Preserved Sheet Flo'essa Enneija

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Dec 2, 2014
Reaction score


Basic Informatiom
  • Full Name: Flo'essaluceina Enneij'enajo
    Shortened: Flo'essa Enneija or Lucei Enneijo
    Nicknames: Flo, Lucei
  • Age: 62
  • Gender: Agender, appears female
  • Race: Yanar - Afflicted by Dulofall
  • Sexuality: Asexual, but flirts with all.



Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: (60 - 10 = 50)
    • + 20 Quick Fingers (10 Proficiency Points, 10 School of t'Hoterie Points)
    • + 10 Commanding Speech (10 School of t'Hoterie Points)
    • + 10 Trapping (10 School of t'Hoterie Points)
    • + 20 Alchemy (20 Proficiency Points)
    • + 20 Diplomacy (20 Proficiency Points)
  • Culture Points: (60)
    • + 20 Stage Performance (20 Proficiency Points)
    • + 20 Bodycare (20 Proficiency Points)
    • + 10 Dancing (10 Proficiency Points)
    • + 10 Literature (10 Proficiency Points)
    • + 20 Horticulture (20 Race Points)
  • Languages:
    • Modern Elven (10/10)
    • Common (10/10)
    • D'Ithanie (10/10)
    • Leutz-Vixe (10/10)
    • Daendroquen (10/10)
    • Dressolini (10/10)
    • Anglian (7/10)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Aqua
  • Hair Color: Light green
  • Hair Style: Long and flowing
  • Skin Color: Pale green
  • Clothing: Flowing skirt and a band over chest area. Lots of jewelry.
  • Height: 6'8
  • Body Build: Thin, willowy.

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph | Public Appearance
    Flo'essa is grand and extravagant, she adores all that's beautiful, but this is only because of the way Dulofall has shaped her personality. If the person she meets is attractive or cute, she's bound to be exceedingly flirty and touchy, wanting to know all about them. People are bound to either see her as an extremely self-absorbed nuisance, or as an interesting and elegant person. But despite all of this, Flo'essa is still a kind person who tends to look out for those less fortunate than herself.

  • Second Paragraph | Internal Turmoil
    Flo'essa sees herself as being simply fabulous, after having spent years trying to achieve her ideal look, she's confident in her appearance, and loves to flirt with any and all. However, if it seems someone dislikes her, she'll immediately get upset and take it extremely personally, she'll try to turn others against them or to gain their affection in any way she can.

  • Third Paragraph | Friends and Family
    The yanar is extremely possessive around people she considers her friends, though the term is generally loose, as not many return the feelings. She'll give them advice on how to be more beautiful and manipulate their choices with sweet words of kindness, all while believing that she's being a brilliant and caring friend. Flo'essa doesn't really have family, as she's yet to create a child and has not kept contact with those in her life outside of Regalia.

  • Fourth Paragraph | Loose Morals
    Flo'essa does not purposely cause harm, as she doesn't truly realise that she has Dulofall. She seeks only her own pleasure, seducing and flirting with any that she can to acquire their approval and affection. She does not purposely seek to go against the laws of the land, generally adhering to rules, but her chaotic nature is something she can't really avoid. She'd be best described as Chaotic Good or Neutral.

Life Story

Ages 0 to 30:
  • "Born" a year where their mother had had a great life, Flo'essaluceina soon grew to be ambitious and social, never fearing what the world had to offer.
  • The Yanar easily made friends as they were a kind, loving figure with a bright and energetic personality.
  • As soon as possible, they took on a shape similar to a man, and called themselves Lucei. He frequently used the shape essence of male Avanthar and Kathar, liking their broadened shoulders and masculine look. Lucei would prefer being called a "He" at this point in time.
  • Early on, Lucei had an obsession with the letters, loving to learn languages. With time, he learnt D'Ithanie, Dressolini, Daendroquen and even did his best to learn Anglian. He also spent time experimenting in Alchemy, finding the science of it all fascinating. The Yanar continued studying these subjects throughout all of their life.
Ages 30 to 40:
  • Thanks to a good friend of his, Lucei caught an affinity for dancing and stage performance. He'd frequently use Shape Essences to imitate the character he wanted to portray.
  • As the years went on, he learnt to love dancing, notably belly-dancing. Lucei felt more inclined to be a woman now, and asked those in her social circle to call her "Flo" now. Flo took inspiration from beautiful, lithe women, notably the tall and striking Saivale.
Ages 40 to Present Day:
  • Unfortunately for her, as soon as she turned 40 she was infected by Dulofall. As she grew more social, extravagant and vain, none seemed to question it, as even her close friends believed it were simply because Flo was a confident woman.
  • She soon would spend her time reading "Tales of Baroness t'Hôterie and the Haute Homme", finding the tellings fascinating and perfect for her new love for affection. After a decade of reading the 24 volumes, she felt satisfied with her skills of seduction.
  • Flo would go about her life relatively peacefully, seducing people as she pleased, leaving behind her a trail of people infected by Dulo Disease. When people connected the dots, she was sent away from her home. She found that they weren't worth her time anymore, and decided to go to the Holy City for a fresh start, a new slate, a new crowd.

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Review In-Progress.
My sole point of review is that I ask you add the +___ to what is giving Proficiency and Culture Points to her so that I can be assured you understand and are properly following the Points system. Tag me once this has been done @Mistles
If I have understood correctly, I believe I've made the appropriate changes! If not, please let me know.
Thank you for reviewing me!