Preserved Sheet First Character: Ricket Hoth

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May 4, 2020
Reaction score
Basic Information

[*]Full Name: Ricket Api Hoth

[*]Age: 25

[*]Gender: Male

[*]Race: Ailor

[*]Sexuality: Straight

[*]Preferred Weapon: His axe

Skill Information

25 + 5 = 30 points

  • Axes Combat Skill 5

  • Legal Case Skill 10

  • Society Knowledge 5

  • Culinary Arts 5

  • Hunting knowledge 5

  • Thread Arts 10 (Hobby)
Body Shape


Body Shape: Ripped

Body Fat: Average Body Fat


Common (Learned in childhood)

Anglian (Learned in childhood)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Light Blue

  • Hair Color: Brown

  • Hair Style: Straight

  • Skin Color: Caucasian

  • Clothing: White Shirt with a brown vest on top and grey pants.

  • Height: 6'1 ft
Personality and Abilities

[*]How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

  • Ricket expresses his happiness by smiling and giving people thought-full compliments. He also likes to do things for other people when he gets happy.
[*]How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

  • When Ricket is alone he goes into a fight mode and becomes very confident. When he is with someone else and he is confident that they are able to confront it better than him he goes into flight mode and lets them do it.
[*]How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

  • Ricket responds to stress very well, he doesn't let it guide him and his actions. When other things may get people very nervous he keeps a cool head and thinks things through.
[*]How does your character view Law and Authorities?

  • Ricket follows law and authority very well and doesn't like to get on the wrong side of the law. He has already experienced the horrible things that can happen when you get on the bad side of the law.
[*]How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

  • He cares about what race you are. He has experienced a whole bunch of different races when he was growing up so races don't affect him.
[*]How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

  • Ricket does not subscribe to a religion when he was a child nor an adult. He does find religion fascinating and likes to learn about them but will never believe in one.
[*]How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

  • Ricket does not know very much about the arcane and magical in the world. He has never really experienced it in his life.

[*]How does your character feel towards their family?

  • Ricket loved his family a lot but doesn't have any more family alive. He wished that his mother would have done more with him in his childhood.
[*]What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

  • Ricket is very proud of fending off bandits that attacked his town. He is also proud to own Hoth's Tavern and Tailor witch is a very good tavern with lots of varieties of drinks and food.
[*]What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

  • The thing that motivates Ricket is that his mom and dad worked very hard when they were alive, so he wants to make them proud and doesn't want to give up. He tries to do his best in their name.
[*]What is your character's biggest insecurity?

  • Ricket's biggest insecurity is that he almost died in the attack against the bandits but was saved by his mother who sacrificed her self for him. He was also then not able to save his father from dying.
[*]What is your character's biggest fear?

  • Ricket's biggest fear is called autophobia, which means being alone and not having anyone beside him. He got this fear after his mother and father died.

Life Story

0 - 6

Ricket Hoth was born on March 1, 283 AC. He was born into a small family, a mother, a father, and no other relatives. They lived in a decent house in a small town. He grew up learning the languages Common and Anglian. These were the only languages spoken in his town. His mother was a cook/baker and his father was a lawyer. His father taught him how to chop wood with an axe at the age of 6 to produce heat in their house.

6 - 12

As he got older Ricket became one of the smartest kids in his town. In his town, almost no one was religious so when he was growing up he was not religious but because of this, he is fascinated about religion. His father taught him how to wield an axe and started to teach him basic axe combat. His mother stared to teach him how to cook and bake. His favourite thing to bake was pumpkin pie. His best friend Azzosle who was an Allar. They had many great adventures as children. They would go into the woods and find and kill animals to please their parents for a good dinner.

12 - 18

Ricket became one of the fittest and strongest people in the village. His father taught Ricket more intense combat with an axe. He also learned how to cook and bake more things,to the point where he would make dinner most of the time. Ricket learned how to skin an animal to make clothing. He stole good amounts of food from the farm in the town and was caught when he took more than he normally did he was then banned from going to the farm for the next 3 year but before he was banned he had to fulfill his thievery buy helping the farmer do his daily farming routines for a year to replace al the food he stole; the work he had to do was hard and painful and he never wanted to do that again.

