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Floral District Missive: Countirh Tremaux


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score


May all lives be graced
By Her bountiful shade
May Compassion guide you
Mana smiles upon you


It is tacitly understood that Aulaya is a heirloom of legendary portents, and that to be its bearer means to live up to a certain expectation. Whether it comes into the hand of the loyal Sollerian Mist Wardens, or the vigilant Demon Slayers of Drowda, these expectations are ones upheld by the regional demonination of Estelley faithful.

I, Drulailmon, did as our Lady of Valor, Goddess Sinnavei, once did: I had retrieved Princess Alaïaam's heirloom in a burning grove somewhere in the pits of Crookback, ensuring it would not fall prey to vultures. While it has passed through several hands since, I regard the Ballista of Our Lady with venerations particularly for the great efforts taken to secure it in Regalia.

It comes as a great blow then that its rotation circled back not only to have it be squandered away in a rich man's vault, but also have its spark complicitly stolen, try as Countirh Tremaux (@IGutTheMidasTuch) might make claims to deny eventually. Further attached below will be a transcript of a conversation quoted in verbatim.

To summarise, despite Tremaux's claims to 'defend Aulaya with their life', they had given it up without a hitch, without a fight, to one Matahari (@dimetros).

We thus present Countirh Tremaux with two choices for the trust that they have broken:

Subject themselves to Kathira, or face perpetual animosity from Floral Court regarding them as persona non grata.
Thus I have spoken my peace: peace by the sword.

Thus do we sign this,
Drulailmon, 12,401st of the Inulvaan (@bahmboozled)
Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth, Grove-Warden & Ordvaan of Mana (@SneakyLinguine)

Transcribed by: Wisteria Netollihua
Date: Winter 311 AC
Ed 1

Transcription Key
{X} Drulailmon
{T} Taralynn
{W} Wisteria

{X} I suppose I would like to hear what you would be doing with this 'gift', and would
rather inquire, too, if you knew the significance behind it.

{T} I plan to keep Our Lady's Ballista safe from being tampered with by the Argentum
and Aelriggans alike. I'm more than aware of the significance- I was born in Allornavaal.
Many years ago. Although my family has since migrated to the Regalian empire, we've
not forgotten our roots.

{X} Were one to harangue and barge in as I did, it would be remarkably easy. How many
guards do you have?

{T} Employed to the house? One. I had little need for them up untill now. If your
intentions were truly violent, the spirits I command would have barred you from entering.
Are you writing down my words?

{W} Indeed? There isn't a problem with such? It is only customary to do so.

{T} Hn. Suvial or not, I'd prefer if my domination of spirits wasn't widely known in the
city. Otherwise, it's fine.

{X} Were that to be the case, I would have indeed come in with a horde. I should make it
clear and abundant to you then: that artefact cannot go anywhere else apart from your
current hands.

{T} I know it can't, and I will defend it with my life.

{X} I know a little /birdy/ that has been desperately chasing for artefacts to make a pact
with an abominable sire. So, I will assign that same horde to protect you.

{W} If my assumptions are correct, I think this little birdy is quite close to them... at least
from what I could see at the party.

{X} You said it yourself: you will protect it with your life. - So I will charge you with full
accountability were you to lose it. Status, title - I do not care if you are not above my
liege or lord. Incorrigiblity will be met with punishment.

{T} Very well. Punish me as you see fit, so long as you are willing to bear the
consequences. Not that I expect to lose it. I've many allies in the city.
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Word additionally goes that Taralynn Tremaux has joined the likes of Argentum, Vampires, Geists, Theurgists, etc. in terms of favourablity (the lack thereof).​