinda, who still cared for her cousin, though she never showed it, had no intention of causing any permanent harm. Her cousin, however, seemed to think otherwise. It was clear from the start that Florinda would lose; she had never been trained to fight. In less than five minutes, she lay on the floor unconscious; the only sound of pain that escaped her was the dripping of her blood which would forever stain the floor.

Silence ensued that evening as the shocked family cleaned up the room, moving Florinda to her bed and tending to her injuries. Albeit she had not let a sound escape her lips, it was clear that she lacked physical strength and that Hernando was to inherit the restaurant, however, each family member had mixed opinions on the matter. When Florinda awoke in the middle of the night after being unconscious for two days, she found herself very weak, wobbling as she went to stand. Judging by the blood-stained clothes she wore, she seemed to know that the family business was to be managed by another. Overwhelmed with defeat, she hastily grabbed the few possessions she owned and stumbled out the door.

Paying a sailor with all her savings, she boarded a vessel, that same night, embarking to Regalia. The sailor, who was of Ithanian descent, did not question her wounds and blood-stained clothes but tended to her injuries for which Florinda was forever grateful for. As the journey progressed, she rested, allowing her injuries to heal with the assistance of the sailor. Although the sailor did not speak Common or Daendroque, he often called Florinda by the name of "Fleur," which Florinda decided to take up as her second name, eventually settling on a different surname as well, though she'd revert back to her old name in the future. After exchanging some farewells and words of gratitude, she departed from the boat, setting out into Regalia. From then on, she refused to be manipulated by others and vowed that she would find a way to escape the feelings associated with vulnerability.

Living in a small apartment located in the harbor, she landed herself a job as a bartender for the Obscure Oyster. Heavily involving herself with the Heinrichs, she worked tirelessly for the family. Although she felt secure with her lifestyle, she aspired to gain some combative skills and to build the few close relationships/friendships she had which she felt would enable her to escape the feelings associated with vulnerability.

Upon receiving a letter from a distant uncle, it was to her surprise that he had left his will to the eldest child of the next generation. Reluctant to return, she was finally convinced to visit her family after much disagreement with her closest of friends. She set sail for Daendroc soon afterward, and prepared for the hostility she would receive when she reached the front doors of the family restaurant.

Greeted with contemptuous looks, she was sat herself down at a table to discuss the will that was left for her. Her parents claimed that her distant uncle hadn't the slightest idea that the eldest child was indeed a woman (which was likely to be true), that he had no intention of handing over a barony to an "incompetent individual" and that the barony would be passed to the second eldest of their generation, her rival, Hernando. Indeed, they proceeded to arrange for yet another fight the day after her arrival, however, little did he know that Fleur had acquired new skills during her time in Regalia. Seeking redemption, she refused to hold back until Hernando gave in, acknowledging her superiority and title as a baroness.

