Archived Fishing Rod Grappling Hook Plugin?

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Interesting concept. Sadly the plugin does not show it is for 1.8+. But the idea of this is interesting.
I've played with grappling hooks before in some games. However when you were a class that allowed you to use the fishing rod like that, you couldn't actually fish. So perhaps a trait/or if you named the fishing rod a certain way. I must say I greatly enjoy grappling through cities, even though I am terrible at it (half the time I fling myself into walls).
I would'nt think grappling hooks were lore compliant
I've played with grappling hooks before in some games. However when you were a class that allowed you to use the fishing rod like that, you couldn't actually fish. So perhaps a trait/or if you named the fishing rod a certain way. I must say I greatly enjoy grappling through cities, even though I am terrible at it (half the time I fling myself into walls).
im yeah what this plugin does it it acully adds a new item, grappling hook, this is crafted with a fishing rod so there is no conflict with fishing :)
Interesting concept. Sadly the plugin does not show it is for 1.8+. But the idea of this is interesting.
with massivecraft writing its own plugins im sure the tech team will think of something, hopefully, it all else prevails im sure i can tweek the coding and update the plugin.
I wouldn't think grappling hooks were lore compliant
wait how is it non lore, rangers use it to reposition, espionage, scale up walls right, its a siege weapon, medieval times use rope ladders to scale up castle walls. how dis not lore???
Interesting concept. Sadly the plugin does not show it is for 1.8+. But the idea of this is interesting.
hey i found another grapple plugin, this one u can craft when u rename a fishing rod"grappling hook" in anvil. i think this one has the solution for minecraft 1.8. please have a read
You don't need a pluggin. I could set up a command block system that will tp you to the fishing hook. It's not that hard.
It's still in progress. I'm designing a way of rapidly tping you to the hooks location every quarter of a tick. (That's really fast.)
that would produce so much lag....
especialy if like... half the server did that...(overextageration, i luv it)
This would make factions with no roofs really vulnerable, yes in the medieval time they had grappling hooks as a siege tool, but the ones that were defending the place being sieged, could easily detach the grappling hook, i think that it wouldn't be fair, sorry but i have to disagree :(

Sorry for my bad english
You don't need a pluggin. I could set up a command block system that will tp you to the fishing hook. It's not that hard.
a command block system is inefficient on a multi world server, for again these reasons:
  1. you would need to see it up in every world
  2. the chunks with the commandblock system must be loaded at all times (and this can cause lag, lots of lag)
Plugins are made for an entire server, making it so you dont need to lag the server using chunks constantly loaded, as well as it works for mulitple worlds withought needing to type in every little thing on a command block system.
Ender pearls aren't lore compliant either. The lore and factions universes are two separate things.
Wait, I thought ender pearls were lore compliment, and just used a modified shadow magic? I remember Monmarty mentioning this before. Also, how aren't grappling hooks lore compliant? It's just a rope with a mini anchor on it. They've been around for a while.
You don't need a pluggin. I could set up a command block system that will tp you to the fishing hook. It's not that hard.
Using commands for anything beyond what a user does is probably the worst and most inefficient to accomplish something possible with the Bukkit API.

Interesting concept. Sadly the plugin does not show it is for 1.8+. But the idea of this is interesting.
Most plugins doesn't break on updates. At least is isn't so complicated and probably won't.

hey i found another grapple plugin, this one u can craft when u rename a fishing rod"grappling hook" in anvil. i think this one has the solution for minecraft 1.8. please have a read
Link please.

I've played with grappling hooks before in some games. However when you were a class that allowed you to use the fishing rod like that, you couldn't actually fish. So perhaps a trait/or if you named the fishing rod a certain way. I must say I greatly enjoy grappling through cities, even though I am terrible at it (half the time I fling myself into walls).
Nah fishing should still be possible.
Even if lore compliancy was an issue, which it definitely is not, how would a grappling hook be so incompliant? @TylerJG92
right, looks like ive been out smarted, so who will write the lore around how we "magicaly" have grappling hooks.
We already do, much of Massive's lore is to simply assume existence of such things, since we are in a medieval/renaissance setting.