Preserved Sheet Finnaeia Llomani

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tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
This character has been totally rewritten. The character application can be found here.




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❧ Full Name: Finnaeia Llomani.

→ Nicknames: Finn, Finni, Naeia, Nae, Flower Girl, Faerie.
❧ Age: Twenty-eight.

→ Birthdate: March 14, 280 AC.
❧ Gender: Female

❧ Race: El-Maraya.

❧ Sexuality: :)

❧ Preferred Weapon: A dear hope that she's too cute to be harmed. Otherwise, burning potions.


Total Points: Twenty-eight points to spend, from being twenty-eight years old, plus five points bonus.

❧ +24 Magic.

→ Invested.
❧ +5 Nature Care Sciences.

→ Invested, bonus.
❧ +4 Throwing Combat Skill.

→ Invested.
Body Shape

❧ Physical Stat.

→ 4 Throwing Combat Points = 4 Body Stat.
❧ Body Shape.

→ Slim.
❧ Body Fat.

→ Average.

❧ Common.

→ Free language. 9/10.
❧ Shalota.

→ Cultural. 10/10.
❧ Modern Altalar

→ Raised speaking. 9/10.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

❧ Spellbook: {x}.

❧ Always at My Side: Finnaeia has an ethereal, corporeal-seeming familiar that can be summoned and desummoned at will. The familiar cannot be touched or harmed, and can take the shape of an animal, or many parts of many animals, but cannot be larger than a medium-sized dog, and will always be unnaturally colored.

→ This familiar can walk on its own, attach to Finnaeia, or anchor to a chosen person within eyesight (referred to herein as the anchor). The familiar will perch on the anchor's shoulder, and the anchor will be surrounded by a thin, shimmering bubble the same color as the familiar.
❧ Petunia Power: Finnaeia can summon a thicket of magical flowers in a 3x3 block area around her familiar, be it on an anchor or simply on its own.

→ These flowers are quite weak, able to be cut down almost instantly, though regrow within thirty seconds. They do, however, completely hide the person or people inside, no sound can leave these flowers, and they don't rustle from inside. It is not possible to see through the flowers to the outside unless they are cut through.
❧ Mix, Mix, Stir: Finnaeia can conjure bottles full of potions with varied applications, sometimes combining effects and sometimes simply letting them be on their own. These can be delivered by herself or her familiar, but these potions cannot be used without her present at the scene.

→ The bottle types include rectangular (thrown at a person; on shattering, they receive the effect), round (applies the effect to the drinker), and star (thrown to the ground with an effect of a 3x3 span).

→ The potions shimmer as if fine glitter is held inside, and the insides swirl and shift when shaken.

→ The potions are:

→ Lifebloom, a ruby red potion that heals surface-level injuries in thirty seconds.

→ Brightgrass, an energetic green potion that gives tired fighters and entirely exhausted people a second wind, and removes mind magic effects.

→ Riverweed, a teal-blue potion that cleanses potions and toxins.

→ Sunstalk, a sunny yellow potion that causes things and people to glow phosphorescently for one minute.

→ Blisterboil, a murky grey potion with purple flecks that causes skin boils, rashes, and aches

→ Bramblebud, a dark green potion with red flecks that causes a painful, prickly sensation as if pricked by thorns.

→ Mellowleaf, a navy green potion with silvery flecks that induces drowsiness, grogginess, and exhaustion for a minute.

→ Scorchroot, a dark red potion with orange and yellow flecks that causes searing sensations, internal burning, and the feeling as if the skin is on fire.
❧ Chrysalis: Finnaeia surrounds herself or her familiar's anchor with a defensive layer of shimmering, geode-like crystal that encases them entirely.

→ The shell can be willingly dismissed by the target, making it a short inconvenience for trapped foes, but an excellent defensive tool: the person inside the chrysalis is immune entirely to physical blows and all forms of damage. Injuries and wounds proceed as normal, though the chrysalis can be picked up and moved.

