Preserved Sheet F'lloa Vië'nna - The Cielothar Bard

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Nerd thing
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score

Portrait of F'lloa by @JoyShake


  • Full Name: F'lloa caanotano'lloa enn'a ella vië'nna'toa
    • Common Translation: Flower that sings in the wind.
    • Shortened version: F'lloa Vië'nna
    • Nicknames: Flo, Vi, Flower, The Bard
  • Age: 60
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar
  • Sexuality: Asexual
    • Not incapable of romantic relationships however

60 Proficiency Points to spend from age
  • +30 Musical Arts (+30 from Points)
  • +20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 Racial Boost)
  • +11 Historical Knowledge (+11 from Points)
  • +6 Linguistic Knowledge (+6 from Points)
  • +5 Statesman Knowledge (+5 from Points)
  • +5 Literary Knowledge (+5 from Points)
  • +3 Rogue Training (+3 from Points)
Body Shape and Body Fat
  • Physical Stat = 0
  • Body Shape: Average
  • Body Fat: Low body fat.
  • Common (Learned from time in the Archipelago)
  • Modern Elven (Native, learned from parents.)
  • Imperial Elven (Fluent, learned while studying history.)
  • Daendroquin (Fluent, learned from time in Daenshore.)
  • Dressolini (Fluent, learned from time in Montania.)
  • D'Ithanie (Learned from linguistics knowledge.)

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Caramel Brown
  • Hair Style: Short and messy, tied with various beads.
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: Loose, flowy, traveling clothes.
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Body Build: Average, Low body fat.


Social Image | A Song in the Wind
To others, F'lloa comes off as ever friendly and curious. Her tendency to be long winded, combined with her love for music and prose, will sometimes lead to others also viewing her as quite whimsical. The more people make conversation with her, the more they will notice her silver tongue, the Cielothar possessing a way with words that is utilized to appease all those she meets. Those hearing about her would likely be inclined to think of her as an odd but amusing individual that they wouldn't mind crossing paths with one day. Conversely, some may view her as superficial even if wrongly so, due to her tendency to focus on the positive and ignore the negative when she can.

Self Image | A Tale or Two
Internally, F'lloa is carefree spirit, usually living in the moment. She tries her best to avoid thinking about anything she doesn't need to, which can lead to some troublesome bottling of emotions.Her curiosity about the world and its history seems to have no end, and she strives to recount its tales through her songs. Her songs are her most cherished possessions, and as such, she is extremely proud of her own work, and does not take flat out negative criticism about them well. In a way, she believes these works to be the only thing truly lasting and valuable she can give to the world. The Cielothar is also perhaps a tad naive, believing she can ignore her problems as well as any internal strife, and just keep singing her songs.

Inner Circle | Roots and Branches
To those close, F'lloa can be quite absent. Her inability to deal with problems often leads to her avoiding people when major issues arrive, making lasting relationships quite difficult for the Cielothar. Not everyone is willing to deal with her flighty nature and as such her inner circle is quite limited.Those who do tolerate this however, will find a loving and jovial friend when she's not preoccupied with her other interests or avoiding her problems. Her underlying issues also make her incapable of forming physical relationships with others, and she often avoids physical contact even with close friends. However, being a musician has led her to being somewhat of a hopeless romantic, though these fancies are usually short and sporadic due to her carefree nature.

On Morality | As Free as the Wind
When it comes to morality, F'lloa is neutral, but definitely sways more towards good. She values freedom and can be quite unpredictable in how she acts to various situations. However, she is still quite pacifistic, only fighting in self defense, and she hates needless violence if she sees it from others. Besides that she tries not to dwell on the negative, so often avoids holding judgement on others as long as it is not violent in nature.



Childhood years
  • F'lloa is born in April of the year 246 AC in a small Cielothar village.
  • She lives an average childhood for that of a Cielothar child, though begins taking an interest in singing and music from a very young age.
  • Gets herself into trouble rather off, running of to play wherever her curiosity takes hers, oblivious of dangers.
  • Her parents try various methods of calming the free spirited girl, but none seem to prove effective.
  • Writes her first song, an acapella tune in modern elvish and titles it, "The Forest".

  • F'lloa becomes even more absent as he she grows older. Unable to deal with her problems, she spends more and more time away from home, creating adventures for herself to distract herself. Her parents become worried sick as F'lloa begins staying away from at for days at a time.
  • She is sent off to learn history, in a last ditch effort to try and instill some discipline in the young Cielothar.
  • She spends 10 years in Daenshore studying history, which inevitably only fuels her quests for knowledge and ignites her desire to tell stories through song.
  • Due to the shady nature of Daenshore, she also ends up picking up a few underhanded tricks along the way, but only uses them for necessity or when she feels she's been slighted.

Adult Years
  • Begins to travel around Daendroc, looking for mentors in the musical arts, and for stories to tell along the way.
  • On a trip to Windgarden, she meets a Lute player, who teaches her how to play the instrument, as well as some basic musical theory.
  • After learning the lute, she starts begins practicing writing her own music, traveling where the wind takes her, living off tips and the occasional odd job.
  • Makes a point to seek out any and all musicians in the places she travels, picking up as many tricks from whomever she can, as well as exchanging stories with those who will bother to listen.
  • Later on, the Cielothar grows tired of traveling around Daendroc and decides to take a ship to the Regalian Archipelago in search of new stories, and new musicians to learn from.
  • Being naturally friendly, and having constant practice talking with various cultures,she finds it much easier to mingle with the people of the archipelago than some.
  • Falls in love with the Dressolini on a visit to Montania, due to their musically inclined culture.
  • Begins to study under a Dressolini man, who helps her perfect her musical theory knowledge, as well as the learning of prose and poetry, to craft more elegant pieces.
  • Her tutor confesses a secret affection for her, but F'lloa is unable to reciprocate the man's' feelings thus her tutoring comes to an end.
  • Unsure of how to deal with the situation, F'lloa begins traveling from tavern to tavern around the Archipelago, sharing her stories through song in the hopes to make a name for herself, though is only successful enough to keep herself fed
  • most nights.
  • On one of her lowest nights, she discovers an escaped Arloran Pygmee Pig, somehow finding its way out of a nearby pet shop, and adopts it.
  • She finally decides to try her luck in the capital, Regalia, hoping fortune favors her more in the vastly populated city.

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Maximillian - 100/100
Her best friend and pet, an Arloran Pymee Pig. The Cielothar's animal companion.
Aubrey Gweir @JoyShake 50/100
They have only just met but the Cielothar is quickly growing quite fond of the Isldar.

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@Caelamus I believe I have made the necessary changes to comply with the new update. Should be ready for a re-review! Only changes are: Update of the proficiency section to support the new system, Addition of the Body Shape and Body Fat section, and One additional language added due to Linguistics knowledge points.