She departed from her hometown soon afterward, triumphant in her success, but yet, unsure of what to do with a barony she had not wanted in the first place. What good would a title do if none but your closest friends believed you? She was far from acting like a proper lady and many already knew her as the bartender at the Oyster. Although she despised the general image of a "noble lady," she could not help but ponder upon the opportunities she had if she convinced others of her title. With the help of her closest of friends, she began taking lessons on proper manners and etiquette. In public, she acted as the noble lady she was taught to be, but when alone, she tore off her guise, returning to the fiery woman she was at heart
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Character Art
129 Sketch 2016.jpg 131 Sketch 2016.jpg 133 sketch 2016.jpg 178 Florinda Cuevas Kraus (2).jpg 178 Florinda Cuevas Kraus.jpg 179 Florinda Cuevas Kraus (2).jpg 130 Gecko and Flower 2016.jpg
  • Niko Kraus - Husband - @BananaForSale: Meeting him by chance, she hadn't taken a liking to the man upon the first encounter. After being offered a job at the Obscure Oyster, she would spend even more time with Niko, eventually fostering affection towards him for his patience and supportive nature, all of which she appreciated greatly. These feelings, however, terrified her, feelings she had little control over. It took her months to find comfort in her emotions, her relationship with Niko hidden from the public eye. Eventually, after his divorce, his kidnapping, and their travels back to their homelands, they would marry in private upon their return, openly displaying their affection for each other. Protective, patient, and reliable, she would grow to love and trust Niko with her life, her loyalty towards him, never faltering.
  • Matthias Heinrich - Brother in law and Friend - @dboy_101: Although the two initially didn't get along at first due to the unstable sibling relationship between Matthias and Niko, they eventually came to a mutual understanding and have established a friendship with each other. She has come to respect Matthias even more after the sudden ambush by wolves, following the Drache beer festival, for his valor and courage.
  • Aurora de Escrebano - Family Friend - @dboy_101 : WIP
  • Wulf Gray - Friend - @xref74 : WIP
  • Fathiyaa Nasir - Friend - @Ampers07: It wasn't until Florinda got a job at the Obscure Oyster that she would meet Fathiyaa. Prior to her travels home, she hadn't appreciated or thought much of her friendship with the Qadir. Upon her return, however, she would come to realize that Fathiyaa was the only one who knew of her past hidden relationship with Niko, who kept it secret despite having such knowledge and had always treated her with respect. Although Florinda would speak to her with a commanding tone, it is because of her deeply-ingrained worries for her that she would treat her as such. Slowly, she is coming to trust Fathiyaa's judgment, but is nevertheless, keeping a wary eye out for her friend.
  • Markus Rothschild - Friend - @HIHI_I_Ryan : WIP
  • Johanna Hartlin - Friend - @IriCrescent: Meeting Johanna through Niko, Florinda both appreciates and enjoys her friendship with Johanna of whom refuses to comply to the traditional female portrayal and carries similar opinions as herself. With equally fiery and "tough" personas, the two get along quite well. Despite Florinda's independent nature, she finds herself able to trust Johanna with most things, hoping to build on this friendship in the future.
  • Melody Varien - Friend - @MarshmellowKasuu: The two encountered each other when Florinda felt the need to make a snarky comment on her outfit. What surprises Florinda again and again is Melody's patience and willingness to accept defeat with grace and eloquence. After rudely intruding in conversation with Melody and Niantha, the apothecary shop owner, and even causing a heated fight to occur, she normally wouldn't care for its impact on others. However, following this conflict, she would feel the raw emotions coursing through Melody, crushing her "tough" visage and leaving her vulnerable to the core. Subject to both guilt and shame, she felt Melody's emotions deeply, and, yet, she could not place blame on anyone else but herself. In fact, Melody did not even appear angry at her at all, and it is for this reason that Florinda would come to respect Melody as a friend.
  • Elizabeth Moreau - Friend - @SofiaZombie: Making acquaintance with Elizabeth through Maxwell Ta'ren, Florinda sees her past through Elizabeth: taken advantage of, manipulated, and broken. Both would try to please their family, yet, fail in their attempts, Florinda more-so than Elizabeth. Thus, she would try to mentor her by means of "tough-love," placing her in situations of conflict, hopefully helping her find her voice and confidence. However, with Elizabeth's divorce comes complications in her friendships with both Elizabeth and Maxwell Ta'ren, Elizabeth's ex-husband. Conflicted in her loyalties, Florinda doesn't know what to make of it. With her absolutist views, she sees only one result: one will remain her friend, the other an enemy.
  • Rebecca Celyreos - Friend - @SpinSpinDizzy: Florinda met Rebecca in the Golden Willow tavern, later exchanging a few words over some tea. Despite their sharp attitudes, the two would share their personal secrets, eventually building a mutual friendship, albeit a dynamic one. With their relationship constantly teetering on the edge of destruction, the pair fluctuated between moments of tension and moments of understanding, almost never finding a middle-ground in between. Even so, Florinda would remain loyal to Rebecca who had shared her deepest secret with her. This gesture of blind trust is what draws Florinda towards her, and she knows that as long as she keeps her secret, she would find equal loyalty and trust in return. Under Rebecca's direction, Florinda would take up a new job as a model for her designs.
  • Freya Heinrich - Despised - @Ragnio: It only took one bad meeting to go wrong for her to despise Freya with deep hatred. Judged immediately upon first impression, she would act on impulse, refusing to submit to Freya's superiority. The two would be polar opposites of each other in almost every aspect: their cultural views, their mannerisms, their personalities, their ambitions, and their views on freedom. Although their argument may have stemmed from miscommunication and pre-conceived judgements of each other, Florinda would be shattered by the confliction of Freya's words, leaving her weakened, emotionally-exposed and frail. Punctured to her core, she would lash out impulsively, unsure of how to manage these emotions. If anything positive came out of the encounter, it would be the change in Florinda's perception of freedom; freedom given by an individual recognized consciously or unconsciously as a superior was, in fact, was not freedom at all. Rather, it was hidden manipulation and an illusion of freedom, constrained within the boundaries and rules set by the said superior. Freedom was a luxury, and it required sacrifices to be made by the individual themselves, not that of others. Thus, she sought out a new objective, not to give others freedom, but to liberate them of manipulation, and, allow them to make their own sacrifices for freedom.
Character Studies
Health: Fleur is satisfied living in her apartment with an adequate amount of food. Even though her living space is small, she frequently spends time outside her home and does not require more luxuries. Currently, she works for the Obscure Oyster as a bartender and as part of the Heinrich staff. Having to serve others is something she does not enjoy as she would rather be in a leadership position. She has plans to open her own business and eventually an entire enterprise.

Affection: Her closest friends are part of the Heinrich staff and family. Fleur tends to keep her emotions and feelings to herself with the exception of her lover. She is not in contact with any of her relatives as she cannot read or write. Although she misses her family members and the small but frequent quarrels they had, she would never admit to or act on it unless influenced to do so. This has to do with her struggle to accept or avoid vulnerability. She would only open up to others if she feels it is necessary.

