Preserved Sheet Florianne Gris

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resident astral asshole
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
wherever the wind takes me
i have no allegiances

( l a ☾ p н a l è n e )

"insects are living metaphors for me. they are so alien and so remote and so perfect, but also they are emotionless, they don't have any human or mammalian instincts. they'll eat their young at the drop of a hat - there's no empathy." - guillermo del toro

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Florianne Séverine Gris
    • Nicknames: Flo, Florien.
  • Age: Twenty-six.
  • Gender: Female ()
  • Race: Ailor (of Ithanian descent).
  • Main Ambition: A vast pile of riches to sit on.
  • Special Permission: Silven + Mage.
Skill Information (Optional)

26 points

School of Turall - Warrior

+10 Dagger
+10 Shortsword
+10 Acrobatics
Magic ( Soul + Leveia ) - 40 Cap
➥ Nymphe | Winged Wonder
➥ Hayvann | Ellon Form

+ Flo's Ellon form is currently a white Lynx, with eight spider eyes, snake fangs, and a rattlesnake tail.
➥ Victaayr | Forlorn Control
➥ Tekreet | Soul Trap
Quick Fingers
+ 16
Instrumental Music
Ship Sailing
Common (Fluent)
Ithanian (Fluent)

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Colour: Silver, with a blue limbus.
  • Hair Colour: Black.
  • Hairstyle: Long, curly and unkempt.
  • Skin Colour: Sickly pale.
  • Clothing: Mismatched rags lazily sewed together.
  • Height: 5'3
  • Body Build: Tomboy.
  • Weapon of Choice: Small dagger.
    ➥ Leveia Magic is also used for more defensive purposes.
  • Media: Link.

Personality Information (Required)

  • Initial Perception | Snide Street-rat - Perceived as an irksome pickpocket, Flo can be colourful and eccentric, once one gets past her yellowed teeth and matted hair. The young woman is far less hostile than one would imagine, often seeking any form of adrenaline to get her heart going. She is outwardly fast-paced and upbeat, which, coupled with her crass sense of humour allows her friendship to be an acquired taste. Moreover, when Flo is on a mission, she can be surprisingly tactful and focused, especially in a situation requiring caution.
  • Internal Perception | Uncertain Imbalance - Having only known one city, one language, and one culture for the majority of her life, Flo struggles to find her true purpose in life, even as a young adult. While she certainly makes a name for herself, she has difficulty placing any meaning behind worthless titles. Having seen far too much sin for a sheltered child, the young woman finds difficulty placing her trust in anyone, as the idea of depending on anyone else other than herself frightens her to a certain degree. However, Flo's deepest underlying anxiety comes with the fear of authority, and being held accountable of her actions to the point where there is no chance of running away.
  • Social Perception | Green-eyed Hoarder - Developing with a lack of healthy relationships has caused Flo to grow senselessly possessive of anyone she shows a remote interest in, both platonically and romantically. While not necessarily going out of her way to help her loved ones, the Ithanian would rather take a knife to the chest than be betrayed, and lives in constant paranoia that those she cares about are going against her, whether it be talking to too many other people or betraying her trust, the littlest of things can spark a heated argument.
  • Moral Perception | Principled Pickpocket - In direct contradiction to what many might think, Flo is highly principled, moralistic young woman. While she doesn't necessarily think that the law is the right direction to be followed, she has a strict code and a deep sense of what is right and wrong. Often refusing to instill her own vigilante justice on others out of pure cowardice, Flo would never betray her own dogma and would much rather be a bystander than a participant.
  • Ignorant - Flo's instant dismissal of any arguments or worldviews besides her own has left her sheltered and ignorant of the vast cultural and arcane melting pot that many call the Holy City. She refuses to listen or cooperate with contradictory ideologies, and rarely has the urge to learn more or seek knowledge about the unknown, instead focusing on benign, useless goals.
    ➥ Flo is uneducated, showing little signs of wanting to learn more.

When nervous:

  • Often bites her nails to the point where there's nothing left to chew.
  • Toys with her hair, whether it be wrapping it around her fingers or braiding stray locks.
When at rest:
  • Leaves her hands in her pockets, keeping a tight grasp on whatever is inside of them.
When bored:
  • Often uses a garette or plays with the associated striking pins.
  • Taps her fingers on any hard surface.
  • Picks at her skin, especially scabs and the like.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Allegiance: Herself.
Most Favourite:

  • Colour: Blood red, or grey.
  • Fruit: Clementines.
  • Environment: Soft, enclosed areas with plenty of room to sleep, and hide things.
  • Food: Prime rib.
  • Drink: Kaffee.
  • Animal: Moths, dogs, and rats.
  • Academic Subject: None.
Least Favourite:
  • Colour: Purple.
  • Fruit: Bananas.
  • Environment: Large, open areas with high ceilings and no light.
  • Food: Spinach.
  • Drink: Anything overly sweet, like fruity alcoholic drinks.
  • Animal: Horses.
  • Academic Subject: All.
  • Whittling/carving.
  • Knot-tying/untying.
  • Lock-picking.


Life Story (Required)

Birth - Young Childhood (0-11)
  • Born on the twenty second of October into an impoverished Ithanian household as the second child of Anne-Marie and Pierre Gris.
  • Grew up hungry and hustling constantly moving from house to house, occasionally squatting in various homes in order to have a roof to sleep under.
  • Began work at the age of eleven, cleaning taverns and doing dishes in local inns in order to provide for her three younger siblings.
Childhood - Adolescence (11-18)
  • Encountered a strange, wandering magician who took interest in her eyes, of which her parents had played off as a birth defect. He promised the young girl, aged only fourteen, in the ways of the arcane if she was able to pay a hefty sum.
  • Enthralled and naive, Flo stole nearly all of her family's hard-earned savings and chased after the magician, who continued to extort and manipulate the young girl in exchange for his teachings of Leveia and Soul magic.
  • As devout Unionists, Florianne's parents disapproved of anything outside the norm, viewing their daughter's new mentor as a calling to the Archdemon, of which her eyes were somehow linked to. She was promptly kicked out of her house with nothing but the clothing on her back.
  • Homeless and desperate for money, Flo resorted to crime and theft in order to fuel her magic learning, going as far as to become entangled with a few local gangs.
  • While her criminal activity began as petty theft, it soon escalated into other, more dangerous tasks of which Flo was very hesitant to do, but the drive to learn more about her magic continued, even as she realized her mentor's manipulation and extortion.
  • Rose up the ranks of a local small, yet prominent Ithanian gang, learning how to use her magic in a more offensive context in order to extort, beat, and punish those who crossed her, honing her lesser skills such as lock-picking and pickpocketing along the way.
Young Adulthood (18-26)
  • Soon came to the conclusion that relying on others and working in a group was most definitely not her strong suit, trying on three different occasions to leave Ithania, all being thwarted by her angered mentor.
  • Eventually decided to pick up some sort of combative school in addition to her four spells, in order for this to avoid happening. She asked one of her only friends at the time, Jean-Luc, to teach her all that he knew about Turall, in order to be able to finally escape her mentor.
  • Flo grew tired of these games of cat and mouse, assembling four of her most trusted allies and fighters, who jumped, beat, and left her mentor to die near the edge of a remote Ithanian township.
  • With the autonomy to move wherever she pleased, Flo gathered as many funds as she could and boarded the nearest boat to the Holy City, in hopes of starting all over again, without past entanglements haunting her.

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Review time!
  • Is she still actively learning magic? Or has she halted her studies?
Make that little addition a new color and you're good to go!