18 - 23

Ricket was finally at the age where his parents allowed him to drink alcoholic beverages. He thought there were not enough beverages so he started mixing and made his most famous drink Rickets whisky witch is a leather, cedarwood, candied almonds, cashews, sometimes a little orange pith, brown sugar, and a hint/aspect of red chilli taste. As Ricket was experimenting with drinks, his father made ricket his own axe made out of the finest material they could afford. His axe was pride, he learned the finest of axe-wielding. Ricket still made wonderful food for his family. Ricket and his best friend Azzosle continued going into the forest and killing animals for food and using their fur for clothing. Ricket started selling his clothing around the town for a little more money.


When he was 24 years of age a group of bandits attacked the town he lived in. He was able (with other people from his town) to fight off the bandits but in the attack, he had fallen and was about to die but his mother jumped in the way to save him, she was killed. He was able to kill the man but was devastated that they had killed his mother but in the distance, he saw his father get his leg chopped off but he (his father) was able to kill the man. He ran over and picked up his father and carried him away from the battlefield and to some people who worked in the field of medicine. He came back running into the battlefield and as he got back he saw his friend Azzolse get brutally murdered. He went running over in a fit of rage and chopped the bandits head clean off. He was so devastated that his mother had died his father was very injured and now his best friend he had known for his whole life now die he ran in murdering too many bandits to count, all of them dying quickly because of his great axe combat skills. When the battle was over they had won and killed most of the bandits but a few days later his father died from his injuries. Because everyone who was close to him had died in the attack against the bandits he grew a big fear of being alone and hates the feeling of not having people close to him.

25 (Present)

When he was 25 he couldn't stay in his home town because of the horrible memories and so moved to Regalia a little after his 25 birthday. When he got to Regalia he started off transporting goods around the town but the conditions were not good and he hatted the job. He saw a house was for sale and so he quit right away. He was just able to buy the house and pay for a month's worth of rent but ended up turning the house into Hoth's Tavern and Tailor where he now works. He then became a big hit in the village and was selling a lot of food beverages and clothing. Ricket loves his job. He has been able to hire a few staff to help him around the business and tries to pay them as well as he can.
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I'm just going to try to give you a peer review here. So you'll still have to wait for a staff review.

It's pretty great for a first application but you'll need to change a few things.

  • First thing, and it may not be necessary, put all this information outside of the spoilers. It just looks neater and simpler.
  • You should take a look at the wiki and read more into your selected race. The Ailor have a variety of cultures that you can choose from.
  • Your chosen culture will have a language that your character can speak without investing any more proficiency points.
  • Change the skin color from 'Ailor' to a another color. Obviously one that makes sense for the race.
  • Expand more on the Personality section. A good amount of information would be at least two sentences for each question.
  • While your life story is good enough try explaining how your character obtained the skills you've mentioned in the Skill Information section as well as how he came to be the person he is by touching a little on the Personality section.
Apart from these changes, it looks okay. Just wait for a staff member to claim it and review it. You could look at the Ailor page on the wiki and take a peek at approved applications to see if you can improve this.
I'm just going to try to give you a peer review here. So you'll still have to wait for a staff review.

It's pretty great for a first application but you'll need to change a few things.

  • First thing, and it may not be necessary, put all this information outside of the spoilers. It just looks neater and simpler.
  • You should take a look at the wiki and read more into your selected race. The Ailor have a variety of cultures that you can choose from.
  • Your chosen culture will have a language that your character can speak without investing any more proficiency points.
  • Change the skin color from 'Ailor' to a another color. Obviously one that makes sense for the race.
  • Expand more on the Personality section. A good amount of information would be at least two sentences for each question.
  • While your life story is good enough try explaining how your character obtained the skills you've mentioned in the Skill Information section as well as how he came to be the person he is by touching a little on the Personality section.
Apart from these changes, it looks okay. Just wait for a staff member to claim it and review it. You could look at the Ailor page on the wiki and take a peek at approved applications to see if you can improve this.
Thank you for the help!
Claimed for review.

I would like for you to do everything that Yan_ni has suggested for you to do. When you make all of these changes, record them in the colour RED and tag me when you're ready for another review.
Rejected for inactivity.
Please record all of your changes in red. @tac099
Rejected for inactivty.