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First Announcement Of The Third Rhax: Denunciation Of Cazzlyzza


The Regalian Nuke
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
It is with sadness that I make my first announcement to the holy city of Regalia. Ejection and warnings are the last thing I want to write.

As Rhax, I use my power to declare Cazzlyzza Mu-Zzaar as Outcaste. She is ejected from the Digmaan and the Krzsallo for attacks against former friends and servants of the Qar-Digmaan, as well as repeated violence against non-Allar. She no longer has the right to bear the name Yaotl, nor the Qar-Digmaan's colors.

I warn all citizens of the holy city to keep an eye out for an Allar in steel armor. She is armed, violent, and has gained unusual strength and the ability to transform. Report her to the Guards and any Yaotl Allar as quickly as you can.
More than anything, be safe.

To any bounty-hunters and mercenaries that are willing to help

I am offering a two-hundred Regal reward for the capture and return of Cazzlyzza to the Taloncourt. She can be in any state as long as she is alive.

To Cazzlyzza

Please, stop. Turn yourself in before things get worse. A true Krzallaz does not run from the will of the Digmaan.

Azzidi Sa-Yaotl
Third Rhax of the Qar-Digmaan
The Raptor hissed at the notification, dragging her talons across the first one she saw, though it would not be unreadable, just ripped. "You ruin my life and then lecture me about how I am suppose to conduct myself? Fuck you, this is why I hunt and I will not stop just because now you're on a high horse." She muttered to herself in Zasta, her armor and weapons clanking against each-other as she moved back to her cave in the sewers.
For a moment, Barbossa could only stare at the notice; the paper shook as she held it, unsteady, between her talons.

A snarl than set upon her features. She crumpled the parchment in her hand, and made towards the Allar District.

"I'm damn sick of reading what you're doing, Cazz!"
Zzaav held the paper in his hands and saw an opportunity. "I don't think I could fight her alone, but I could find her." Zzaav said.
Underneath the original announcement, a small update is added!

After an assault against the Talon and Claw by Cazzlyzza, the bounty has been increased from two-hundred Regals to four-hundred Regals. Please return her alive. All of her wounds will heal.


Azzidi Sa-Yaotl
Third Rhax of the Qar-Digmaan