Understanding: Fleur would be considered uneducated and illiterate. Having spent most of her life in a soupery, she would have only learned about the rest of Aloria by listening to conversations amongst the customers. She was taught the basics of counting and the alphabet by her relatives. She can barely piece words together when reading, pronouncing them wrong. If she would like to present herself as part of the lower nobility and open her own enterprise, she would have to suck up her pride, and find a teacher, however, combative skills are what she would like to learn most. Not only would it allow her to protect herself, she firmly believes that it will enable her to exert her superiority if needed.

Participation: In reality, Fleur is not needed by most Alorians as the majority of them would do fine without her. Amongst the few friends she has, very few understand the motivations behind her actions or outlashes. Sharing her feelings means she must expose herself to others and feel vulnerable, which she would much rather avoid. Her irritability is what causes her to act hostile towards others, usually as a form of defense. Her preference would be to bottle away her emotions and keep them to herself.

Leisure: With the precious amount of leisure time she has, she will either expend it with friends, grabbing some drinks, or keep to herself. She enjoys parties as it enables her to socialize with others without having to have a close connection or be on a certain level of friendship. She has plans to arrange for smaller social gatherings and eventually larger ones. Organizing such events is what she does best as she likes being in control.

Creation: Fleur has no regard for the arts and has no intention of acquiring any artistic skills. As long as the music she hears does not clash with her mood, she could care less. When it comes to visual art, it is noticeable even in her own gypsy-esque fashion style that comfort always comes before extravagance and beauty.

Freedom: Fleur despises the fact that she is treated as weak and defenseless because she is a woman. Constantly fending for herself throughout her youth, she learned that she must stand up for her values and beliefs despite societal norms. She would like to create a women's society grouponce she gains more political power.
Health: Fleur stopped paying rent for her small harbour apartment and has moved to the Heinrich estate. With all her essential living needs being met, the threat of poverty is unreal to her. She now co-owns the Obscure Oyster business, expanding it with a donut shop franchise, which has so far been a success. She plans on further branching out the business, forging partnerships and even sabotaging competitors to gain control of the food industry.

Affection: Engaged to be married, she feels loved in her relationship, but struggles to accept the openness and emotional vulnerability involved, thus, she occasionally distances herself in order to keep her emotions in check. Of the friends she has, most would be commoners, however, as a baroness, she worries that these friendships will tarnish her reputation. Thus, she is working to develop more relations with nobles. This is proving to be difficult as some of her siblings have come to Regalia with reasons unknown to her who could potentially destroy her reputation with their uncivilized manners. Though deep down she has a soft-spot for her family, a grudge is what keeps her from showing forgiveness. If she is to truly keep her reputation, she must have her family members under her control by rebuilding relationships and gaining their respect.

Understanding: After being confronted by a Crimson to recite one of the Creeds, Fleur felt helplessly exposed and vulnerable. She had never been a strong follower of unionism despite going to church everyday (not that she had a choice). To avoid further unfavourable interactions with the Crimson, she practices reciting the Creeds every night. She is also frustrated by the fact that she cannot write a single word, not even her name. Instead of finding a tutor, she is searching for a trusty scholar who can write letters for her. Not only is she devoting more time to her religion, she continues to practice her combative skills late into the night, sparring with friends or slashing at a wooden dummy. The reunion with family and getting mugged at the park only fueled her combative ambitions.

Participation: Considering she co-owns the Obscure Oyster business, she would be needed most managing the tavern and donut shop. Running business shops is what her life has been built on. From working at her family soupery, acting as a bartender and co-owning the Obscure Oyster business, she keeps herself occupied to feel needed in society. However, as she integrates herself into nobility, she must reconsider where she devotes her time as she is already looked down upon by most nobles.

Leisure: Fleur expends her precious leisure time drinking or walking along the beach with friends. She also cares for her bunny, Florinda, which eases her stress. If the day's events caused her misery or frustration, a spar is all she needs to channel her anger. She generally, has very little leisure time and gets minimal hours of sleep, increasing her irritability. She prefers living a busy lifestyle and keeps herself busy as a way of proving her worth and ensuring she avoids all feelings associated with vulnerability.

Creation: Busy with her work, she considers any devotion to the arts for the sake of leisure a waste of time. It merely distracts her from pursuing her ambitions. Though she would never admit it, she ultimately avoids developing artistic skills because she never had such talents to begin with. A soupery required you to cook and serve, not paint an inedible dish.

Freedom: As she integrates into nobility, she finds herself restricted from acting out of her own interests and being forced to follow proper etiquette. Part of being a noble lady requires her to be patient and hold back any retorts, especially ones against her superiors, which she finds quite aggravating. Although she'd like to prove that she can overcome the pressures of nobility, it is simply impossible to be her most authentic self while maintaining the proper image of a noble lady.
Health: Florinda currently lives with her husband, Niko Kraus/Heinrich in one of the larger residences by the opera. Coming back from her travels home to Daendroc, she is working as a maid/nanny of sorts for the Gewitters, although she plans on leaving the job as soon as possible as she dislikes the infants (also known to her as "brats") she looks after for most of the day. In particular, she has her eyes set on re-opening the Obscure Oyster franchise, Donut Empire, but as its own business alongside her husband. She has always been a business woman at heart.

