Floating 'blocks' Prevent Ships From Sailing In Ithania!


Slightly crazy Dutchman
Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score

So.. Cap'n Dany Woodleg be sailin' his ship on th' Ithanian sea.. When all of a sudden weird 'Blocks'
started to float up.. Sorcery!

Out of RP:

In my opinion, this should really be cleaned up, it hurts my eyes.
Well... You cant really destroy what people make on massivecraft. Unless if it is really crappy.
At least no one's made a one block wide bridge accross it right at sea level. :\
"There appears to be a crappy one-meter bridge up ahead!"
"Don't worry, we can just sit here until it goes away."
I do think we need to have some big service project across all of the worlds.. It's a shame how so many ruins and structures. Or a clean up crew to take down any relics that are "crappy". Some ruins Icould see being left up as part of history.. But crap like this needs to go.
I do think we need to have some big service project across all of the worlds.. It's a shame how so many ruins and structures. Or a clean up crew to take down any relics that are "crappy". Some ruins Icould see being left up as part of history.. But crap like this needs to go.

Question. If someone builds a ugly cobble box house near my faction am i allowed to destroy it (not grief, not break walls, destroy as in removed any trace it was ever there)?
People need to stop building "magically" 1 block high floating island on top of water...
I think there is a point where one needs to start removing these kind of structures for the sake of humanity and Aesthetics.
I do think we need to have some big service project across all of the worlds.. It's a shame how so many ruins and structures. Or a clean up crew to take down any relics that are "crappy". Some ruins Icould see being left up as part of history.. But crap like this needs to go.
I tired to make one befor but i dident have time for anything so i closed that.