Archived Fix The Economy

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Dec 25, 2012
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Hello there and my Name is Sajn, I got some experience about servers and i have learned some tips & tricks. And i can see that prices are very unstable. And i have an Suggestion to fix this problem.
And it's a lottery.

Basic Idea.
The Basic idea is that people will pay f.e Diamonds and one diamond will result in one ticket. The diamonds will then ofc be removed by the plugin. I think this plugin will be fairly easy to code.The prizes should be delicious if i say so the prices should be something everyplayer want's maybe premium. When there have been maybe one week you use a randomizer and one ticket will be drawn. It can be the Hobo from Hobotown that only bought one ticket who won the biggest prize.
I can guarentee that this will help against the overflood of diamond for a while or increase. People may start using hacks to get diamonds to be able to get tickets.

This can also be used with money. One silver one ticket. The chances are the richer you are the better chance you have. But you could have two lotteries every 2nd week. One the Diamond lottery where one diamond is one ticket and another one where one silver is one ticket. The prizes can be different maybe a free Faction or something.

I have seen one server do this and it helped them, so this ain't fully my idea.

Also one thing is that you maybe can have Mining worlds. So the main world won't be overmined & all the trees will be chopped and thousands of leafs left. In the miningworld that is restricted with maybe 5.000x5.000 blocks players could mine & gather wood. Premium players have their own and maybe a faction could also buy their own for some grands.

But this is a big server so it should maybe be bigger than just 5kx5k. And it should reset every 12th hour. There should always be a new map so players won't memorize the places where veins are.
One of the lottery prizes could maybe be 2weeks of mining in Premium world. To get to the mining world you could use a portal at spawn. This way will keep the world more cleaner. Factions won't be able to claim land in the miningworld. And there will be a 500block radius where there is pvp off. But outside those boundaries hell can break lose. You can ofcourse modify these ideas but i would like some credit for it:)

Let me know what you think, And what you think would be better!

(I know my spelling ain't the best)

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True, but portals are made with magic, which is fantasy. (Keep in mind it's a medieval fantasy roleplaying server.)
Lottery existed at that time. The first Lottery recorded was 200b.c . So i think it still existed the middle ages.
Meh[DOUBLEPOST=1356484212][/DOUBLEPOST]This would also cause a lot of lag, resetting worlds and such :c
Meh[DOUBLEPOST=1356484212][/DOUBLEPOST]This would also cause a lot of lag, resetting worlds and such :c

You aren't reseting you are generating new ones. A server with this capacity won't lag with an little ordinary world generation. Btw the generation is done by the owner and then implemented int o the folders no lag at all. But the world need to have boundaries and such before opening it up, Totaly irrelevant...
You aren't reseting you are generating new ones. A server with this capacity won't lag with an little ordinary world generation. Btw the generation is done by the owner and then implemented int o the folders no lag at all. But the world need to have boundaries and such before opening it up, Totaly irrelevant...
Reloading the server and adding a new world causes a lot of lag. Have you ever tried it?[DOUBLEPOST=1356484646][/DOUBLEPOST]And this would need constant monitoring if they had to put a new world into the folders every 12 hours.
No i haven't Because i have never had a server of my own. But these maps won't be humongos either. 1 min downtime or something. The server do these restarts alot.

They have no need to monitor, ? The players in that world will get an auto message saying the world will reload and before it closes all who are left gets kicked. It will take some time but it will be worth it ''saving'' the world. But this idea maybe only work on smaller servers then?
And it doesn't need to be every 12th hour.
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