Preserved Sheet Flora Summers

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Apr 24, 2016
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The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Full Name: Flora Summers
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Full Human
  • Main Ambition: Love.
  • Special Permission: N/A
Flora is a young girl from a small village where her family led a prestigious life compared to the peasantry around her. Flora has since moved to Regalia in hopes of a newer life.
  • Eye Color: Aqua
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: A long ponytail
  • Skin Color: Very pale white
  • Clothing: An orange/white dress, at knee height, with brown, long boots and some thigh-high socks.
  • Height: 5 Feet 2 Inches
  • Weight: 110 Pounds
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: Flora would never have the heart to use a weapon
The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!
  • She has a round face, with an undefined chin, very big eyes, a natural cheek blush, small eyebrows and a long ponytail, with a braid around her head meeting up with it at the back.
  • Flora is very underdeveloped in terms of puberty, She is extremely flat-chested, has almost no body hair and does not have many defining features of a girl other than her extremely skinny body. Her arms and legs are so small you could wrap your pinky finger around them, although she does eat.
  • Flora wears a lovely orange dress, knee-high socks, and some smart shoes. She has no accessories apart from a bonnet and occasionally some glasses she wears, mostly to hide her from people who are looking for her, although she is not the type to avoid guards, she seems to have a lot of issues with a man from St. Mystere, who has convinced himself that Flora still has money that she owes to the village for raising her, even though her fortune was spent.
  • Although Flora may not look very important, she was raised by a baron, and knows how to act like a lady. Her natural tone of speech is perfectly soft, although when she is riled up, she has a tendency to scream very loudly, drawing attention to herself. She speaks at a normal pace, albeit shyly. She will smile and talk louder and laugh around friends, though. She usually bears a colder voice in her disguise.
Personality Traits
  • Ladylike and Delicate
  • Flora's rich upbringing has led her to follow very strict etequitte, this is often a good thing in her day-to-day life, as it lets her make lots of friends by her sheer respect, although she is quiet, she is very polite. Flora is also very delicate and sweet.
  • Adventurous
  • Flora often gets herself into trouble by being adventurous with her life, her views on life are very different to others, and she believes no one should live a life where they do not have fun and go on adventures, whether it be with friends or alone.
  • Observant
  • Flora is quick to pick up on small details, she could notice a hair out of place. This gives her a great deal of insight to the behaviour of others, and the environment around her. While this mostly applies to the things people say and discrepancies in speech (others lying to her), she could also notice physical details that have changed, such as a very hard to notice illness or condition. She could also see things like pimples and freckles through makeup, if they were not fully hidden.
  • Argumentative
  • Despite being shy and having low self-esteem, Flora is a baron's daughter, and certainly acts like it. She will often challenge others if she believes they are serving injustice. She will argue back, get angry and often be the intelligent smart-ass in the argument. Her knowledge of psychology from studying in her tower has gained her the knowledge she seems to use against others.
  • Pessimistic
  • Flora does not take a positive outlook on life, often thinking that her life is a lot worse than it really is, this will bore the people around her, and often cause her to lose those close to her. Although this can be cured with a few good things happening to her, just one little accident will cause her to become a complete pessimist.
  • Unsure
  • Flora often doubts herself, thinking she is wrong when she answers problems, and often isn't. She always second-guesses herself, it ties into her being quiet, Flora does not seem to ever be able to be confident she is right inside herself, although she will act like she knows she is right.
  • Headstrong
  • She will not lay down for corrupt abuses, and will often challenge others who call her opinion wrong or invalid. This is a result of her father only wanting the best for her, so she was the only one who really got to put her opinion across to her household.
  • High Stamina
  • Flora's lack of physical brute force is made up by her high stamina, particularly at distance running. Flora could easily run 5 kilometers with minimal breath lost. As she often underestimates attackers, this gives her the option of running from battles, as she often winds up in situations where if she continued to fight, she would be seriously injured or may even die. She often ends most conflict by running away, although reluctantly, seeing as she hates backing down. She will only ever run if she can acknowledge extreme danger in a situation.
  • Out-Of-The-Box thinker
  • Flora would be the best person to send to save you from kidnappers, her wits and simple knowledge alone would be enough, but on top of that, her thought process factors in everything, always thinking out of the box, this is demonstrated by how she acts in everyday situations, thinking only about how to manipulate the situation at hand to her will.
  • Doesn't know when to back down
  • Flora is very headstrong, but this is also a weakness. She does not know when she should stop arguing her point, or trying to get justice served, which often lands her in trouble. She often hates this about her, and is currently trying to overcome it.
  • Physically Weak
  • Flora does not have any brute force, as she was raised around guards to protect her, and she was raised in a background where it was not appropriate for women to train in physical activity, although now, she has ambitions of becoming a guard and overcoming her lack of physical brute force, She currently trains daily to improve her fitness.
  • Tends to underestimate her opponents
  • Flora, although weak, will put up a fight. Although at the time she will rush into the fight without a care, she will think her opponents are weaker than they really are, and will count on herself to attack them, although she will often fail. She tends to be the one to provoke others, throwing verbal abuse at them when it is not needed. She ends up in fights because of this, and is not willing to change it, as she is convinced that she can "Handle herself".

