Preserved Sheet Filosof, Son Of Qar

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May 24, 2020
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The Creator

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| If all things come from nothing, then nothing can be gained. |
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  • «Full name» Filosof Son of Qar
  • «Age» 52
  • «Gender» Male
  • «Race» Sheta Clade Merew Asha

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| Life is well worth waiting for. |
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  • «Total Points» 50 + 10 Hobby + 5 Racial = 65
    • +20 Alchemy Science
    • +12 Metallurgy
      • Weapon, Finecraft, Rich Family, Iron Family
    • +6 Clockwork
      • Technik
        • +3 Element Control 2
        • +3 World Shift 1
      • Environment
    • +6 Horticulture Art
    • +15 Writing Art (10 Hobby + 5 Racial Boost)
  • «Body Shape»
    • Physical Stat: 3 Horticulture Art + 6 Metallurgy = 9
    • Toned Body Shape
    • Average Body Fat
  • «Languages»
    • Ibeth
    • Common
  • «Special traits/mutations/spells»
    • Racial Abilities
      • Pure Body 2
      • Body Claws 1
      • Body Tail 1
      • Asha Agility 1
      • Living Metal 1
      • Living Metal 2
      • Living Metal 3
      • Living Metal 4
    • Clockwork-purchased sorcery
      • Arcane Mastery 1 (Clockwork Environment)
      • Element Control 2
      • World Shift 1

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| Liberation is something you give yourself, no man nor beast can assign it to your soul. |
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  • «Eye Color» Light grey sclera with a rusty brown iris
  • «Hair Color» Dusty light brown
  • «Hair Style» Evenly coating the whole body, though it grows thickest near the bottom of the chin.
  • «Clothing» Refined and cleaned up, Filosof can always be seen wearing a proper set of trousers and a nice waistcoat.
  • «Height» 6'3"

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| Rich experiences can make the soul more wealthy than any currency may declare. |
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  • «Alignment»
    • Neutral Good
      • Filosof follows what he believes to be morally justified in his eyes, whether or not this abides by the law or not. While he keeps the law in his consideration he is not very paranoid about serving time if it means the betterment of someone else's circumstances.
  • «Personality Type»
    • The Architect, INTJ-A
      • While his whole life's philosophy revolves around the idea of creation and birthing new life, Filosof also enjoys challenging others with his wise words and grand ideas of life and life thereafter. He enjoys creating new things and discovering more than what others have done, and his aspirations are motivated both by what he thinks is right as well as to just prove others wrong.
  • «Religion»
    • Baskarr Faith, 7/10
      • Filosof was raised in this faith, taking it to the heart and implementing it into his moral code as a means to go through life and leave the world to be better than it was when he first arrived.

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| No clocktower's toll may declare my end. |
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  • «Birth & Childhood»
    • As rain and lightning struck the island, within the Queendom of Azzol was little Filosof born, at the time being named Şimşək originally due to the weather during his untimely birth. Despite stressful circumstances, all was well, and he was deemed a normal and healthy babe. His household was less than glamorous, and the jobs of his parents even more so, as they were assigned the duty of assisting in carrying caskets to the center of the island each week to the large center-most temple to be embalmed and buried. Though the task seems rather gruesome to outsiders looking in, his parents took on the duty with pride and did so diligently, viewing their work as vital for the soul's passing to golden deserts. Şimşək grew up in his household alone for the majority of his childhood, though later on was gifted with two more siblings, a brother and a sister, whom he helped his parents raise. Şimşək was raised with strong beliefs in the Baskarr faith and was told tales and stories from far and wide of souls and merit.
  • «Teen - Young Adult»
    • As Şimşək grew, he was later renamed to Filosoph, for his witty mind and challenging thoughts. Often even in young teenage years, he would challenge his superiors with thoughts of philosophy ranging from Kharma to After-life golden deserts to different religions and the concept of morality and mortality itself. The elders of his particular living sect weren't particularly fond of this, as he could often make them look ignorant. As if to punish him, often was he tasked with the job of carrying caskets to town and cleaning the streets. The more he opened his mouth, the dirtier was his work. As soon as he sprouted into adulthood he sought to leave the small Queendom, his past dreams of perhaps joining the ranks of The Sefakhem dissipating in favor of larger goals for his keen mind. Thus, he moved into the Kingdom of Nakhoor.
    • Settling in Nakhoor, exploring the streets was no easy task, nor was finding the true purpose that he had been searching for. Truly, he had overestimated his wit as he wandered the streets of Nakhoor. Running into a Blacksmith, the man kindly took Filosoph under his wing to guide him into the new place. Through his kindness the man rather swiftly brought him under his ranks, training him to be an efficient blacksmith.
  • «Adulthood - Present»
    • Though he stayed in Nakhoor forging weaponry and jewelry for many years, he set afoot again as his business was adored by those over-seas. Creation became something he was extremely passionate about, believing himself to be creating good for the world. Moving across the lands to settle amongst the Qadir, he traded his craft all the while taking a liking to their fascinating clockwork mechanisms. Embraced even more with the idea of creating life, he sought to manifest his creative desires in the new machines and was taught how to craft and operate them. Catching on fast, with this new craft he traveled further to spread his inventions where he could. Though his success rate turned out lower than he expected, usually only able to sell his products to little families in poor provinces across Ithania. Further searching for more he could add to make his products more interesting, he then dabbled in alchemy, before being fully taught. Despite his ever-growing advancement in age, an Ailor teacher younger than he agreed to take him under her wing for alchemy in the time being. Blinded by the chemical creations he failed to notice her intentions were otherwise motivated by lust rather than to learn, too little too late did he find out as she attempted to use sorcery upon his mind. Abhorred by the attempt, he took what he had learned from her and what he had created and left. Further searching to spread both his products and his philosophies to the world, he settled in the Holy City itself, Regalia, in hopes that it lived up to the self-proclaimed title, but most of all hoping to make the dim city a little brighter with his creations.
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| My eternity contributes hitherto the creation of life. |
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