Archived Flavor Text Messages

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


professional at living
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
So, anyone who builds and/or owns a RP faction, decorates their regalian home, or whatever has to do with this knows that flavor text signs can be very useful. They add at lot of atmosphere, and lets whoever is reading them know what their character is looking at, or smelling, or feeling. Now these signs can be a little hard to put in, and also limit the amount of text per space.

Recently in Old Regalia, we saw the flavor text in our chat, as we stepped over certain blocks or entered a certain area. I am proposing that players would also be able to use this feature. It could work like a command such as /flavortext set (text). You then punch or right click the block (almost like lwc), and it makes it so when you step over it, it sends the text to the player in gray italics, just like in regalia. I have no idea if this is possible, but I think it might be if LWC can do the punch a block thing. Or maybe it could be you stand on the block then do the command? I don't see many cons with this idea, but if you do, please point them out.

Thanks for reading!
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this a lot actually, perhaps they would have to pass through staff approval to avoid spam?
I can sense, that this could be used for trolling.
it would be easy to code in my opinion, however you should lay out the pro's and con's that might happen if implamented.
it would be easy to code in my opinion, however you should lay out the pro's and con's that might happen if implamented.
  • Allows for more immersed RP environments
  • Seems more professional than the traditional signs
  • You can put it anywhere
  • Could be a money sink
  • Can be used to spam
  • Could be inappropriate or otherwise bad messages
  • Trolling, harassment, etc
Though, many of these could be changed by some of the suggested things. Such as approval by staff, limited amounts per so many blocks, or limited amounts period. Plus you could add more cost for the more there is in a specific area.
Just a couple more ideas on this:

Only 1 could be created per each block
This would hopefully cut down on spamming to an extent

Could only be created in specific areas
ie. None in wilderness, none in Regalia except possible inside player owned houses

In my opinion the server's economy would benefit from some sinks. (Albeit resource sinks more so then money sinks)

Edit: Maybe to create these sinks you have to rename an object then right click the block you wish to create it on. (like how portals work) And whatever you rename it is what the message is. Also could the item needed to create it be a rare/semi-rare voting item. This would make the messages valuable and it would likely greatly reduce spammability (<--- New word ft.)
And whatever you rename it is what the message is.

nah that wouldn't work, not enough characters for a message that people will be using this command for. if im not mistaken the messages that pop up in regalia need to be put in via the console because basic minecraft chat has a character limit.

what we could do instead is have a request forum page, kinda how you can request warzones and the staff would have to do it, again like the warzones.
nah that wouldn't work, not enough characters for a message that people will be using this command for. if im not mistaken the messages that pop up in regalia need to be put in via the console because basic minecraft chat has a character limit.

what we could do instead is have a request forum page, kinda how you can request warzones and the staff would have to do it, again like the warzones.
The messages could probably be loaded from the first page of a book. This would allow a much larger character limit without the need for assistance from staff.
Just remember that these flavor texts that appear on your screens
are not 1 time use. They appear EVERY TIME you pass over
that particular block that it's assigned to.

So... That being said, would you want that text interrupting your
block of RP each time you accidentally or unnecessarily pass
over that spot? Would it at that point be a benefit, or an annoyance?
Just remember that these flavor texts that appear on your screens
are not 1 time use. They appear EVERY TIME you pass over
that particular block that it's assigned to.

So... That being said, would you want that text interrupting your
block of RP each time you accidentally or unnecessarily pass
over that spot? Would it at that point be a benefit, or an annoyance?
These same things could be said about the ones in regalia. I don't think people find much annoyance in it because there aren't that many. I think if we limited it to like 2 a chunk, it wouldn't be very bad or annoying.
These same things could be said about the ones in regalia. I don't think people find much annoyance in it because there aren't that many. I think if we limited it to like 2 a chunk, it wouldn't be very bad or annoying.
The difference between what you are suggesting and what we use in Regalia lies in regions. You are suggesting whenever you walk over one block. In Regalia, it is based off of staff-made regions, which are invisible selections that have "Greetings". These greetings are the flavor text lines, that show up whenever you enter one of these regions which are usually 20x20x10 or something big like that. There is a lot of room to move around, and it won't activate the flavor text unless you leave the region and come back in. What you are suggesting is mini regions everywhere that are 1x1. Whenever you reenter one of these regions, they will set off the greeting. What you are suggesting is giving players the ability to make regions, which is incredibly unlikely to happen.

Setting aside lag and the other cons you mentioned, adding this feature in its current state would not be beneficial. @Party_Penguin27 mentioned that the Staff could maintain them similar to locks. This will take a lot of effort in doing so, sucking time that the Staff could be using for other work, such as bringing you great worlds like Regalia or Teled Methen, or approving Character Apps, or updating the profile of the website/forums.

To sum it all up: I don't think this is a good idea.
These same things could be said about the ones in regalia. I don't think people find much annoyance in it because there aren't that many. I think if we limited it to like 2 a chunk, it wouldn't be very bad or annoying.

There's like, 10 in all of Regalia.
Not to mention how large Regalia is,
it would be much more
noticeable in a smaller area like a house, or faction.
The difference between what you are suggesting and what we use in Regalia lies in regions. You are suggesting whenever you walk over one block. In Regalia, it is based off of staff-made regions, which are invisible selections that have "Greetings". These greetings are the flavor text lines, that show up whenever you enter one of these regions which are usually 20x20x10 or something big like that. There is a lot of room to move around, and it won't activate the flavor text unless you leave the region and come back in. What you are suggesting is mini regions everywhere that are 1x1. Whenever you reenter one of these regions, they will set off the greeting. What you are suggesting is giving players the ability to make regions, which is incredibly unlikely to happen.

Setting aside lag and the other cons you mentioned, adding this feature in its current state would not be beneficial. @Party_Penguin27 mentioned that the Staff could maintain them similar to locks. This will take a lot of effort in doing so, sucking time that the Staff could be using for other work, such as bringing you great worlds like Regalia or Teled Methen, or approving Character Apps, or updating the profile of the website/forums.

To sum it all up: I don't think this is a good idea.
Ohhh, okay. I've used that plugin before on several occasions, and that makes a loottttt more sense now. Yeah, I can see why this isn't work. I guess signs will have to do. :)