Final Thoughts


A faint breeze through the air seemed to wake the plant from his slumber, now lying awake with their gaze to the night sky. He had fallen asleep once again, now stuck outside in the flower garden of the noble they work for. The plant let out a grunt before moving to sit up with a shake of his head to get any loose leaves or petals off of his head, the once rather wilted looking flower on his head a more vibrant color.

The once dreary plant was now more alive looking than before, for once a calm look on his face. He once looked more thin than he did now, now he clearly had some sort of muscle on him along with the deep brown and green clothing he wore with leather padding. As he looked through the peaceful silence in the garden he began to slowly walk back towards the bag he had stashed away in the roots of a tree. With one last glance towards the estate that he had been working at for the passed year in Daendroq, he turned and made his way off.

As he walked along, the shuffling of a very familiar yanil made its way out of its little hideaway in the plant's cloak. The yanil was a small songbird type, the light occasional chirp is the only sound that breaks the silence of the night. Nyth had begun to get lost in thought, a memory arising from how he had ended up with the little songbird yanil.

When he had begun working for the low noble, he found himself working along another yanar who seemed as cheery as a kid on a sunny day. The other plant had begun to rub off on him, as well as growing attached to him. Granted he didn't have the same affection for the yanar, he had agreed to create the little yanil only a few months ago. Due to the mysterious disappearance of the other yanar he had ended up stuck with the little songbird. Despite his general uneasiness with the yanil he ended up rather attached to the little thing. Chyrll, the little songbird, had grown to knowing when it's 'parent' was clearly displeased and becoming a lifeline to the confused plant.
The sound of chatter snapped the yanar out of his trip down memory lane, snapping his gaze to the small sea side town. It was now early morning, the sun slowly peeking up as most of the town woke to begin working on the ships.

"It seems we arrived just in time, Chryll."He murmured out to the songbird before moving down the worn out path to the docks. His common now clear and cut, with a slight Daendroq accent due to learning from a tutor that he had been give. Nyth soon began to make his way towards one of the captains of the ships that was going to Regalia, persuading the man into letting him stow away for a mighty amount of regals he had accumulated over time.

Now sitting near the side of the ship, having begun traveling earlier that day, he was sharing a piece of bread with the songbird.

"Strange to be going back, but we have stuff to do."He muttered out as his gaze landed on the horizon, a distracted look coming across his face. He had left so suddenly, so childishly and without care, and now he was returning.

OOC Note:

  • So this is pretty much fully changing my yanar, Gwenyth Ondomiel to a male rather than agender.
  • They are getting a height boost from 5'7 to 6'3.
  • They are now not lanky but athletic in build.
I will be updating his character app soon to show the changes in this story.