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First Edict Of The Second Sword Of The Bulwark


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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From the desk of the Second Sword of the Bulwark, Ser Edvard Norrvakt

Third of June, 307 AC
It is in light of my appointment to my position within the Swords of the Bulwark that I have come to look at the way the organization functions. Looking at my own past experiences involved with not only mercenaries, but also the noble house guards and those who pledge loyalty to a single lord. The dichotomy of those who seemingly lack sensible honor and those who are brought up in it, each aspect shaping the very nature of their being and how they conduct themselves. As a nobleman by birth, I was brought in to shape the way the Swords of the Bulwark is carried and conducted, to inspire new direction and to breathe new life within the stony Keep which the charter resides within. It is based upon my knowledge and understanding that I announce the formation of two new Mercenary Companies, each with preexisting histories and doctrines known to many across the Empire.

The first Mercenary Company shall be known simply as the Knightly Order. As the name implies it is a culmination of all Knightly Orders within the Empire as a central deployment area within the confines of the law. May each separate Order conduct themselves under contract of noble commission and allow the idleness of the past fade into memory. I look towards the Noble Houses of Ravenstad and Delmotte, whose patriarchy are respected members of the Viridian Order to be a leading force in taking up commissions for mercenary services of the Knightly Order.

In light of the mixing of Honor Codes and ideals, until such a time as an unbiased party reveals themselves, the Knightly Order shall be commanded directly by the First Sword and the Second Sword to manage the contracts of the Order jointly as to create a cohesive existence for its members.

(( OOC | Giving members of the School of Knights a path to legally perform their knightly duties and contracts. If noble title holders don't step up to create contracts for the knights, then @LumosJared and myself will create pseudo contracts aimed specifically with knights in mind to direct knightly roleplay there and ward off the cursed words of "there's nothing to do." ))

The second Mercenary Company shall be known as the Skagger Order, deriving its name directly from the combat school that its members come from. Following a near catastrophic event that could have fell into another Skagger War and a second Burning of the North it has become apparent that those of Velheim decent must submit themselves to the Empires well being directly. No longer will the visions of Northern Screamers harm the Velheim and the Regalian Empire that rules over them. As a Berhednar of this institution and uncontested as Rakhr over the Crown Isle, I have taken it upon myself to serve as the acting Captain of the Skagger Order. With the financial backing of House Norrvakt we will rebuild the legacy of the Skagger Order and the cultural identity of the Velheim people. I look towards the noble houses of Sorenvik and Viduggla as well, both the Graf and Grand Duke being proud Skagger warriors, to work alongside my House in commissioning mercenary services of the Skagger Order.

(( OOC | A personal project in laying down groundwork to rebrand the School of Skagger and Velheim culture as an honorable and culturally rich background. My hopes are that this acts as the final push moving out of the Screamer arch and making Velheim more closely tied to the Empire they are a part of versus being at constant odds with it. No more rebellions, no more nonsense. ))

On a closing note I ask members of the Knightly Orders within the Regalian Empire and Skagger Order to await the proper postings to submit themselves beneath these two institutions under the guidance and legality of the Swords of the Bulwark. Any pending questions or concerns may be penned directly to myself at the Mercenary Keep.


Ser Edvard II of the Noble House Norrvakt
Baron-Regent of Ostyr
Second Sword of the Swords of the Bulwark
Rakhr of the Crown Isle
Berhednar of the Skagger Order

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"If you want mercenary knights, go look for the Bloodcasts. Dont sully the Viridian name by reducing them to lowly sellswords."
"We do not seek wealth we seek only to do our duty, and nothing more." Stated the Dressolini Maestro from his Bailey's balcony.
Jotutrud glanced off, monologuing to herself; "A donnae hunt for tha coin. I hunt fae tha thrill. I hunt tae try an' tame tha world's wilds. And fae tha protection o' tha weak. A donnae 'hink the lads back in Drixagh will be 'appy wi' a Great Oak bendin' tae this, way tha Skaggers 'n' aw." The Dwarven Great Oak took a long swig of her ale tankard, shaking her head. She spun to look at her uncle,"Wha' should A dae, then, Uncle Jorous?"

"If you want mercenary knights, go look for the Bloodcasts. Dont sully the Viridian name by reducing them to lowly sellswords."
The Bloodcast commander would paraphrase much the same in a somewhat more derogatory manner over the Viridians, as it were...
The Lord Chancellor pens a response.

"While the initiative of the Bulwark is much appreciatedā€” were only more so ready to serve at the perceived benefit of the Empireā€” it must be noted that no Knightly Order member is required to join this company, and for the time may still continue to do as they please. Let it be known that there has been another intention for our city's knights in the works for some time, now, so they will not be sitting idly by for much longer.

It should also be said that it is circumstances like these where ambitious folk such as the Second Sword would have benefitted greatly from communications with the government and the relevant authorities in order to help effectively further their wants and propositions, instead of running into a wall, here. That being said, positive change is not impossible. I still encourage the Ser to write to me so that we may arrange for a meeting to discuss plans."

Constanze du BrierĆ¼st
Lord Chancellor
Archduchess of Maraisburke
"Humph, To think we would work as mercenaries, I fight for what is right not for coin" Markos would walk away from the notice board
Casimiro scoffs. He shakes his head, muttering something about illiterate northmen not reading codes.
The Second Sword would offer a brief reply.

Lord Chancellor,

You mistake my intentions. I'll leave it simply that your predecessor on this front, his Lordship von Drachenburg, gave the knightly orders unlimited access to uphold their duties which went squandered and inevitably disolved. That being said, the Sword of the Bulwark is an old institution, and one that offers much to the Empire beyond the preacknowledged sellsword. While we will not force anyone to join, we simply offer an avenue for those who have coded honor to adhere to, to conduct themselves and have access to the resources necessary to operate in the city.

As a matter of fact there are two knightly orders who function much like mercenaries do. It seems to make the most logical sense to offer this to all Orders. That being said, we had no benefit in speaking to the government on this affair as it was so simple to draft together.

On a closing note, the Swords of the Bulwark is an institution built upon honor and loyalty to the Crown and the greater nobility. The companies under it serve the noble patrons who employ them and never seek to thwart the stability of the Empire. Should you require our services, we are only a pens stroke away, your Grace.

Edward Norrvakt
Second Sword
Baron-Regent of Ostyr