Archived First Impressions And Suggestions

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Aug 22, 2017
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First off i found myself getting lost in the RP world, a little bit of signage goes along way. when i did meet people they usually stuck to RP or completely ignored me XD

The only real suggestion i have is instead of /vote bringing up a series of websites, why not have a webpage with all the links on. this makes players more inclined to vote as its easy to just open multiple tabs rather than click the game to reload and such. people are lazy XD

also a bit more indepth tutorial wouldn't kill anyone also why are all the bartenders in a tree?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think you can get past being lazy. This is kind of like spending 8,000$ to change the streetlight's walk signal to resemble a woman instead of a man (even though it looks like a stick figure). As to the people often ignore you part is probably because new players don't often understand all of the rules and components of roleplay. I'm not saying you're dumb, I'm just saying we all have a time for learning.

P.S. The bartenders are in a tree because their old spots in the tavern were torn down when it was rebuilt multiple times.
also a bit more indepth tutorial wouldn't kill anyone also why are all the bartenders in a tree?
More in-depth tutorial would be amazing

Also it's a temporary location for those NPC characters because it's required that the tavern be completely demolished and remodeled every month and a half or else the server will explode (at least thats the only explanation i can think of as to why that happens so often)
a little bit of signage goes along way
I think could be helpful. While signs do cause fps drops in large amounts, I feel that simply having a few signs on the main roads could be of benefit.

when i did meet people they usually stuck to RP or completely ignored me XD
This unfortunately goes to more of a "people are uncomfortable talking to people they don't know" thing. Assuming your skin looks like something from the lore (fantasy-esque) then approaching someone is the best thing to do. If they ignore you, you could just ask if they heard you before, or if they're just deaf (bluntness makes for some good RP usually)

instead of /vote bringing up a series of websites, why not have a webpage with all the links on.
I personally have a chrome folder where I can open all the voting links at once. If there was a way the server could do that by default, it would be a welcomed edition. Because yes, clicking ever link in game is arduous and take a 5 minute thing into a 15 minute one.

also a bit more indepth tutorial wouldn't kill anyone
could you elaborate a bit more on what could be added to the tutorial? I know it's pretty bare bones but the general idea is that players should head to the wiki after the tutorial to read up more on stuff. If that message needs to be conveyed more/less, let us know here with some specifics.

why are all the bartenders in a tree?
The central tavern is the largest public building in the RP world. As more players come to the server, they crowd the tavern more and more. Other times the build no longer fits the architecture the city planners want to embrace, or uses less sophisticated building techniques (compare Ithania's spawn to Regalia's for example. You can see the growth of the build team.) So the tavern gets redone every so often.

The NPCs are in the tree because they used to be in the old tavern. They just haven't been placed back yet. My reason for this is that the stalls inside the tavern are aimed to be player run. Vendors will have to speak to the Grand Proprietor in order to secure a booth (which is currently vacant, so nobody to contact)

Thanks for the feedback on your starting experiences. We usually don't receive anything from new players, who usually log off after 5 minutes. It's great to see people like you taking initiative to let the server know what could be improved.
every month and a half or else the server will explode (at least thats the only explanation i can think of as to why that happens so often)
Except the last time it was remodeled was April 2017, well 4 months ago, and the time before that was october 2016, another 6 months before that. I really don't understand why people like poking fun at the tavern remodels, they happen once every half year to keep the roleplay hot-spot fresh and not "the same". I'd say a remodel every half year is pretty decent.

As for thread: I'm planning to delete the bartenders in the trees. Just haven't gotten around to asking Quest to dismantle their quest nodes yet.
Except the last time it was remodeled was April 2017, well 4 months ago, and the time before that was october 2016, another 6 months before that. I really don't understand why people like poking fun at the tavern remodels, they happen once every half year to keep the roleplay hot-spot fresh and not "the same". I'd say a remodel every half year is pretty decent.
(i was mostly joking) but i didnt know it was that long ago, it seemed more recent.
There is a tutorial at the start of /tp rhphelp, every person that logs onto the server for the first time needs to walk through it. They also get given a book with all information from /tp rphelp re-iterated, and then finally when teleporting in Regalia they get a "Getting started" link to the Wiki.

We've done research in the past to indicate that the player quests caused us to lose a lot of players. The command syntax is awkward and difficult to understand, and many players get stranded in the first quest world unsure how to proceed. As such I eliminated it all in favor of a sign-hallway, which seemed to be the way to go at the time given all our major competitors do it but in a more cancerous way (with color rainbow flashing display signs).

Did you walk through the RPHelp corridor? Did it not contain enough information?
Actually, why not setting the RP spawn next to the tavern or in the tavern?
It is one of the buildings that has received more attention by the world team and it is full of people. It will give a good impression to newcomers and end the eternal (and very common) complaint of new people that they are getting lost.
There is a tutorial at the start of /tp rhphelp, every person that logs onto the server for the first time needs to walk through it. They also get given a book with all information from /tp rphelp re-iterated, and then finally when teleporting in Regalia they get a "Getting started" link to the Wiki.

We've done research in the past to indicate that the player quests caused us to lose a lot of players. The command syntax is awkward and difficult to understand, and many players get stranded in the first quest world unsure how to proceed. As such I eliminated it all in favor of a sign-hallway, which seemed to be the way to go at the time given all our major competitors do it but in a more cancerous way (with color rainbow flashing display signs).

Did you walk through the RPHelp corridor? Did it not contain enough information?

Perhaps make it a bit more pertinent? I know I'm not OP, but thinking back on it, it's a bit striking that some of the less useful information was included, like on Vampires. Maybe I'm just blind to the inner workings of the server, but as a new guy, I've barely had any interactions with the afflicted and it hasn't affected me at all. A better explanation of how important nobility is and the dichotomy between the privileged (Ailor) and the unfortunate (Klienfolk/Dargon/Naylar) would probably be more useful.

Perhaps a more forceful nudge in the direction of the sewers as well? This is just pure, personal speculation, but it may be a better place for introductions into the server than the Willow. It's hard to find a place there when everyone is in their groups, plus the sewers usually have newer, more inclusive players anyway. Plus they accommodate a new character's station in life more accurately anyway, as they're likely to be poor.
Actually, why not setting the RP spawn next to the tavern or in the tavern?
It is one of the buildings that has received more attention by the world team and it is full of people. It will give a good impression to newcomers and end the eternal (and very common) complaint of new people that they are getting lost.
Because you don't just enter a city and all of a sudden you're right in the middle of town at the hot spot, it makes sense to have it at the port
Actually, why not setting the RP spawn next to the tavern or in the tavern?
It is one of the buildings that has received more attention by the world team and it is full of people. It will give a good impression to newcomers and end the eternal (and very common) complaint of new people that they are getting lost.
Because you don't just enter a city and all of a sudden you're right in the middle of town at the hot spot, it makes sense to have it at the port

I also feel its more beneficial to have a less populated, mostly OOC area where new players can begin, hang out, maybe meet someone who has been around ab it and can teach them the basics, etc. Though, on that note, I have come across a lot of people who have issues navigating.

The 2d map on the Regalia Page on the wiki hasn't been updated since Winter, which isn't on its own a major issue but it is rather weird seeing it all snowy. Having an updated Summer map, along with maybe a few versions of it, IE "Notable Locations" "Major Roads" "Districts" etc so people can get acquainted with the looks, as well as just, street signs at major cross roads, would fix this issue.

But overall my point being dropping new people right into the things would be a bit of a mess.