Affection: As for her own personal relationships with others, her travels back home have changed her outlook towards her family in many ways. For one, her eldest brother, Hernando, had died during the undead crisis, rampaging throughout Aloria. This in itself, has been conflicting for Florinda as she doesn't know what to think of it. The death of her brother, but also her nemesis, has softened her heart towards her siblings as she has come to realize that although she holds bitterness towards them, they are, after all, her family, and she owes it to them for raising her. Thus, she has reverted back to using her old name, "Florinda", stead of "Fleur." In a sense, the death of her brother has strengthened her ties with her family. As for her marriage, she couldn't be happier with her husband and hopes that their relationship will last a lifetime. In a sense, her openness towards Niko has taught her to be more trusting towards others. Although she has very few that she would consider as friends, let alone acquaintances, she is slowly unraveling the many emotional and physical barriers she builds to avoid vulnerability and is forging stronger relationships with the new people she meets.

Understanding: As a loose follower of Unionism, she hardly practices reciting the creeds and would rather spend her time perfecting her her combative skills. It is no surprise to her that she has been out of practice due to her travels and she hopes to brush up on her techniques as well as learn a new skill from one of the Harmon circus men: acrobatics. On the more academic side of things, her illiteracy has proven to be a problem both for communication and for gaining knowledge. Greatly frustrated by her inability to write, she can only make out the simplest of words and it is this that hinders her from taking part in a various array of activities. Finding a trusty scholar to write for her is her most viable option.

Participation: Needless to say, Florinda lives a busy lifestyle, working for the Gewitters, planning potential businesses, and pursuing her interests. She feels most understood by Niko and trusts that he feels the same, although when it comes to friends/acquaintances and the new people she meets, there is always a lack of understanding, and Florinda fails to see that they simply don't have the patience for her irritability. In order to maintain at least a certain level of decency in her interactions, she must learn to hold back her snarky comments at times for the sake of maintaining a casual conversation.

Leisure: Florinda utilizes her free time grabbing a drink or two (or three) at local venues and chatting up with strangers or friends. For the most part, she enjoys spending time with her husband as well as the few friends she has and works hard to maintain such relationships. As for her pet bunny, she has always had a soft spot for such tame creatures, though she'd never admit it. If she is able to, she would find a partner to spar with, allowing her to channel her frustrations into something potentially productive.

Creation: The pursuit of the arts is a waste of time in her eyes. If anything, the only thing she is remotely creative with is her with the dishes she cooks. Experimenting with the limited ingredients she has to make a wide array of dishes, some might consider her a decent cook, that is if she hasn't frustrated them to the point of resentment.

