Preserved Sheet Fitzgerald Richtoffen

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Apr 23, 2016
Reaction score
Fitzgerald von Richtoffen


Basic Information

Full Name: Fitzgerald Helferich Richtoffen.
Age: 100 - Infected at 25.
Gender: Male.
Race: New-Regalian.

Main Ambition:
Power for himself and those who are like him.
To spread the gift and separate strong from weak.

Skill Information

Proficiency Points
  • 15 Extra Heavy Combat Skill
  • 15 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • 10 Stealth Rogue Skill
  • 10 Perception Training
  • 8 Magical Knowledge
    • Shatterology.
    • Sanguinology.

[Vampiric Mutations: Active]
Chosen Mutations

Harlord Varghul | Beast Transformation | - Can shift to beast form. Beast form offers 15 Physical Stat increase, which can exceed the Physical Stat limit. It additionally contorts the face of the Vampire to be more bat-like, with longer ears, a snarled bat-like nose and larger brow bones with no eyebrows, as well as larger teeth. Skin turns midnight-blue while spikes form on the spine, and the legs become digitigrade with claws on the feet.

Harlord Protection | Instant Ability | - 2 Blocks | For every wound made on the Vampire, if the Vampire hits/cuts/pierces their victim, they can "draw" the blood out to heal a wound on themselves, a wound for a wound essentially. This does however close the wound on the victim and stop their bleeding (but not heal internal damage)

Harlord Chasing | Instant Ability | Emote Distance | The Vampire gains bat-like wings that appear only for a single jump, allowing them to jump up to a maximum of Emote Distance at rapid speed. This ability takes a few seconds to charge up the jump, and the wings disappear immediately after. This ability can only be used three times per hour.

Harlord Sighting | Constant Passive | - The Vampire can no longer be affected by Target Illusions (though still choose to see them) or any Abilities that would lower the Vampire's Proficiency Points, Caps or Investments.

Bloodline Mutations

von Kërle Appearance | Constant Passive | - The Vampire's eyes are always either red with black eye whites, or are always red with eye whites that only turn black when feeding and their Vampire teeth appear at all times, which are noticeable. Their skin is also noticeably more pale, and their eye sockets reddened.

von Kërle Functioning | Constant Passive | - The Vampire is unable to consume food and drinks, these substances instead turning to ash in their mouth. Von Kërle Vampires are only capable of producing Vampire Broods. All of their children become Vampire Broods.

von Kërle Empowerment | Constant Passive | - The Vampire gains +5 Proficiency in whatever weapon they are wielding at any given time, but only for one weapon (does not work on shields or double-wielding).

Visual Information
  • Eye color: Crimson Red (Dark Green when cured.)
  • Hair color: Black.
  • Hairstyle: Shaggy mess.
  • Skin color: Pale skinned.
  • Clothing :Dark colors, fashionable clothing.
  • Height : 6'4".
Body Build: Strongman.
(15+2*(10+10+7)= 69. Physical Stat, Capped at 55. (65 When in Varghul Form).

Common - {Fluent} (Granted)
Alt-Regalian- {Fluent} (Father-Tongue)
Mirnoye - {Fluent} (Mother-Tongue)
Modern-Altalar - {Fluent} (Learned)



Personalities and Abilities

  • Alignment:
    • Chaotic Evil.
  • Personality:
    • Logistician.
  • Religion:
    • Unionism - (0/10).
[Perceived by Others]

Fitzgerald perceived as graceful, elegant and ruthless. He has a superiority complex with a very smart attitude. He's outwardly quite intelligent and has a very nonchalant personality. He seems eerily calm and collected at all times even when he's not. He's able to find silly moments in the worst of situations. Always the joker and the one to toy with his meals. He's quietly menacing and psychotic in his own right since he's not as serious as most. Opting to play with those he deems insignificant and dumb. It is clear to this who are not blessed with the gift as he is that he feels superior to them.

[Personal Opinion]

Before his transformation Fitz originally had much self doubt and fear that lingered within himself. It all cleared up immediately when he was turned. All the self doubt and fear he had faded, replaced with a daring, self confident, cocky personality. Though the doubt might linger deep within his subconscious, he feels none of it any longer. He's void of most emotions to a degree in the state he is now. The only emotion that's stayed the same is his snarky, smart ass remarks and statements.

[Family and Friends]

Fitzgerald does not feel any sort of real compassion for those somewhat close to him. He simply shows his compassion by offering respect and being playful in his own way. Most of not all of his true relationships died off after infection. His relationships now are no different. The only people he would consider to be his family are those infected as he is. He tends to be friendly with his own kind unless he feels that they are not worthy of his kindness and politeness. For the most part, the only people Fitz would be okay with are his kin.


Any true morality Fitz might have had died long ago. He only follows simple rules and just common sense codes of morality. He sticks by these common sense morals unless he feels they are not needed or if he feels another would not treat him in a similar fashion. Morality is genuinely something that Fitzgerald either has at times or doesn't. Give or take, he simply does not feel that they are all that important. He feels that morality holds people back from becoming stronger. As those without it are willing to do things that people with morals wouldn't in order to get ahead.

