Archived Fire Ants

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Wallpaper Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2013
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The City of Sails
Mithril. Represent.
Roleplay Guilds
I was in a cruel and sadistic creative mood today and I thought of a little idea regarding redstone.

A derp item to add to the voting list, "Fire Ants". It's basically redstone enchanted with Flame I and Fire Aspect II. But it would be interesting to see some chat messages saying Crugnor was killed by Cayorion using Fire Ants.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I was in a cruel and sadistic creative mood today and I thought of a little idea regarding redstone.

A derp item to add to the voting list, "Fire Ants". It's basically redstone enchanted with Flame I and Fire Aspect II. But it would be interesting to see some chat messages saying Crugnor was killed by Cayorion using Fire Ants.


To be honest, I don't see any point to creative apart from being cruel and sadistic :^) building's not my thing...
On a more serious note, yeah, this is a cool idea.
I don't know. Maybe if you could make it so it breaks in like a few hits. If it were unbreakable, you'd basically have an OP version of flint and steel.
It would be a Vespid Item?
I like this Idea, but don't support the "Breaking Idea" if you are not wearing armor you take 3.5 hearts of damage at a rate of .5 per second and then you stop burning. Most people wear armor, so this item would probably more of a Vanity thing for fun than and actual weapon.
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