Freedom: For the most part, she is free to do as she pleases during her spare time and that is enough to make her content. However, with her marriage comes the complications with the Heinrich family. Although she has been taught proper etiquette and formalities, she struggles to follow the strict mannerisms it requires and more often than not, she would come off as quite rude to most. Being restricted to these customs could potentially make her more irritable than she already is. Some things are better left unsaid. Hopefully, she is bound to learn this quickly as she involves herself, once again, with the Heinrichs.
Segment 1: Childhood
  • Most dangerous experience: Playing with fire. After watching a performance involving the use of flames, she tried to mimic this and ultimately set her own clothes on fire. Despite this, she still finds the essence of fire itself to be of interest to her.
  • Most adorable experience: A nice, humble gentleman (florist) once presented her with a bright orange dragonflower. After a cheerful conversation with Florinda, he was fascinated by her chatty nature and perceptiveness, and he plucked the flower from the pocket of his coat, gently nestling it in her hair.
  • Happiest memory: Traditional Daendroque dancing with her siblings. Prior to finding out that the eldest child was to inherit the family business, she had a closer bond to her siblings and often took part in their childish activities, in particular, Daendroque dancing.
  • Most embarrassing experience: Losing a bet with her brother and having to consume an entire bowl of hot spicy soup. She was constantly drinking water all day for an entire week, not that it helped much, and could hardly talk without her entire mouth feeling as though it were set on fire.
  • Most proud of ___ : Perfecting her mother's recipe for soup. At the age of 9, she was able to fully make the soup from memory, spices, ingredients, and all. Her mother's approval was hard earned, and something she will never forget.
  • Childhood Dream Career: A wealthy, popular, and professional Daendroque dancer who wore the finest of silks in all sorts of brilliant colors. Furthermore, she imagined herself being showered with gorgeous flowers and shiny coins. Although she imagined herself being unrealistically rich, wealth was never a motivating factor for her and she actually preferred a simple lifestyle. If anything, she would use her wealth to purchase a plot of land which she would convert into a grand flower garden. She would also use her wealth to purchase the finest of spices and ingredients to use in her cooking.
Segment 2: Teenage years
  • First love: Lucas de Escrebano (@H0on). Florinda loved the young Lucas for his stoic and hardened attitude and the hidden story that seemed to linger around him. She would notice his pessimistic views, yet, admired his resilience, and not to mention, dashing looks. Unfortunately, for Florinda, she was too afraid to love and be loved in return, and never mustered the courage to confess her feelings to Lucas. She also had her mind set on other ambitions such as managing the family business in the future, and thus, decided that she couldn't let her emotions hinder the pursuit of her goals.
  • A mischievous story: Pissed off at Hernando for constantly tormenting her with snide remarks, she frequently spiked his drink with nasty ingredients, hid his belongings when he wasn't looking, and when she opportunity presented itself, tripped her brother in the family restaurant, regardless if he was carrying drinks or food. Needless to say, her brother had his revenge on her, only feeding to this sibling rivalry. These actions became more violent as time progressed.
  • Most embarrassing experience: Quite possible one of the worst days of her life, she had not only vomited on a customer's dish but confessed her love for Lucas while drunk. Thankfully for her, Lucas was not in the vicinity. Tipsy at first, her siblings dared her to down more drinks and soon enough, she was beyond drunk while working in the family restaurant. Carrying multiple plates, stacked on her arms, shoulders, and head, she stumbled around, tripping over table legs and chairs, until the dishes crashed to the ground with a loud clatter, its contents scattering across the wooden floor boards. Covered in all sorts of sauces and foods, she teetered around as she clumsily pushed herself to stand, muttering obscenity. She then turned to the nearest patron, assumed he was Lucas, and confessed her love in slurred words. Needless to say, her entire family was entertained by the theatrical spectacle and constantly harassed her for weeks afterward.
  • Weakest moment: Florinda challenged her brother, Hernando to a fight and lost by default within a few minutes, knocked out, bruised and bloodied. Not only did this mean that she lost her chance at inheriting the soupery, but she would have to look at his gloating face every day afterward. She feared being a failure and the shame that came with it. Most of all, she hated the vulnerability that came with losing a fight she had initiated. She couldn't face her family afterward and decided to leave soon after to Regalia.
  • Fondest memory: Her fondest memory would be spending a late evening out with her closest friend Aurora de Escrebano (@dboy_101) for midnight tea. Although Florinda preferred action-packed, adrenaline-pumping adventure, the serene evening was something she needed, especially with a family friend. She looked up to Aurora and saw her as an older sister, valuing what she had to say, though she'd never admit it due to her arrogant and stubborn nature.
Segment 3: Later Years
  • Travels: Florinda never ventured out from Kilaralis until she left for Regalia. The farthest she had been was the outskirts of the city.
  • Jobs: Taking on a multitude of tasks, she worked as a cook, waitress, and bartender in her family restaurant until she left her hometown. When she came to Regalia, she was offered a job as a bartender at the Obscure Oyster, which she stuck with to spend time with her lover and to earn some coin. She then worked for House Heinrich as a maid and a cook, further developing her relations with the Patriarch. Not only did she become more involved with the patriarch, but she became a co-owner of the Obscure Oyster. Together, Niko and Florinda opened Donut Empire, an Obscure Oyster Franchise. However, she would leave these jobs when she departed back to Kilaralis to deal with some family business. Upon her return, she was offered a job by the Gewitters as a nanny of which she came to despise due to the "brats" she had to care for. Quitting this job, she took up modeling for Rebecca Celyreos, preferring this over caring for children.
  • Most dangerous situation: Florinda has been in a multitude of dangerous situations due to her arrogance and snarky attitude which easily angers others. One dangerous encounter was when she was in the park. After repeatedly bashing Ciardia Howlette, she eventually hit a nerve, setting off a violent cat fight of which she was stabbed in her left calf and received multiple punches to the face. She would never let down her guard afterward, even if her opponent appeared defeated.
  • Best friend(s): Florinda has trust-issues, which is expected given her experiences. If there is anyone she trusts the most, it would be her spouse, Niko Kraus. Although she has close acquaintances and friends she enjoys sharing a drink or two with, having a best friend is non-existent for her.
  • Life ambition: Internally, she seeks to escape the feelings associated with vulnerability. Whether this involves physical action or emotional turmoil, she strives for immunity from such emotions. Her fear of vulnerability sprouted from her youth and has stuck with her all the way throughout adulthood. Externally, despite her realistic view of the world, she desires for her culture to be free from oppression and works to prevent the abuse of power.
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I will be reviewing this character sheet!

I have to say, this is very very well written and I didn't find any prominent issues worth regarding. That being said, I am going to approve this sheet; well done! @tigrinetiger
Added character study (June 20, 2016)!
Health: Fleur is satisfied living in her apartment with an adequate amount of food. Even though her living space is small, she frequently spends time outside her home and does not require more luxuries. Currently, she works for the Obscure Oyster as a bartender and as part of the Heinrich staff. Having to serve others is something she does not enjoy as she would rather be in a leadership position. She has plans to open her own business and eventually an entire enterprise.

Affection: Her closest friends are part of the Heinrich staff and family. Fleur tends to keep her emotions and feelings to herself with the exception of her lover. She is not in contact with any of her relatives as she cannot read or write. Although she misses her family members and the small but frequent quarrels they had, she would never admit to or act on it unless influenced to do so. This has to do with her struggle to accept or avoid vulnerability. She would only open up to others if she feels it is necessary.

