First Player Of The Week! Ladyheretic

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Forgotten Relic
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Cadillac, MI
LadyHeretic - [Succubus Queen of the Nether]
Lady Nyssa Heretic

Player of the Week Reward: RP PVP Booster Pack. Includes:
  • 5 God Apples
  • 1 Dark Blade of the Queen [God Sword]
  • 1 Chest of Regen Extended Potions
Inhabitant of Aloria since 1 year and 1 month.
Leader of Chronikatr, previously an integral part of the Valyria and Yukuro factions, and their respective RP campaigns.

In depth RP is one of the greatest elements of MassiveCraft. The ability to make a home or a massive civilization is a right we all share. However, the ability to turn this right into a functional part of MassiveCraft society, is an amazing skill that should be valued and recognized by everyone. This is the key factor within LadyHeretic that I feel we should all realize and appreciate.

LadyHeretic has been apart of some of the strongest factions known to the server. No doubt this has helped her learn what is needed to be as successful as she is currently with her Rise of the Nether RP campaign. Additionally, her experience in PVP is something that should not be ignored. Recently, 9thLegion and Lanilor have felt the merciless wrath of this mighty succubus. As her campaign develops it would be interesting to see who might have the courage to stand up to the rising power that is LadyHeretic.

Please congratulate and recognize the deeds of LadyHeretic. RP efforts from players such as her are an integral part of this amazing server. Keep up the good work, you are an appreciated member of MassiveCraft!
spits milk and chocolate cookies all over monitor
Spits his drink on his computer
Spectec, are you drunk...? (facepalm)
Woo Hoo, All hail Chronikatr! All Hail the true Dark Queen!
I think we should all be congratulating instead of saying shit like that. Grats Lady.
Lady is dedicated to her RP. Just like VoidGate, and may others. However, I feel that she is the least recognized and most achieved in that aspect among the other nominees. If you'd like to help me in deciding, let me know. It's good to honor other players, whether they're for or against your RP views.
Congratz. (clap)

I'll see to it that your rewards don't last long. >:)
The rewards for Player of the Week are respective to what you are being recognized for. PVP awards will be similar to what LadyHeretic received, but builders will receive other rewards. Thank you for all the responses. They were quite humorous. I will make a new thread for next week's nominee on the Sunday after each election. Thank you for not flaming this thread.
The rewards for Player of the Week are respective to what you are being recognized for. PVP awards will be similar to what LadyHeretic received, but builders will receive other rewards. Thank you for all the responses. They were quite humorous. I will make a new thread for next week's nominee on the Sunday after each election. Thank you for not flaming this thread.
I nominate ozgho for next week
You know what. I nominate Ozgho too. He's very active in being my antagonist. He makes sure to let me know he's there, all day long and I enjoy turning the words he says to me around. <3

I'll be sure to repost this later >_>
I nominate Octobergwen, for her amazing story of her RP character, and helping me feel appreciative of myself :D
Please congratulate and recognize the deeds of LadyHeretic. RP efforts from players such as her are an integral part of this amazing server. Keep up the good work, you are an appreciated member of MassiveCraft!

This is definitely the funniest thing I have seen all week. :D
Ozgho has my nomination as well. That man is dedicated to being an arch-nemesis. He's also extremely friendly and helpful during raids.

EDIT: Ozgho! Ozgho! Ozgho!
EDIT2: I actually agree with LadyHeretic being the Player of the Week. Sure, my faction is at heavy war with hers. But I have respect for her which cannot be swayed by the likes of fighting. Congratulations, Heretic.
Regardless of ingame status' with LadyHeretic and Chronikatr I would like to congratulate her regardless, If you like her or not she is one of those characters that people love to hate, without a few bad guys in game what would you spend all your time doing...
Yeah, we all know that it's just a game, and the point of this game is to have fun, and since the more conflict there is the more interesting it gets, and I would definitely say LadyHeretic has stirred up the server quite a bit.
This whole thread has made my day XD.
Gratz Lady! :3

I vote Ozgho for next PotW, just for being a millitant hater of Chronikatr.
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