For Flora, seeing the night sky gives her a feeling of inexplicable joy. She loves the stars and could sit out all night watching them, She loves nothing more than to stargaze, as she could not see her town from her tower and was in dark fog clouds a lot, she has grown to trust the dark as a sense of serenity.

Flora's love for food has existed all her life. Her metabolism allows for large amounts to be eaten with almost no weight gain. Flora loves to eat at the tavern.

  • Injustice, Growing up around a well-protected village with minimal crime has led Flora to be very scared of injustice. She hates injustice and wants to become a guard because of it. Though she realises these dreams are futile and she could never do it.
  • The sea, Flora is very easily seasick and hates to travel by sea. Her childhood friend died of drowning, so Flora is forever traumatised by water.
  • Surprises, Flora does not appreciate being surprised, as she always has had everything laid out perfectly in life. Anything she cannot forsee or control absolutely petrifies her, and she will avoid surprises entirely.
Relationships (Optional)
She has a best-friend, Almost brother-like relationship with Gladdal Hammerbeard Flameblade, they are almost like siblings, as he helped her get to Regalia.

Life Story (Required)
Flora Summers was born November 11th, on a cold night. She was always a pretty baby, and grew up with mannerisms like her mother. Her mother died of Oxeye disease when Flora was four, it was around this time that her father was diagnosed with it too. Her father left her a fortune to do with as she pleased, before dying of the same illness 7 months later. He left her in the family manor for years before she decided to leave the village on her 18th birthday, a few money and boats later led her to Regalia, since then, she has made bonds with people, and enemies with people. Her time in Regalia and her services to a family as a maid has run her into a little bit of money, she is currently saving for a very nice, expensive residence, somewhere she hopes she can settle permanently. Flora's youth is yet to be lived, and she is excited for the joys still to come in her life.

NOTE: Surname changed to Summers.
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I will be reviewing this character sheet!