Understanding: Fleur would be considered uneducated and illiterate. Having spent most of her life in a soupery, she would have only learned about the rest of Aloria by listening to conversations amongst the customers. She was taught the basics of counting and the alphabet by her relatives. She can barely piece words together when reading, pronouncing them wrong. If she would like to present herself as part of the lower nobility and open her own enterprise, she would have to suck up her pride, and find a teacher, however, combative skills are what she would like to learn most. Not only would it allow her to protect herself, she firmly believes that it will enable her to exert her superiority if needed.

Participation: In reality, Fleur is not needed by most Alorians as the majority of them would do fine without her. Amongst the few friends she has, very few understand the motivations behind her actions or outlashes. Sharing her feelings means she must expose herself to others and feel vulnerable, which she would much rather avoid. Her irritability is what causes her to act hostile towards others, usually as a form of defense. Her preference would be to bottle away her emotions and keep them to herself.

Leisure: With the precious amount of leisure time she has, she will either expend it with friends, grabbing some drinks, or keep to herself. She enjoys parties as it enables her to socialize with others without having to have a close connection or be on a certain level of friendship. She has plans to arrange for smaller social gatherings and eventually larger ones. Organizing such events is what she does best as she likes being in control.

Creation: Fleur has no regard for the arts and has no intention of acquiring any artistic skills. As long as the music she hears does not clash with her mood, she could care less. When it comes to visual art, it is noticeable even in her own gypsy-esque fashion style that comfort always comes before extravagance and beauty.

Freedom: Fleur despises the fact that she is treated as weak and defenseless because she is a woman. Constantly fending for herself throughout her youth, she learned that she must stand up for her values and beliefs despite societal norms. She would like to create a women's society group once she gains more political power.
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Added character study (July 14, 2016)!
Health: Fleur stopped paying rent for her small harbour apartment and has moved to the Heinrich estate. With all her essential living needs being met, the threat of poverty is unreal to her. She now co-owns the Obscure Oyster business, expanding it with a donut shop franchise, which has so far been a success. She plans on further branching out the business, forging partnerships and even sabotaging competitors to gain control of the food industry.

Affection: Engaged to be married, she feels loved in her relationship, but struggles to accept the openness and emotional vulnerability involved, thus, she occasionally distances herself in order to keep her emotions in check. Of the friends she has, most would be commoners, however, as a baroness, she worries that these friendships will tarnish her reputation. Thus, she is working to develop more relations with nobles. This is proving to be difficult as some of her siblings have come to Regalia with reasons unknown to her who could potentially destroy her reputation with their uncivilized manners. Though deep down she has a soft-spot for her family, a grudge is what keeps her from showing forgiveness. If she is to truly keep her reputation, she must have her family members under her control by rebuilding relationships and gaining their respect.

Understanding: After being confronted by a Crimson to recite one of the Creeds, Fleur felt helplessly exposed and vulnerable. She had never been a strong follower of unionism despite going to church everyday (not that she had a choice). To avoid further unfavourable interactions with the Crimson, she practices reciting the Creeds every night. She is also frustrated by the fact that she cannot write a single word, not even her name. Instead of finding a tutor, she is searching for a trusty scholar who can write letters for her. Not only is she devoting more time to her religion, she continues to practice her combative skills late into the night, sparring with friends or slashing at a wooden dummy. The reunion with family and getting mugged at the park only fueled her combative ambitions.

Participation: Considering she co-owns the Obscure Oyster business, she would be needed most managing the tavern and donut shop. Running business shops is what her life has been built on. From working at her family soupery, acting as a bartender and co-owning the Obscure Oyster business, she keeps herself occupied to feel needed in society. However, as she integrates herself into nobility, she must reconsider where she devotes her time as she is already looked down upon by most nobles.

Leisure: Fleur expends her precious leisure time drinking or walking along the beach with friends. She also cares for her bunny, Florinda, which eases her stress. If the day's events caused her misery or frustration, a spar is all she needs to channel her anger. She generally, has very little leisure time and gets minimal hours of sleep, increasing her irritability. She prefers living a busy lifestyle and keeps herself busy as a way of proving her worth and ensuring she avoids all feelings associated with vulnerability.

Creation: Busy with her work, she considers any devotion to the arts for the sake of leisure a waste of time. It merely distracts her from pursuing her ambitions. Though she would never admit it, she ultimately avoids developing artistic skills because she never had such talents to begin with. A soupery required you to cook and serve, not paint an inedible dish.

Freedom: As she integrates into nobility, she finds herself restricted from acting out of her own interests and being forced to follow proper etiquette. Part of being a noble lady requires her to be patient and hold back any retorts, especially ones against her superiors, which she finds quite aggravating. Although she'd like to prove that she can overcome the pressures of nobility, it is simply impossible to be her most authentic self while maintaining the proper image of a noble lady.
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Added character study (March 18, 2017)!
Health: Florinda currently lives with her husband, Niko Kraus/Heinrich in one of the larger residences by the opera. Coming back from her travels home to Daendroc, she is working as a maid/nanny of sorts for the Gewitters, although she plans on leaving the job as soon as possible as she dislikes the infants (also known to her as "brats") she looks after for most of the day. In particular, she has her eyes set on re-opening the Obscure Oyster franchise, Donut Empire, but as its own business alongside her husband. She has always been a business woman at heart.

