Preserved Sheet Finnick Panagos

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No, I will not do that for a Klondike bar.
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Not In the bushes by the 7 eleven on your corner


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Finnick 'Fin' Panagos​
  • Age: 82​
  • Gender: Male​
  • Race: Songaskian w/ some impurity​
Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points: 60
    • +10 Body Care Training (+10 Racial)​
    • +10 Dragon Knowledge (+10 Racial)​
    • +30 Unionist Sanktism (+30 Points)​
    • +20 Pole Combat (+20 Points)​
    • +10 Sailing Knowledge (+10 Points)​
  • Body Type​
    • 20 Combat + .5*10 Sailing Knowledge = 25
    • Body Shape: Ripped
    • Body Fat: Low Fat​
  • Languages​
    • Sofaal​
    • Etosian​
    • Common​
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Amber​
  • Hair Color: Snow White​
  • Hair Style: Ear length, slightly curly.​
  • Skin Color: Dark brown​
  • Clothing: A traveller's duster, with a simple shirt and breeches / Elastan Diving Suit​
  • Height: 6'5''​

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Finnick is a pleasant fellow, he can generally be seen with an easy smile, or at the very least a happy expression. Speaking softly to most, the Lancyon makes an effort to be friendly yet unremarkable. Not one to turn up his nose, he'll offer his help even if it means getting his hands dirty. When not putting on a more public face, Fin is definitely a shameless flirt.​
  • Second Paragraph: In it for the ride, Fin's far past caring what others think about his actions and as such doesn't stress over the simple things in life. Life and death have almost become a game to him, having seen one turn to the other uncountable times. Adamant in his own success in betterment, every day is just an endless grind of making it to the next and trying to enjoy it as much as possible, not taking himself too seriously.​
  • Third Paragraph: The songaskian is generally cheerful, and it's a polite and respectful tone he takes. With his closer companions he's more open, leaning more towards raunchy humor than idle chit chat.. While not having any birth brothers, he considers every man and woman he's fought alongside a sibling, and treats them as such. Prone to simple displays of affection, whether a few simple words or a present on a special day, Finnick is very loving to anyone in his inner circle.​
  • Fourth Paragraph: Having reached a more independent point in his life, Finnick doesn't pay mind to the dogma he grew up learning like he once had. While not necessarily selfish, he boasts a tremendous greed that he's doing his best to keep in check, indulging in it every so often when an easy opportunity presents itself. Far from a bitter person, most people he comes across will be treated fairly until otherwise becomes more appropriate in Fin's eyes.​

Life Story
  • (Born in Basta) 225 AC - To the Priest Alexi Panagos and a Songaskian concubine, he was the product of a one night stand and resulted in a strangely colored child. His father sent him away with instructions to bring him back after a few years as to not raise suspicion. He cared for the boy, but he also cared for his reputation.​
  • 231 AC - The adventurous six year old was eventually brought back to his father, acting as a servant boy in public. Because Alexi couldn't show too much favoritism, Fin was afforded freedoms that he would come to enjoy.​
  • 233 AC - At the ripe old age of eight, his father puts more duties to his son, bringing him in for more focused study. The agreeable Finnick has little problems with this, although he finds less free time to play.​
  • 237 AC - While not entirely disagreeable with the lifestyle his father is trying to instill within Fin, he still feels the need to get out and do more than the very sedentary occupation allows for. Imploring his father for a different style of education, the Priest decides on the Havre-sur-Bastillion Academy. Hiring a trainer, the boy begins minor physical training for the next three years to prepare for the academy.​
  • 240 AC - Being old enough to enroll in the academy, Fin is packed up and sent to Bastillion, the beginning of his new life. For the next six months, he is required to do grueling tasks, jogging for hours and lifting heavy objects being the staple. Even after that hard half year, another similarly timed session begins where he learns Lancier theory and only the very basics. By this time, Fin has made a few good friends within the halls, his likable and cheerful demeanor proving a boon in such social aspects.​
  • 260 AC - Graduating after the year term, Finnick would spend decades as a Sergeant-At-Arms while studying under a Lancyon Reverend, his slowed aging being a boon as he wades through clerical academia. As his mentor retires, Fin enlists in the Regalian Navy as a marine for his love of water. Serving all the way up until 290, near the end of the Chrysant War.​
  • 290 AC - His part in the genocide of the slizzar didn't sit well with him, deserting at the first chance. Headed to Songaskia for the first time in his life in search of his mother's family. Failing miserably, as he has no information on them, having him return to the way he knew to live- on a ship. No longer caring for the Regalian Empire as he once had, Finnick pursued life aboard a Masya privateer vessel.​
  • 303 - Present AC - Getting out it once more as the Songaskian - Regalian war heats up, he lives off of savings for a year in Ithania and laying low. Once the action died down, he'd move back to to the Holy City in search of work.
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Hello! Here is my review;

Race: Songaskian / Etosian
Please clarify what variant of songaskia he is or whether he would be considered a half-human!

(Born) 271 AC - To the Priest Alexi Panagos and a Songaskian concubine, he was the product of a one night stand and resulted in a strangely colored child. His father sent him away with instructions to bring him back after a few years as to not raise suspicion. He cared for the boy, but he also cared for his reputation.
Please clarify where he was born

Be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done!​