→ The encased figure is immobile, cannot communicate or use abilities, and the chrysalis takes thirty seconds to dismiss upon attempt: visibly breaking down before the target is freed.
❧ Let's Fly: Finnaeia or the anchor will be lifted ten feet into the air by a mystical gale, and a pair of ethereal, spritely moth wings materialize, sprouting from their back.

→ They can then glide, using other spells or fighting while in the air. This can also be used from taller heights for longer gliding distances.

→ These wings will burst into shimmers if hit by a projectile or blow, whether it be physical or magical.
❧ Serenity: After three emotes of casting, Finnaeia conjures an 8x8 peace garden around either herself or her familiar.

→ The area will grow lush with vibrant grass, beautiful flowers and plants, butterflies, hummingbirds, and faerie-like wisps of light of many colors. Picnic tables and garden furniture can be summoned into the garden at the caster's discretion.

→ Anyone within the garden will be compelled to lay down their weapons and stop fighting, and any hostile intentions will cease, though they can just walk out of the garden and attack from the outside.

→ This cannot be blocked by mind magic immunities.



❧ Eye Color: Soft blue.

❧ Hair Color: Mossy green, mottled with deeper shades.

❧ Hair Style: Tied back in various braids and buns, often with flowers winding through.

❧ Skin Color: Lighter green due to a magic mutation.

❧ Height: 6'0", or 182 centimeters.



❧ Alignment.

→ Finnaeia is a Chaotic Good- while ultimately self-serving, her heart is in the right place and all she wants is to help people today, tomorrow, and into the future. Her magic is built to support other people, but her overriding selfishness will sometimes cause her to pull her aid to protect herself.
❧ Personality Type.

→ Finnaeia is an ENFP-T. She thrives socially, with a warm, lighthearted smile as she bounces on her toes. Naive and more than a bit green (literally), she prefers to keep her mind off heavier things and has a turbulent, escapist personality that shows most when she attempts to help others.
❧ Religion.

→ A follower of the Tohn Sona, Finnaeia sees it mostly as a problem for others to worry about while she lives- and enjoys- her life. She can't bring herself to confront the fact that her race no longer controls the world, and instead avoids progressing it further.



❧ Finnaeia emerges from an egg held in the middle of a Yanar and Cielothar colony, where she is readily accepted as a gift from Estel. While confused by the fervor of the religion around her, Finnaeia accepts most of her upbringing easily in order to blend in. Because she isn't quite like the Cielothar or the Yanar— and ages faster than either could imagine— she's more than a bit sheltered in her home community.

❧ Finnaeia's magic emerges at the age of eight, filling her with joy. Her hands had already been put to work learning after the Yanar and Cielothar around her in the art of nature care, but now she found herself curling the plants into and around her for comfort of herself and others, and learning to support the Avanathar who protect her.

❧ After spending some years with this odd adoptive family, Finnaeia becomes restless, and wants to see the world. With her ever-shifting familiar, Mitski, and the little orbs of magic that followed her, she set out to learn about the things she had been sheltered from before.

❧ During her travels, which lead her all across the Archipelago, Finnaeia learns of the Maraya dwelling currently in Regalia, as well as ways to put her arcane talents towards helping others— a strong moral instilled by her adoptive family. Settling into the Petalcourt district of Old Town, Finnaeia sets her sights on the future.


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  • All in all, a solid read! Do tag me once the spell list has been added in, however. @canaaa

@TheBioverse Changed the points around! +25 Magic, +15 Alchemy now. All the rest is the same!
@TheBioverse Magic written and approved! Updated the spell section accordingly and linked magic doc. Changes in this color.
Dude this character is so sick I love them. Great job on the app and aesthetic like wow.
Character completely rewritten! Points have been fixed in prep for the prof update, but I just wanted to play a cute magical Maraya before the update came. Thanks!

@TheBioverse Rewrite's out! Should be up to snuff, but let me know if I need to fix anything.
@TheBioverse Completely rewrote! I'm sticking the application on a new thread here and would love if this one was rejected.
@Staff Roleplay Requesting a rejection of this thread due to rewrite at the location linked in the post right above this one! Thank you!