Affection: As for her own personal relationships with others, her travels back home have changed her outlook towards her family in many ways. For one, her eldest brother, Hernando, had died during the undead crisis, rampaging throughout Aloria. This in itself, has been conflicting for Florinda as she doesn't know what to think of it. The death of her brother, but also her nemesis, has softened her heart towards her siblings as she has come to realize that although she holds bitterness towards them, they are, after all, her family, and she owes it to them for raising her. Thus, she has reverted back to using her old name, "Florinda", stead of "Fleur." In a sense, the death of her brother has strengthened her ties with her family. As for her marriage, she couldn't be happier with her husband and hopes that their relationship will last a lifetime. In a sense, her openness towards Niko has taught her to be more trusting towards others. Although she has very few that she would consider as friends, let alone acquaintances, she is slowly unraveling the many emotional and physical barriers she builds to avoid vulnerability and is forging stronger relationships with the new people she meets.

Understanding: As a loose follower of Unionism, she hardly practices reciting the creeds and would rather spend her time perfecting her her combative skills. It is no surprise to her that she has been out of practice due to her travels and she hopes to brush up on her techniques as well as learn a new skill from one of the Harmon circus men: acrobatics. On the more academic side of things, her illiteracy has proven to be a problem both for communication and for gaining knowledge. Greatly frustrated by her inability to write, she can only make out the simplest of words and it is this that hinders her from taking part in a various array of activities. Finding a trusty scholar to write for her is her most viable option.

Participation: Needless to say, Florinda lives a busy lifestyle, working for the Gewitters, planning potential businesses, and pursuing her interests. She feels most understood by Niko and trusts that he feels the same, although when it comes to friends/acquaintances and the new people she meets, there is always a lack of understanding, and Florinda fails to see that they simply don't have the patience for her irritability. In order to maintain at least a certain level of decency in her interactions, she must learn to hold back her snarky comments at times for the sake of maintaining a casual conversation.

Leisure: Florinda utilizes her free time grabbing a drink or two (or three) at local venues and chatting up with strangers or friends. For the most part, she enjoys spending time with her husband as well as the few friends she has and works hard to maintain such relationships. As for her pet bunny, she has always had a soft spot for such tame creatures, though she'd never admit it. If she is able to, she would find a partner to spar with, allowing her to channel her frustrations into something potentially productive.

Creation: The pursuit of the arts is a waste of time in her eyes. If anything, the only thing she is remotely creative with is her with the dishes she cooks. Experimenting with the limited ingredients she has to make a wide array of dishes, some might consider her a decent cook, that is if she hasn't frustrated them to the point of resentment.

