₪ With the cold winter nights slowly coming to an end, Narla - formerly of the Menaya invites Floralcourt and friends to an outing on the beach.
₪ Specifically invited are;
○ Residents of Floralcourt & friends
○ Others of legal standing, who are looking to acquaint themselves with the court and hang out.
○ Others of legal standing, who are looking to acquaint themselves with the court and hang out.
₪ What? A beach outing
₪ When? March 31st 6pm EST
₪ Where? /tp RPEvent
₪ Who? The Menaya, Floralcourt and friends
₪ Why? It's that time of the year again for the annual beach episode
₪ When? March 31st 6pm EST
₪ Where? /tp RPEvent
₪ Who? The Menaya, Floralcourt and friends
₪ Why? It's that time of the year again for the annual beach episode
This event is not up for crashing, because I need to do a bit. I apologize if this inconveniences anyone.
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