

Ardige stood there, looking out from the upper battlements of what was formerly the Elven Fort Pau. But no longer. It had been a swift and decisive battle. From the sea had come several Kade ships, skirting the very edge of the fort's range of fire. Then came the men from the beach where Ardige had commanded. They had landed earlier in the day protected by morning mists, climbing up the hills around to the north side of the fort. A variety of troops made up of spearmen, swordsmen, horsemen and siege engines headed up toward the city. However, so focused they had been on the sea that they barely had time to mount a defense at their great wooden door.

Now he stood there, able to look around this conquered territory. The fort itself was old, of course, like all Elven structures of this nature. Built into the ruins of an ancient structure, this fort was deceptively simple in design on the surface. It featured two sets of walls, an outer wall and then an inner wall around the keep, each connected by three or four connecting walls that further divided the defense. Sadly for the Elven forces, they had too few troops and had been taken too by surprise.

Moving away from his position at the top of the keep, Ardige made his way down. It was almost maze-like in these chambers. So much formality from their traditions, a space for the commander to eat, then to greet dignitaries and yet another to receive other military personnel and that was only one level. Beyond that, going down into the earth were stone-houses, makeshift catacombs, and other chambers. For now, however, all that mattered was space. Already, more landings at the beach moved supplies into the fort and began to form a larger beachhead. The harbor, while small, was still suitable for Regalian vessels but Ardige knew plans had already been started to build temporary docks down on the beach.

He passed by several Anglian troops, who all immediately nodded in respect to him. Even despite the checkered past between Anglians and Velheim, he was being acknowledged by the troops. It had been his leadership and strategy that had granted them this victory. He had a smug smile as he remembered hearing the other reports. Failure, failure or only partial success. None had matched him and his victory. Finally.

He entered the main hall of the keep, at its ground level. It was a somber space, especially considering how many people were moving in and out of it. Along the walls were a pairing of four columns that supported the ceiling with their curved archways, which helped form an overall support structure for the room. The Velheim passed four of them on his walk to the exit. While his history lessons on the heretical Elven Pantheon had been lacking, he had educated himself at the outbreak of the war. Therefore, while he was sure the men only saw a group of vile Elves, he saw Julleö'daéssä, Vaéllë-talceíä, Asceá'tíë, and Amme-ejul'oa. He knew what they said, those who had studied history. His people had simply taken Estel's Pantheon but seeing them now, he doubted it. They were false deities, useless in their power for while Ardige begrudgingly had to try and acknowledge the power of the "Dragon Emperor" his heart he dedicated this victory to his gods. Those that had help grant him this great victory, and now he sought another.

He stepped out into the mud of the courtyard. Men moved about and a Chestnut Dredger clopped along with its heavy load, hauling some new equipment or ration into the fortification. Ardige moved along, stepping out into the bustle. It was time to fraternize with his victorious army and finally, finally gain that which he now had from others.