Life Story


•Fitzgerald was born October 3rd, 207 AD in Hinter Calemberg to a Vladno woman and Calemberg father. Though they were far from their native lands they still called it their home nonetheless. Alt Regalian and Mirnoye were Fitzgerald's first languages, followed by common after.

•He lived a simple life during his childhood. Doing normal things like farming, helping with chores, messing around. He had a normal childhood in that regard. His troubles would not begin until his adolescent years that would soon follow and slowly shape the man he would become in the future. His childhood was just the main foundation and building block for his future.


•Fitzgeralds adolescence was spent rough housing and fighting. His parents having taught him a thing or two, the couple worked as witch hunters and vampire hunters under the Darkwald Order. They each had violent and superstitious outbursts because of said job. The young Calemberg learned rather quickly about the power of those he was meant to hunt. He was utterly enthralled and fascinated by it. His fascination and research via reading was cut short as he toughened up in preparation to choose a school of combat. He practiced with average short swords and footwork as any young boy would with such a back-round.

•By the time he was 14 he chose the School of Darkwald. He entered the school 214 AD and graduated some 10 years later on 224 AD. His time in the School of Darkwald was rather rough. He possessed all the talent in the world but lacked the confidence he needed during the early stages of initiation. It wasn't until the end of his lengthy school career that he possessed the confidence he needed to become a full fledged knight.

|Adulthood and Vampiric Years|

•Fitzgerald moved to the coast of Calemberg just after his 25th birthday. His fascination with those who were infected only grew since his adolescence. Now a grown man able to decide for himself, he experimented with those infected and tested on them, writing books and taking notes with discoveries he made about the infection. He learned more about the power they had and what hey were truly capable of. His infatuation with vampirism grew more and more. His final piece of research was describing the feelings of being turned and transforming. This, evidently was found out by his superiors who swiftly expelled him from the order. Without purpose, he went all in on his experiment, using himself as the subject as he wanted to wield the power that came with the disease.

•Upon transformation the Fitz of days past perished. The once average man was pushed over the edge and changed more whilst being infected. Once he felt the power that he had at his disposal there was no going back for him. He'd spend the next decades toying with his prey and killing those he felt were unworthy of living. Starting with his parents, who tried to show him reason, killing them in cold blood, cutting the last shred of resistance there was to accepting his new gifts. Fitzgerald spent about fifteen of those years terrorizing his homeland. Finding those he felt were worthy of receiving the gifts he had to offer. After years of evading capture and killing Darkwalds, he found new purpose with a Coven, the Red Cardinals and continued his reign before eventually being run out of Opper Calemberg, by those who he once called brothers in arms, settling in the underbelly of Regalia.



Last edited:
  • Bold keywords in the other paragraphs since you already did it for the first under personality.
  • Explain where and how he picked up Tatsugo as a language. This seems very out of place.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @XPONCEFTWX
  • Bold keywords in the other paragraphs since you already did it for the first under personality.
  • Explain where and how he picked up Tatsugo as a language. This seems very out of place.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @XPONCEFTWX
Edits have been made in red. Personality words have been made bold! @Bagley_
@Anarchizm let's get this ball rolling:
  • Given Fitzgerald is currently infected with the von Kërle Bloodline, please change his eye color to red. If he has recently been cured, set the mutations to disabled.
  • I calculated the Physical Stat to be 69 (15+2*(10+10+7). Given the von Kërle Bloodline caps at 30 I'm not too worried about it right now, but just a note to fix it before (or if) he gets cured.
  • I'm going to ask that you update the Personality section since it's been a while since we've been on the current format.
  • Minor nitpick, but first paragraph of adolescence is missing an apostrophe in Fitzgerald's.
  • I'd look into rewriting the last sentence of the second adolescence paragraph. I'm not sure what "those" refers to given the context. The beginning of the sentence also could use a grammar check.
  • The First paragraph of Adulthood seems a bit contradictory given his Darkwald education. Darkwald Knights are usually the type to shoot first ask questions later, and while I can accept his desire to learn all there is about the Vampire curse, his desire to infect himself for the power is contrary to the Darkwald beliefs. I would suggest having his increased research and infaturation lead to his expulsion, which would then give him a reason to infect himself, since he would no longer be tied down to the Darkwald rigidity.
  • I'd be curious to see if his Darkwald parents were still alive today, being Darkwalds themselves. Given the Order has an extensive espionage network to check in on their members, I would expect word to have reached them about his expulsion and infection.
  • Since he would be acting out in the Calem regions, I expect he would've had a run-in or two with the Darkwalds attempting to execute him. Perhaps an extra detail to add.
Once you have made the required edits and rectified the inconsistencies in the life story, tag me.
@FireFan96 All corrections have been made accordingly. With the life story edits made in red. Old personality paragraph was also put under spoilers.
All good bar the reasoning of his parents, who by darkwald policy would probably just fight him with some effort, since he's their kid and all. But I trust you can make that change.