  • This is a peer review! Firstly, well done on writing this. I'd like to start off by just letting you know that you can remove the descriptions of each section. This paragraph serves more as guidance to you rather than anyone else having a look at the sheet.
  • Please place your expansion/optional sections into spoilers. It will make it easier for @Jared4242 to review your character sheet.
  • You may want to look over your formatting and see if you can clean up some of your sections. It'll help a lot of you bold titles such as 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses.'
  • One-hundred and ten kilos is a /lot/ for a girl barely standing over five feet. She wouldn't be skinny at all. I'm assuming you meant one-hundred and ten pounds?
  • I'm going to request that you change 'Shy' to a different personality trait. She's adventurous and you mention she is very opinionated and headstrong. Shy people don't tend to be very outspoken.
  • 'Unflirty' doesn't strike me as a personality trait, or rather, not a very strong one. You want to include her strongest and most prominent traits in this section. If she doesn't despise romance, please replace this trait. If you choose to keep it, find a more suitable synonym and elaborate heavily.
  • 'Stunningly beautiful' is very subjective. Not all characters will find your character attractive, which is why it is encouraged to avoid including these sort of terms. Please replace this strength.
  • She's physically weak, but wants to be a guard? Be wary if you choose to make Flora a guard. Remember that she will struggle heavily in most fights because of this.
  • You appear to be dividing what could easily be two sentences with commas every now and then. Have a quick look through your character sheet.
  • Maybe you'd like to include what illness her mother and father died of. I think there's actually a few illnesses if you browse the MassiveCraft Wikipedia.
  • Her father built a village for her? Where was she living before, then? Where was she born? Did he pay others to do this? Why? You'll find it might be easier to just say she was born in a village or a town.'
  • Okay. I'd like to go into further detail about the life story. I see you've already made some edits based on my very loose criticism, but it seems unfair to leave you with something so unconstructive because I was in a hurry. In detail:
    • Firstly, you may want to expand Flora's life story. I think you could even divide the current paragraph into two because it's a little large. Flora's life story doesn't have to be long, but throwing in another paragraph or two won't hurt!
    • Well done on including a specific disease!
    • England does not exist in this universe. I'm going to reference you to this page; it includes some basic information about the universe!
    • In the life story, you've written 'the' tower. This implies some specific tower we know of, but I'm not sure what you could be referring to. Why was she moved to a tower in the first place? By who?
    • How did 'he' (her father, I'm assuming) have his old friend send her a message if he had already died? Why was she locked away, anyway? You mention that the tower was a place where no-one could hurt her, but why would they? Why was the tower so difficult to find? How did she receive food? Just seems so far-fetched.
    • I'm not sure you mean by an apple-shaped mark shining on her neck.
    • As the life story progresses, it seems more and more fairytale-esque and some sentences just don't make sense. Flora somehow had money to upgrade the village in general and help its people, but they turned on her for absolutely no reason? I think that you should consider reworking the life story entirely to make more sense. I don't like the whole locked away in a tower thing in general, but if you intend to keep it, I think that you need to elaborate and explain things more thoroughly and realistically.
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Okay @Eledana Thank you. I have made appropriate changes to Flora's life story and fixed a few minor grammatical corrections and minor inconsistencies in her life story. I really appreciate your constructive criticism, by the way. Do you have any more for me?
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I will be reviewing this application!
You have very intricate detail for Flora so far, and it was super interesting to read through! Absolutely wonderful work! After looking through it closer, here are the edits I'd like to bring up:
  • Basic information. How does Flora plan on achieving her main goal of finding/earning love? Does she want to socialize more? Perhaps reach a certain political or social ladder that will help her meet more people she'd prefer to meet? Give a brief sentence or two that explains this.
  • Personality traits. "Intelligent" isn't much of a behavior trait, more so a strength. That being said, if she's good with words, you could say she's "Witty" or perhaps even "Observant," if she's keen at reading people or detail. I'd also like to point out a few inconsistencies: 1) being "Enthusiastic" yet "Pessimistic" are two very contradictory things; they don't really work together. I would go ahead and delete the "Enthusiastic" trait as well as the "Overemotional" trait, since being Pessimistic hints at this negative behavior.
  • Strengths. Go ahead and bold your title points. I'm also seeing a lot of mental strengths here. Focus on three categorical strengths: a combatant strength, a physical strength, and a social/mental strength. For each bullet point, give at least three detailed sentences, explaining how they benefit her in said-various-situations.
  • Weaknesses. Follow up with the same edit mentioned above -- bold the title of the points, as such: "Headstrong: <description>." The first and final Weakness points need a couple more sentences' worth of detail; here are some things you can expand on:
    Is she aware of when her stubbornness gets her into trouble? Does this affect her social life on a daily basis? Is she prone to getting this way around certain types of people? If she's arrogant in combat, does she try to verbally prod her opponents? Does Flora try and maneuver away when she's in a pinch, and how does her cockiness fail her? Is she aware of this bad habit?
  • Life Story. Interesting content here, captivating! The only thing I'd like to see change here is that you split the first paragraph into two separate paragraphs.
Overall, very well done! If you have any questions regarding the review or anything you'd like to discuss, feel free to send me a forum PM! Make your changes in a different color, then tag me when you're done! @SerratedCucumber
Thank you for the in-depth review @MantaRey . I really do appreciate it. I have altered Flora's personality according to your advice. Although I am concerned that her positive personality traits outnumber her weak ones. I am glad you like her story! If you have any further advice for me, please do let me know!
Great progress! The only things I have left to point out are as follows:
  • Delete one of your positive personality traits. You do have an uneven count here, so I'll leave it up to you which you omit from the section.
  • Expand on "Observant." Great basis here, but how does this an active trait that presents itself? What are her behaviors with it? Does she tend to focus on a certain physical aspect of a person when talking? Perhaps she makes note to look around an area and gauge a feel for it? Does this also give her a bit of a flighty behavior? Give a few more sentences here.
  • Expand on "High Stamina." Good to make note of how she lacks in the physical aspect but exceeds in her endurance! How does she use her stamina to her advantage in a possible combatant situation? Does she use it in favor of offensive or defensive moves? What sort of advantage does she usually aim to achieve with this? I think two to three more sentences on this bullet point will do it some justice.
Very good here! Edits in a different color, as usual, and tag me when you're done with them! @SerratedCucumber
Thank you @MantaRey again, I actually intended to continue the "Observant" trait earlier, but I must've overlooked it (Flora would be disappointed, haha.) I have added my edits in red, as instructed, I have removed the "Charismatic" personality trait, as it also ties in with being ladylike. Is there any more criticism you can give to help me improve my sheet?