Freedom: For the most part, she is free to do as she pleases during her spare time and that is enough to make her content. However, with her marriage comes the complications with the Heinrich family. Although she has been taught proper etiquette and formalities, she struggles to follow the strict mannerisms it requires and more often than not, she would come off as quite rude to most. Being restricted to these customs could potentially make her more irritable than she already is. Some things are better left unsaid. Hopefully, she is bound to learn this quickly as she involves herself, once again, with the Heinrichs.
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Character Update!
  • Changed ambition and separated into internal and external
  • Removed character's weight
  • Added detail to clothing section
  • Added new personality trait: Fiery
  • Changed word "obstinate" (personality trait) and replaced it with "defiant
  • Removed strength "sense of balance" and added two new ones: "assertive" and "observant"
  • Removed weakness "coagulopathy" and added two new ones: "insensitive" and "unmannered"
  • Changed life-story to point-form format and placed written story in spoiler
@MantaRey All edits are made in BLUE.
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Added character study (July 6, 2017)!
Segment 1: Childhood
    • Most dangerous experience: Playing with fire. After watching a performance involving the use of flames, she tried to mimic this and ultimately set her own clothes on fire. Despite this, she still finds the essence of fire itself to be of interest to her.
    • Most adorable experience: A nice, humble gentleman (florist) once presented her with a bright orange dragonflower. After a cheerful conversation with Florinda, he was fascinated by her chatty nature and perceptiveness, and he plucked the flower from the pocket of his coat, gently nestling it in her hair.
    • Happiest memory: Traditional Daendroque dancing with her siblings. Prior to finding out that the eldest child was to inherit the family business, she had a closer bond to her siblings and often took part in their childish activities, in particular, Daendroque dancing.
    • Most embarrassing experience: Losing a bet with her brother and having to consume an entire bowl of hot spicy soup. She was constantly drinking water all day for an entire week, not that it helped much, and could hardly talk without her entire mouth feeling as though it were set on fire.
    • Most proud of ___ : Perfecting her mother's recipe for soup. At the age of 9, she was able to fully make the soup from memory, spices, ingredients, and all. Her mother's approval was hard earned, and something she will never forget.
    • Childhood Dream Career: A wealthy, popular, and professional Daendroque dancer who wore the finest of silks in all sorts of brilliant colors. Furthermore, she imagined herself being showered with gorgeous flowers and shiny coins. Although she imagined herself being unrealistically rich, wealth was never a motivating factor for her and she actually preferred a simple lifestyle. If anything, she would use her wealth to purchase a plot of land which she would convert into a grand flower garden. She would also use her wealth to purchase the finest of spices and ingredients to use in her cooking.
Segment 2: Teenage years
    • First love: Lucas de Escrebano (@H0on). Florinda loved the young Lucas for his stoic and hardened attitude and the hidden story that seemed to linger around him. She would notice his pessimistic views, yet, admired his resilience, and not to mention, dashing looks. Unfortunately, for Florinda, she was too afraid to love and be loved in return, and never mustered the courage to confess her feelings to Lucas. She also had her mind set on other ambitions such as managing the family business in the future, and thus, decided that she couldn't let her emotions hinder the pursuit of her goals.
    • A mischievous story: Pissed off at Hernando for constantly tormenting her with snide remarks, she frequently spiked his drink with nasty ingredients, hid his belongings when he wasn't looking, and when she opportunity presented itself, tripped her brother in the family restaurant, regardless if he was carrying drinks or food. Needless to say, her brother had his revenge on her, only feeding to this sibling rivalry. These actions became more violent as time progressed.
    • Most embarrassing experience: Quite possible one of the worst days of her life, she had not only vomited on a customer's dish but confessed her love for Lucas while drunk. Thankfully for her, Lucas was not in the vicinity. Tipsy at first, her siblings dared her to down more drinks and soon enough, she was beyond drunk while working in the family restaurant. Carrying multiple plates, stacked on her arms, shoulders, and head, she stumbled around, tripping over table legs and chairs, until the dishes crashed to the ground with a loud clatter, its contents scattering across the wooden floor boards. Covered in all sorts of sauces and foods, she teetered around as she clumsily pushed herself to stand, muttering obscenity. She then turned to the nearest patron, assumed he was Lucas, and confessed her love in slurred words. Needless to say, her entire family was entertained by the theatrical spectacle and constantly harassed her for weeks afterward.
    • Weakest moment: Florinda challenged her brother, Hernando to a fight and lost by default within a few minutes, knocked out, bruised and bloodied. Not only did this mean that she lost her chance at inheriting the soupery, but she would have to look at his gloating face every day afterward. She feared being a failure and the shame that came with it. Most of all, she hated the vulnerability that came with losing a fight she had initiated. She couldn't face her family afterward and decided to leave soon after to Regalia.
    • Fondest memory: Her fondest memory would be spending a late evening out with her closest friend Aurora de Escrebano (@dboy_101) for midnight tea. Although Florinda preferred action-packed, adrenaline-pumping adventure, the serene evening was something she needed, especially with a family friend. She looked up to Aurora and saw her as an older sister, valuing what she had to say, though she'd never admit it due to her arrogant and stubborn nature.
Segment 3: Later Years
    • Travels: Florinda never ventured out from Kilaralis until she left for Regalia. The farthest she had been was the outskirts of the city.
    • Jobs: Taking on a multitude of tasks, she worked as a cook, waitress, and bartender in her family restaurant until she left her hometown. When she came to Regalia, she was offered a job as a bartender at the Obscure Oyster, which she stuck with to spend time with her lover and to earn some coin. She then worked for House Heinrich as a maid and a cook, further developing her relations with the Patriarch. Not only did she become more involved with the patriarch, but she became a co-owner of the Obscure Oyster. Together, Niko and Florinda opened Donut Empire, an Obscure Oyster Franchise. However, she would leave these jobs when she departed back to Kilaralis to deal with some family business. Upon her return, she was offered a job by the Gewitters as a nanny of which she came to despise due to the "brats" she had to care for. Quitting this job, she took up modeling for Rebecca Celyreos, preferring this over caring for children.
    • Most dangerous situation: Florinda has been in a multitude of dangerous situations due to her arrogance and snarky attitude which easily angers others. One dangerous encounter was when she was in the park. After repeatedly bashing Ciardia Howlette, she eventually hit a nerve, setting off a violent cat fight of which she was stabbed in her left calf and received multiple punches to the face. She would never let down her guard afterward, even if her opponent appeared defeated.
    • Best friend(s): Florinda has trust-issues, which is expected given her experiences. If there is anyone she trusts the most, it would be her spouse, Niko Kraus. Although she has close acquaintances and friends she enjoys sharing a drink or two with, having a best friend is non-existent for her.
    • Life ambition: Internally, she seeks to escape the feelings associated with vulnerability. Whether this involves physical action or emotional turmoil, she strives for immunity from such emotions. Her fear of vulnerability sprouted from her youth and has stuck with her all the way throughout adulthood. Externally, despite her realistic view of the world, she desires for her culture to be free from oppression and works to prevent the abuse of power.
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Character update!
  • Updated to new character template
  • Changed ambition
  • Re-wrote personality traits
  • Minor addition to life story
  • Grammatical edits
  • Beautified the character sheet
  • Placed all character studies in spoilers
  • All edits made in blue
@LumosJared Not sure who will be re-reviewing my character sheet.